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About southdowns_stalking

  • Birthday May 26

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  • Interests
    Shooting, Stalking, Surfing, Wakeboarding, Sailing,

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  1. 2 dog foxes and a vixen tonight. One of the dogs was really nice looking fox, had white dots down its legs and back, very much like a fallow. Total = 737
  2. Good night out last night, managed to get 6.... = 263 Edit... 3 were very small cubs, late litter
  3. If you need any other photos or have any questions please ask.... Regards, SS
  4. Thanks for the replies, it is a lovely gun but I just don't use it.... I had been holding this for someone but after 2 weeks and still not being collected have given up and put it up for sale. Regards, Mark
  5. There are a few available on the facebook group, The Corvid Exchange.... https://www.facebook.com/groups/571291286228345/
  6. Good little facebook group for exchanging call birds... https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/571291286228345/
  7. Have a look on here for call birds.....https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/571291286228345/
  8. Have noticed a huge increase around the towns and villages but not so many out on the farms. Maybe they are learning that its easy pickings in more urban areas like the foxes are?
  9. Hi Jim, Thanks for the photos, if you will take £110 posted I will have it..... Regards, Mark
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