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Everything posted by Mungler

  1. If I had a pound for each item Iraq gets a mention, I wouldn’t have to go to work tomorrow. I’ve never backed an invasion of anywhere in my life and I’m not starting now. Will I back the totalitarian regime that is China invading the democracy that is Taiwan; nope. You are welcome to disagree because it makes no difference to anything. But there you go, dismiss flat earth and Chem trails but silent on the twin towers. What about the moon landing? I reckon I’m two for two there. The point is you can find conspiracy anywhere if you want to, and you may do as you please. You tube is full of loons and you can find all manner of videos on there including those from David Icke but I’m not talking about You Tube, I am talking about the support for a Russian invasion and the wholesale murder that comes with it on here - if you haven’t read some of the comments from a couple of people and winced then there’s no point in me evening finishing typing out this paragraph. I think you have seen the comments which is why we get the random deflection about You Tube. You are welcome to disagree because it makes no difference to anything. You know it 😀
  2. 1. Check the wholesale gas price for your answer 2. the whole this is a US / NATO / petrochemical conspiracy has worn thin. Believe the world is flat, the CIA dropped the twin towers or Chem trails and lizard people are real, your choice, I don’t care. 3. I won’t trawl to quote the gleeful bloodthirsty replies but they are there and you will know this to be true. It’s not an insult to the users - they’re there on the thread as contemporaneous entries. 4. I’ve now worked out that if people can’t immediately work out the morality equation of the Russian invasion of and war with Ukraine, then I can’t possibly hope to explain it to them. That’s my epiphany of today. .
  3. There’s no point. The other operational lines go east, Poland has been sanctioned by Russia, it’s all very interesting but the long story short is Nordstream 1 is shut, supplies in totality have been throttled / substantially reduced and prices as a result are off the chart. You appear to be trying to suggest it’s a big leaky maintenance no harm intended by Russia scenario and that’s because other pipes are still working (for now) in part and that doesn’t stand up and isn’t reflected in pricing. You won’t have it any other way, neither will I and so I’ve worked out I am wasting my time. The end result is the end result. What concerns me is that people on here are cheering on invading Russian aggression with unbridled glee - there’s a couple of nutters on here who have outted themselves and who certainly need psychometric testing. So, let’s check back next year on this and in the meantime chalk up the fact that whoever predicted an early Russian whitewash victory and Zelensky being removed by his own people, has already been conclusively proven wrong. .
  4. So, amongst other things, the Chinese sensor their internet, reprogram their own citizens and a whole generation don’t know about Tiananmen Square because the state successfully expunged the event from all websites, textbooks, forms of media and internet websites etc Russia will routinely arrest anyone protesting against the war with and invasion of Ukraine (and anyone who still insists on adopting, using and ratifying the self serving Russian terminology of ‘special military operation’ or ‘SMO’ really needs to give their head a wobble) and of course any dissenting political opposition will be routinely locked up or assassinated. Where is my first port of call for any factual information? Answer, None of the above, and understandably / rationally so. So, speculate away, in the meantime we can all place our bets. This is Russia’s Afghanistan II and it won’t end the way they want it to, or the way any of the supporters of the SMO want 😆
  5. Chinese state run news channel. Looks legit. Got anything from North Korea on this? 😆
  6. Well, what the west does / doesn’t say, does / doesn’t believe won’t affect Russia’s war effort - they should have this wrapped up any day now surely? After all, Russia is a super power, a nuclear power and with far reaching resources and all that German oil money etc and Ukraine the minot in all of this.
  7. Spectator post by Lola Sapola • 4 days ago Every morning Mr Sapola switches on the BBC and it feels as if, every morning they are going on and on about the cost of living and interviewing an overweight woman with tattoos that have cost the equivalent of a year’s energy bills who says she needs to go to a food bank. If the BBC did care rather than just wanting to spread doom and gloom, they’d make some programmes that provide an analysis of how various different household’s energy costs are made up eg what percentage on hot water, what percentage on TVs/radios/phones and lap-tops, what percentage on washing clothes, what percentage on cooking. That might actually help families to work out what economies will be most effective . Indeed, this country needs to grow up. The government doesn’t have any money of it’s own - it has our money through taxation and what it doesn’t have it borrows and will claw back (through further taxation). The government isn’t going to be paying anyones gas bill.
