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Everything posted by Mungler

  1. I reckon the reason is because they thought it was going to be an easy land grab, but who knows why because we’ve had some weird and whacky reasons and nothing definitive. But they did and that’s all that matters. To suggest that the Russian invasion is a result of some NATO activity / inactivity is demonstrably and factually incorrect.
  2. OK and yes; that's two birds with one stone - help Ukraine and weaken Russia (a weakened Russia can't roll into Finland, Poland, Estonia etc.).
  3. Are you bonkers? Seriously, you type the words out but there's an impenetrable rational disconnect with all the Putin shills where the words appear on the page but there's no rational thought to their meaning. "The boxing fight would have been over a lot quicker had he not put his fists up and defended himself." The war would not have started had Putin not invaded and it would be over soonest when he withdraws military from Ukraine. That's a better place to start. Go mad, try that on for size before suggesting Ukraine and the World should have just rolled over to Putin. But, no, not in topsey turvey land where it's not and never can be Putin's fault for invading a non threatening neighbor. Lastly, you make out it's all in Ukraine's best interests to capitulate now. In the balance sheet of Putin's war he's down a lot of expensive kit, people, sanctions and global standing. It's all planned though. He's a great strategist. You should be on the Russian version of Pigeon Watch trying to convince the Russians to capitulate and withdraw - that would be a better use of your time.
  4. What a bizarre thing to say. Where have I expressed happiness with the death toll? Indeed, I am neither happy nor responsible for the death toll on either side. Newsflash neither is NATO and it's not NATO dropping big unguided bombs into the civilian areas of Ukraine. You just can't bring yourself to say Putin is responsible can you? Odd that. Blame everyone else though. Boring and odd. This ends tomorrow with Russia withdrawing. Trying starting with that and working backwards as to how that is brought about.
  5. Yeah and whatever anyone says about Hitler, at least the Nazis dressed nicely and the trains ran on time.
  6. Unless you can get her sectioned under the mental health act, it's her life no matter how daft and reckless she wants to lead it. I feel for you. She's your mum but clearly she's an attention seeking handful and it's parents that are supposed to look out for kids, not the other way around. With all the publicity on the TV about on line scams, foreign romances and all the Shirley Valentine dupes that turn up on the GMTV sofa brimming with love for a foreign waiter a fraction of their age, only to be back a couple of months later skint, with a black eye and abandoned; well, it's like trying to explain the colour of orange juice to someone - where could you even start. I can't condone shredding the passport, but I tip my hat to the idea 😀
  7. Blimey there's been some nonsense on this page. Yeah yeah it's all NATO's fault boo hoo and it would be over sooner (with a Russian victory) if all support of Ukraine was withdrawn. But, Ukraine has NATO's help for so long as Ukraine requires NATO's help and for so long NATO is prepared to supply help. In the meantime it is what it is as Russia gears up for Round 2 (in the hope it does better than Round 1) and continues to shell the Ukrainian civilian population which will do nothing but galvanize national spirit and hatred of Russia. I still don't see how Russia can achieve any form of victory or hold of Ukraine, but what do I know. After all Putin is a master strategist right?
  8. I wouldn’t worry too much about who is funding the defence of the invasion of Ukraine and Putin’s war, started by one man and for no rational reason. Without the invasion of Ukraine there would be no need to Mount or fund a defence.
  9. What on Earth are you babbling on about? Northern Ireland? What’s that got to do with the price of fish? More obfuscation and irrelevant whataboutery. Bonkers 😆😆😆 Funding Russia’s invasion and slaughter of the Ukrainian general population was the bridge too far.
  10. No it doesn’t. Remove the greasing of Ukraine politicos and it’s still the only plausible explanation for such an incredible course of action. Indeed to do it for any less of a reason makes it doubly nuts.
  11. And Russia has spent 8 years in the background trying to break up European cohesion and so it thought, bunging Ukrainian higher ups who were supposed to welcome the Russian troops in. But, the question is not why wait 8 years, but why at all? On the subject of why we have been given half a dozen varying reasons by the Kremlin, none making any sense and none a national threat - Cocaine, gangsters, Nazis, nato : all demonstrably nonsense. By a process of elimination (coupled with the ‘bunging’ and greasing that the Kremlin had thought had taken place) it has to be land grab because that is all that’s left that makes a modicum of sense.
