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Essex Keeper

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About Essex Keeper

  • Birthday 26/03/1986

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  • Interests
    Family and the dogs

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  1. Size eur 43 £120 posted
  2. Multi kruzer £280 posted
  3. Mixed rails might be of some use both new £50 inc postage for the pair
  4. As photo £ 40 inc postage
  5. Id say it’s xxl good clean coat £30 inc postage
  6. Brand new with tags size xxl fleece lined 27 inc postage
  7. Been used good well made coat bacs inc postage Deer hunter £35 xl Sw Swedteam fleece £15 xl padded jacket £15 xl
  8. Used multi colour with long range receiver £390 bacs posted
  9. Makro kruzer multi signal with pinpointer extra power back Wireless head phones charger postage inc warning metal detecting can get addictive £360 bacs
  10. Thanks for the feedback have to wait until Monday now see what I can find , did find this online with extra o ring https://www.cromwell.co.uk/shop/welding-brazing-and-soldering/gas-hose-accessories/quick-release-adaptor-g3-8inch-lh-male-754216/p/SIV8601736G 👍
  11. Pigeon watch normally saves the day so he goes Bad day in the field bottle got knocked over why fixing mower and broke the valve fitting on bottle the bottle is three parts full local shop said carnt help , just return and buy a new bottle it’s a Albee argon mix bottle photo attached any ideas on where o can buy a new fitting
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