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About Batch

  • Birthday 15/05/1976

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  1. Hi Terry, indeed it was Bob, very nice chap from the conversation we had over the phone. When I applied it was Richard Parfitt and he was nice to deal with as well!! Family are well thank you, wee man is growing at a shockingly scary rate, but it s all good and he continues to amaze me every day!! We really do need to meet up for a beer or a shoot or both, it has been way too long!! Take it easy fella
  2. Why is there such a difference between police authorities when it comes to grants and renewals?! You hear all the horror stories on here of variations/grants/renewals taking months, so as my first renewal was coming up with Herts I thought I would get it in early as SGC expires at the end of April........no need to worry with Herts. Sent on 15th Feb, FAO calls to check a few details yesterday and informs me that it will be issued within the week, infact he will drop it through my door as he has to pass that way anyway!! How about that for service?!! Top marks for Herts
  3. Batch

    e cig review

    I too am a reformed smoker and have achieved this by way of the e-cig. Admittedly I am still using the e-cig 18 months after starting but now use it less and less, plus I have not had nicotine in the brand I use for well over 8+ months. So I think I can safely say I am over the nicotine addiction, just not the habit of smoking!! Like others have said, I enjoyed smoking and e-cigs have provided a cleaner and somewhat healthier alternative whilst still satisfying my habit of the action of smoking. the health benefits have been immense, my wife is a happy bunny and I am better off in the wallet for it as well. My main driver was the arrival of our son, I quit 2 months before he arrived, and I have not touched a conventional cigarette since I started on the e-cig. Anyone doubting the effectiveness should give it a try. Oh the brand I use by the way is the Liberro Realis, same size as a cig and comes in a cig sized (charging unit) box with all the spare tips and battery www.liberro.co.uk
  4. Batch


    3 Valleys has got to be THE place to go and ski!! You can literally do a different route everyday from one side to the othjer and still not have scratched the surface by the end of the week!! Being based in Les Menuires you have to have lunch in St Martin De Belville at a place calle La Voute. One of teh best runs in the 3 Valleys in to St Martin is the Red run called Jerusalem, a must!! Jealous, have not been for a couple of years now due to starting a family but cannot wait to introduce my boy to skiing!! Enjoy
  5. Had a sucessful weekend for a change, not taht I get out that much! Shooting friend had 73 off rape on Saturday, I joined him on Sunday on some winter wheat drillings and we knocked down over 70 between us in a few hours. Was nice to get out and consider myself quite lucky to have bagged up like that, but could have been better as my shooting was terrible, pretty rusty at the mo. Numbers are pretty good in some parts of Herts at the moment, hopefully they will still be there should I secure a golden pass from SWMBO over the festive period?! Have a good Christmas everyone and enjoy your shooting if you are fortunate enough to get out and about
  6. I quit shaving about 8 years ago and just keep a tight stubble with an unguarded beard trimmer. By the sounds of it I have saved a small fortune on razor blades?!
  7. I had two in two days in different parts of the country a couple of years ago. Was pretty new to PW at the time and got thoroughly ribbed for shooting them, but soon learnt this was just the way of the PW **** takers LOL!
  8. I was working in Enderby off M69 junction with M1 on Thursday of last week and could not believe the pigeon numbers!! I was with a colleague at one stop watching hundreds of pigeons pouring in to a field of laid barley, Jaw dropped and almost crying, have never seen that many pigeons hitting a field enmasse and from all directions. This wasn't isolated to one field either, there were a couple of other fields in the area being hit in the same manner. The midlands is definitley Pigeon County from what I have seen!! Happy shooting to anyone who has permission in the area
  9. Cheers for the replies I always put a small amount of oil on the tube, guess I will have to whack a bit more on there?! Cheers
  10. I have had my Maxus for over a year now and it has been pretty faultless until recently, not in the sense that it misfires, but when it comes to dimsantling for cleaning I have real trouble removing the barrel! To me it feels as if it is getting stuck on the rubber o-ring near the gas piston.....has anyone else expereinced this? If so what's the remedy? Don't want to end up with missing teeth from yanking on a 28 inch barrel that suddenly releases (let the inuendo begin!!) :blink: Cheers
  11. Hi Terry, KNew I could rely on you!! Feel free to pop over any time mate, although we are only around in the morning going to be spaniel sitting for a week! The wee man is doing really well and keeping us on our toes. I will get out to play at some point, only been out once this year so far, but had a respectable day. Wouls be good to catch up, has been waaaaaaay too long!! Cheers mate
  12. Cheers HDAV and others, knew I could rely on you!! That is a pretty funky looking beast!! :o
  13. Right a friend who is kicking on in years has finally decided that the time for a semi auto for hide work has arrived!! However he is convinced that he has seen in one of the mags (but can't remember where) a fully adjustable semi auto i.e. comb raiser and length of stock etc. Do any of you learned bunch have any knowledge of such a thing being in existence? I have done the usual Google searches and drawn a blank!! The closest I could find to anything fitting the description was a CZ somethingorother. Not entirely sure why he wants all this adjustability, but if it keeps him happy who am I to argue? Cheers
  14. As a couple of others have suggested, I use the green scouring pads with some bore cleaner, always seems to do the trick. I think the manual recommends the use of the green pads as well?!
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