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Everything posted by Dempy

  1. Would of been perfect for my boy, shame you are so far away, nice offer though!
  2. They are made in turkey as are all the Webley and Scotts now, but they are made in three different factories, the 4.10 and 28g are made by yildiz, the 900 is made in another factory and the 2000 and 3000 series are made in the 3rd factory. The 2000 series is made much better than the 900's and is actually a nice gun, if you find one with a nice piece of wood even better. I am sure you would be happy with your purchase, my only concern would be potential resale value but if you were to buy it at the right price in the first place you should be ok. If you buy new from a dealer push hard for a good deal as they get very good deals from the wholesaler on these with special promotions, but obviously this will not be the case if you get them to order one in. Of course there is always the argument of whether or not your money would be more wisely spent on a more reputable name or an old English gun?
  3. They are pretty poor, I was a rep for the wholesaler who brought them in and I actually tried not to sale them.
  4. Our Husky 256xp is 20 years old now and still runs like a dream, don't be to afraid of second hand!
  5. Hi, here we have a M reg Hilux Surf/Forerunner, it is the rare 3'0l turbo diesel with the manual box, it has 12 months MOT and 6 months Tax. there are four nearly new B F Goodrich All Terrain tires. It is in good all round condition for its age and it has done roughly 140k miles. It has had an over heating problem, but the thermostat has been changed and it has not done it since, there is also a minor problem with the front diff, I think it is the wrong diff, it works and the 4wd works but the front wheels turn slower than the front, so you will get out if you are stuck but you cannot use it properly, it is an easy fix especially if you can change it yourself! All round nice truck, the wheels and tires cost nearly a £800, there is also a nice Sony cd and a dvd player in there. I need to get this shifted as I have changed jobs and I need a pick (looking for a Transit Crew Cab Tipper or similar so would be interested in a PX) First £1000 takes it, it is Dorchester Dorset Many thanks
  6. Dempy

    243 ammo

    No lol, Mind you I am looking for a new van and there seems to be a lot for sale in Yorkshire so you never know lol
  7. Dempy

    243 ammo

    right here we go,,,, there are 120 Hornady .243 95 grain sst £140.00 there are 75 Privi .243 90 and 95 grain, £25 20 Federal Premium v-shock Nossler ballistic tip 95 grain, £25 And the green box has 49 mixed bullets, all .243, mixture of Sako, Norma etc. £20 or you can have the whole lot for £180.00 thats a lot of ammo for not a lot of money! Face to face collection and certificate holders only! I am in Dorchester Dorset.
  8. I wouldn't mind the odd one or two, most of us would do the same and like I say if somebody wanted a stick for themselves I would be more than happy to help..
  9. Thats good, go and get some tomorrow, I wont be there I think I solved the problem in the best way, I have cut the hedge, he wont be cutting anymore lol, I have thought about what you are saying though and I will be starting a few "so where do you get the wood" chats at some local shows
  10. Yes it is private, but I am quite sure all property is private when it come to helping yourself, you can't walk along a footpath and just cut a tree down for logs can you?
  11. lol, I know that cut and do you have an abnormally large muscle on the outside of your elbow?
  12. When I was younger I learnt how to make thatching spars, for those who don't know what that is, the are split and sharpened hazel used for thatching roofs like this; I have a couple of bits of hazel here and there, some hedges and things and when the mood takes me or I need a bit of cash I make a few thousand up. Well today I went to start cutting one of these hedges, it has been seven years since it was cut last and it just the right size for me to use. I drive by it regularly and reckoned that it should be good for 8 or 9 thousand spars, which is a couple of weeks work and a reasonable earner. Well, when we got started it soon become apparent that somebody had been cutting sticks, now I can guarantee that these have been cut for walking sticks, they have been cut either by saw or secateurs or similar. As we went on, we found more and more and more, now, ready for the shocker? I would estimate that I have lost enough wood to make £2-300 wort of spars, to least the least I was not happy! If they had asked I have other wood and know places where the wood is not harvested they could of cut, so my message to anybody who may do this is please don't, to my mind whoever does this has stolen from me, it is no different than stealing my car stereo, my phone or my wallet! What makes people think they can just help themselves?
  13. Not forgetting the pheasant is out of season, I could not believe some of the **** I use to hear in gun shops!
  14. Just had a measure for somebody and the inside height is 48 inches, however, you can take the top right hand shelve out and this gives you 57 inches on one half, so it will take almost anything...
  15. Sorry 2.9 tonnes was a joke, I didn't think anybody would take it seriously, I collected in the car (Skoda Superb) with the back seats down and I got it out and in to the house on my own, but I am quite a big chap and it was a lot of shuffling, I would suggest at least two people to move it, And yes it needs to be fixed to the wall, the fixings are with it.
  16. I am not sure if I want to get rid of this or not, it is nice to have but I don't think it is needed, it is brand new and came with my job, I have now left so not needed, it has not even been fixed to the wall! These have a rrp of over £600 and the cheapest I have seen online is about £490.00p. The shelves on the bottom left are removable and there is a locking ammo store in the top. I am open to offers, I would like £400 for it, but dont make silly offers as I will just keep it. It is a really nice cabinet, I cannot ship it as it weighs about 2.9 tonnes, but you can collect from Dorchester, Dorset or we ay be able to sort something out on delivery. Oh these are pictures taken from online as it is just easier!
  17. Depending on when it was made it was probably an Armsan anyway, so still Turkish!
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