  12. I think you are the only person who can’t see that this is the underlying motivation behind the invasion and war. You refuse to accept it because it 100% makes Russia the un meritorious invading aggressor, which it is. It’s all so unnecessary, right? And it started with an entirely unnecessary invasion.
  13. I wouldn’t want anyone reading that to imply any fault at all on the recipient of the Russian invasion and aggression. Yes, this could have all been avoided if Putin hadn’t invaded or had sought out a negotiated conclusion through diplomatic channels. Mind you, if you are trying to stitch the USSR back together a ‘no thanks’ from your neighbour who does not wish to be added to your patchwork quilt won’t be enough to stop the tanks from rolling in.
  14. More obfuscation from the original point / question. With the Putin apologists it’s all about the stretched and worn out ‘what abouts’. Point out that Trump got ousted in a democratic election and is held accountable to the rule of law and that no such thing troubles Putin and we get what? Putin has people who upset him or challenge him murdered. Correction, he’s had an awful lot of people murdered. He has made himself in charge and removed democracy. With that comes no free speech and no free press and no rule of law / fair trial. And here comes what? David Kelly, something about the Clintons, the pyramids and probably Kennedy. Brilliant. 😆
  15. But Putin has for the first time overreached, got it wrong and started something he can’t win on any rational level. We’ll see. Forget the nukes and think again. And as for ‘give him an excuse’ - forget that too, he invaded a non threatening neighbour and didn’t need a reason. This is going to be a non nuclear nasty drawn out affair which Russian can’t win now. We all get to watch. Feel free to hypothesise. .
  16. It’s the ‘he’s got nukes so we better give him what he wants approach’. If that was any sort of a sensible idea we’d all be speaking with heavy North Korean accents.
  17. I joined Twitter a week ago to stay on top of the Ukrainian war reporting. I read, that’s it. It’s a vile woke bubble entirely detached from reality. However, I have had my eyes opened, including to the subject matter of this thread and worrying police overreach which should concern all of us. Edit I never thought I’d see the day where saying Eddie Izzard was a fella or insisting that the definition of a woman should be the scientific biological version, and that that could get you into trouble. As I understand it, that idiot Sturgeon is trying to pass a law in Scotland making mis-gendering a criminal offence. Where to start with that one? One on earth? Speechless, mystified and aghast. Bonkers. How? Why?
  18. So, if anyone is interested, the complainant in this matter has been revealed together with some interesting back ground information. The lunatics are now officially running the asylum, and seemingly some police forces. https://twitter.com/alaricnaude/status/1578718326767128578?s=46&t=l6v5w1NIXf40d4VkC7Xz9A
  19. Putin needs that bridge to supply troops (now cut off) and it’s a favourite thing of his. If they were going to false flag we’d get the full on baby food factory treatment. Be interesting to see how Russian media deal with this; either ‘how embarrassing, how did that happen and who do we blame?’ [ie criticism of Putin posed as questions] or ‘let’s get nuking’.
  20. Deffo not false flag - he loved that bridge 😆 It’s looking like a very modern missile strike but being covered as bomb on the fuel section of the cargo train or something launched from a boat drone. My 2p, NATO gave the Ukranians the latest kit to publicly wallop Putin’s favourite bridge on his birthday, to weaken him in Russia. If you’re the hard man and winning you get forgiven for anything in Russia, and Putin’s image of master tactician and in charge of the hardest army, well….. he’s going to need a new PR agency
  21. Russia has already fully cleansed and shuffled the chess pieces around in Crimea and it probably should be left alone, as is - a bridge too far.
  22. No point. Find conclusive evidence and present it to the world and the Putin lovers will still declare NATO conspiracy. EDIT: Might as well stick an investigation of who just blew up Sauron’s favourite bridge on the list too. He is not going to like that. Nevertheless, his invasion and his war is going to plan and he remains a master tactician at all times etc.
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