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Everything posted by AVB

  1. I had a large slab of carrot cake. I like this working from home lark!
  2. AVB

    Scottish law

    Wont they have to apply for extradition from Manchester? Even if you do get locked up they will let you out after a short time for "compasionate reasons".
  3. I have both Blackbery = work e-mails (it's corporate policy) Iphone = Personal e-mail and everything else Assuming that you will have no work e-mails and assuming that you can protect the iphone then go for it.
  4. AVB

    Stock Market

    So you are showing a gain of 200%. You need an exit strategy. Either sell all and take profit or sell enough to cover your initial outlay. Then even if it tanks, and penny shares do that quite frequently, you won't lose money overall. Andrew
  5. I'm "working from home" at the moment. Enjoyed wathcing the countrychannel this afternoon, particularly the goose and snipe shooting Andrew
  6. Result. Got letter from council today saying that they would settle my claim without of course admiting liability. Worth the hassle of requesting and analysing the FOI data as recommended by www.potholes.co.uk. Thanks to jonnyoftheboy for recommending it. Andrew
  7. AVB

    Yes Loans

    I thought everybody could get a student loan and accomodation loan (both of which have to be repaind when you are erning > £15K). It's only the grants (which do not have to be repaid) that are means tested. Andrew
  8. AVB


    I also had an operation on my foot yesterday. So now have slightly swollen and tender nads, a heavily bandaged foot and crutches. I'm playing for the sympathy vote and it appears to be working. Even the dog is sitting at my feet looking up pitifully with his big brown eyes. There again he was 'done' a few years ago so he probably just thinks its payback time. Andrew
  9. AVB


    Nope it's my foot today. have a problem with the nerves. Called a Neuroma
  10. AVB


    Feel a lot better this morning! Now off to hospital for op no.2
  11. AVB


    1) it was a woman doing the op and 2) I wasn't going to argue when she had my b*lls in her hand, a hot soldering iron and she mentioned more pain!
  12. AVB


    Ouch laughing hurts as well.
  13. AVB


    Had it done today. Not particularly painful but quite uncomfortable. Now have nagging, drawing sort of pain in my groin. All the nurse and female doctor kept on saying was "it's less painful than childbirth". When I said "how do you know" the doctor replied "do you want me to show you pain?". I shut up then. Am having operation on foot tomorrow. At least that will be under a general anasthetic. Hopefully will be walking in time for first day of the season. Andrew
  14. I followed the advice on www.potholes.co.uk. So far it's going exactly as they predict with the councile rejecting the claim because they have inspected the road. However I have spent a couple of hours examining the reams of information that comes back after requesting the information through the Freedom of Information Act and think I have a case - The council hasn't adopted the National Code of Practice for Highways Maintenance Management and there are a number of defects in the road that remain open. So just written my appeal against their rejection. Let's wait and see what happens. Andrew
  15. AVB

    The Ashes

    I was there. Great day. Went a bit flat at times but the last few wickets fell very quickly. Had lunch with Alec Stewart who spookily said that Engalnd would take 5 wickets before tea, wrap the final 5 up after tea and Australia wouldn't get within 200 of England. He was wrong by three runs! Andrew
  16. I just had a quick look and that does seem very cheap. Even allowing for the use of a cheap airline that seems a lot cheaper than others I have seen which seem to be in the range of $2,500-$3,500 excluding flights, gun rental, free cartridges etc. Even the cost of shells seems cheap. They are quoting $7.50 a box compared to $10-14 on other sites. I would like to fly with BA as I have tons of BA miles and can get a return trip in First Class (BA fly to Buenos Aires). That will reduce the cost. I'll give them a call and see what they can do excluding flights but following Swift's advice i'd be wary of it beeing too cheap. AVB
  17. Show me an pigeon guide in the UK that can guarantee shooting? They can't and won't. As I said I've had too many blank days including days with guides. I'm not blaming them that's just the way it is. I also fancy something different AVB
  18. Thanks. Didn't realise there was a difference. I fancy something where there is guaranteed shooting (I have had too many blank days in the fields here!). Doesn't have to be thousands. Most definitely don't want to be surrounded by loudmouth septics high fiving one another which some of the videos seem to show. Andrew
  19. Anybody ever been? If so can they recommend a shooting agent? Thanks Andrew
  20. I agree. Expensive to get in and rip-off food. As for the celebrities on the shooting! Liam Botham - More celebrities's son than celeb, bird who won the apprentice in 2008, Radio Nottingham presenter and a Bird who writes TV shows. Reminds me of the Porridge film where they get a celebrity football team to play against the prisoners. "rumour has it that the man who reads the weather on ITV will be playing" - he doesn't! Had a long chat with Lord Tebbit at his book signing. What a nice old boy. It was fairly quite at the time and we chatted for some time about cooking and his favourite recipies. Probably won't go again. Andrew
  21. AVB


    I am still trying to persuade the missus to let me have a few chickens. I fancy one of the those Eglu cube houses but she says the garden is too small and they will make a mess. I've tried every argument (but no success so far) and her latest trick is to say that I can have them but only if we extend the garden (we could buy a bit of next doors garden). So 20 grand for some chickens! Andrew
  22. That's a great site. Well worth reading if you are considering making a claim. I have sent off my FOI just now following the advice they give. Andrew
  23. I got some photos but as it is on the inside op a blind country bend couldn't get anything to reference it against (like a ruler). I have five photos in all, near and far so hopefully will be OK. Andrew
  24. Has anybody had any success in getting compensation from a council for damage to their car caused by a pothole? My wife was driving the other day and hit a large pothole on the apex of a bend. Burst tyre, broken wheel and bent suspension. Garage estimate bill in excess of £1,000. It's covered by my insurance but it'll cost me my excess and no doubt my insurance will go up next year. Worthwhile pursuing? Andrew
  25. AVB

    What TV (again)

    Go for as cheap as you can get because like all technology whatever you buy will be out of date (and cheaper) tomorrow. I spend £10K on a Pioneer plasma, Denon surround sound, KEF speakers, Arcam HDMI DVD etc. about 5 years ago. Waste of money: a) the wife never lets me turn the volume up enough to enjoy it You could get the same now for about £1,500. Yes I do wish had spent it on guns and cartridges. I would go plasma though as the screen display is faster and you don't get the blurring you get when watching fast sports on LCD. Only a problem on large display (42inch+) though Andrew
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