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Everything posted by dobbin66

  1. Just got a rotary and battery from thepigeonshooter.com Am looking for another battery and charger where is best to get them from Or cheapest place
  2. Name and shame them People like that wreck it for people who find it Hard to get there own land and count on people's Generousity to take them out shooting
  3. Can any one recommend any shops worth going to in Lincolnshire For decoying gear please
  4. Tkmax are doing karrimor snow fur weathertite boots for £39.99 The wife got me some very warm
  5. I dont think she would of got in it in her birthday suit But might ask her to try that one out
  6. She offered To get in it Well have plenty of room in it and some Xmas cash so will be getting More gear to fill it now
  7. the wife got me this bag for all my decoying gear
  8. I am using hunter wellies that are neoprene lined And the wife gave me one of my Xmas presents early that was Hunter wellie socks and am testing the socks out 2moro
  9. cool thanks guys see ukshoot wharehouse is doing two for £39
  10. Can any one recommend anywhere to get a complete decoying set up from
  11. carnt wait to get out with it and see how i get on shooting it
  12. interested in both of these
  13. Will be cleaned after every use
  14. well i have traded my webley and scott 912 in and got a escort magnum multi choke 30inch well pleased with it got the one with the woodwork think it looks alot nicer than tha black plastic ones
  15. has any one tried these are they any good?????
  16. thinking of changing my webley and scott 912 for a hatsan escort are they any good
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