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    Fishin and a shootin
  1. Nice one chaps. Whats with the bell on the fox? P
  2. Ah CLUTCH! I thought it was Black Label Society....nice one Vole! This friday was a belter, still in shock :o Pete
  3. Give her the back of the hand mate. Or buy her a slow cooker cook book.
  4. Chop it up and get proper cooking! I'm a slow cooking ninja man. I never use my stove, and it is a proper STOVE. Slow cookers are the future.
  5. Vegas...mashed with 15 scousers for a week....highly recomended.
  6. If it's cubed beef.....add 1 pint of water, a tin of chopped toms, big squirt of tomato puree, 1 oxo, teaspoon of paprika, good pinch of cumin, tin of chickpeas, chopped red and green pepper, cook its balls off for 5 hours on high....spanish beef stew Serve with bread, rice, cous cous, salad whatever. edit....add salt n pepper etc....
  7. It's QUIET! Sheesh... But your right, they have been quite quiet
  8. Collected. Lovely coop, nice geezer. Thanks Paul
  9. Aye, there's tons of them down south now. I did the famous "look kids, theres a red kite...their dead rare" only to drive another mile and come across a flock of 60 odd....yeah, dead rare.
  10. Yeah, I've seen it too. I thought it was cool. I won't spoil it for eveyone though Season 3 in the pipeline....yeah ha!!!
  11. We all had it....in fact, where do you think you got it from! lol. I felt cheated throwing up without having earned it.
  12. Love TWD! Lots more to come in Feb, with season 3 in the pipeline.
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