  8. With such magnificent successes and no losses, it’s a wonder they haven’t taken the whole of Ukraine yet 😀👊😆
  9. +1 you know they are lying, their lips are moving etc
  10. No rush, in the meantime I sent these lot €100; I hope they can make it round your and Stonepark’s houses, disconnect you both from your RT satellites / dedicated Kremlin news feeds and set about reprogramming you 😆 https://meduza.io/en
  11. Again, I’ll ask the question and to underline the point - Nordstream 1 closure and the continued throttling of gas supplies - do you think that is because of planned maintenance or because of any of the other Kremlin stated reasons, today’s one being a leak? Simple enough question.
  12. What on Earth are you on about? Your views have been comprehensively disproven (Nordstream and the attacks on the nuclear power plant being today’s cases in point) and yet you refuse to accept any facts when presented but which are contrary to your views and yet you keep on, being wrong. Brilliant. Again, I’ll ask the question and to underline the point - Nordstream 1 closure and the continued throttling of gas supplies - do you think that is because of planned maintenance or because of any of the other Kremlin stated reasons, today’s one being a leak? Simple enough question. You will of course remember espousing at length as to how it was all planned maintenance as stated by the Kremlin and just misinformation from mainstream news, such news we were all gullible unquestioning idiots for accepting. Oh the irony. You talk of the danger of agreeing with the mainstream, but you don’t account for when mainstream media is reporting the truth, and when it comes to MSM and the Kremlin only a useful idiot would consider lapping up what the Kremlin are peddling. That’s always been the motivation behind Putin’s invasion of a Ukraine.
  13. You’re wrong on the oil price - you will see next week. Indeed, remember the big deal Russia was going to do with Pakistan for oil - good luck anyone getting paid on that. As for supplying China, they’ll fill their boots and their tanks with cheap fuel but they will see the European dependency fubar and not be so daft. Russia collapsing Day 1 - no one ever said that. They are and remain the bookies favourites. They are however invading murderers whom I won’t support.
  14. Wow, where to start? However, if you (conveniently) think the Salisbury poisonings were a false flag operation then there is no place to even start a discussion - it would be utterly pointless and a waste of time.
  15. The G7 total the countries that can and actually do pay for the stuff they order - selling loads of oil into Burkina Faso for example is a fools errand because no one will get paid. The price cap will make a difference, a massive difference provided all the G7 stick to it. There is a lot of opposition to fracking - notably funded by Russia. In fairness, if you’re flogging energy, energy independence is a swear word. It’s not about changing your mind - that’s demonstrably impossible even with good evidence, it’s highlighting that you’re supporting and spouting nonsense. The Nordstream throttling and ‘maintenance’ elements of this page are contemporaneous. What are we going to do about it? Who knows, but I tell you what, whatever the plan is it won’t be helped by people punting pro Kremlin nonsense and accepting Kremlin BS.
  16. This is about the constant lies from Russia, the lies many willingly and freely accept. They are lying and have consistently lied about the reasons behind the throttling of gas supplies and the closure of Nordstream 1; it was blatantly obvious they were lying but you defended their ‘maintenance’ program over pages and pages of waffle and a steadfast refusal to accept the obvious. They have lied about the Salisbury poisoning, the shelling of the nuclear power station and pretty much everything - you know they are lying because their lips are moving. Just so we’re clear - this new ‘leak’ in Nordstream 1 - do you believe them? Go on, give us all a good laugh. .
  17. Bang on. We should have commenced fracking Day 1 the Russians invaded Ukraine (or rather commenced their ‘special military operation’). Mind you, someone will be along shortly to explain how the closure of Nordstream 1 is perfectly normal / routine maintenance 😆 You couldn’t make it up - it’s like a parallel universe 😆 (Coughs)
  18. I think you’ll find that was handed on a plate by a Russian, but you’re right, we shouldn’t trust them 😆
  19. Seriously? Lets look at the "evidence" to hand and deal with what is shown in that video, not what you think or wish to speculate on. But pfffft what is the point? We actually have a smoking gun...
  20. ** "What’s the point? NATO prove direction of artillery fire, Russia denies it and you and Stonepark jump in and support how plausible Russia’s denial is 😆" ** So, we have video footage and a..... ah what's the point?
  21. You can cut and paste whatever you like, but when you reference Russia looking whiter than white or (as above) reference equipment losses before Russia's "special military operation" we know you are totally bias. Have a look at this, and get some balance back: It's so odd. It doesn't take a genius to look at a map of the whole of Russia and one of Ukraine to know that Ukraine is dwarfed on every level - it's a miracle they have held on so far and have done so with significant grit and against all the odds. But to glee in any loss or set back sustained by an invaded country, a country which the UK has chosen to support, and to root for the aggressor - that's just plain mental. Mind you, he's in established company 🙂
  22. What’s the point? NATO prove direction of artillery fire, Russia denies it and you and Stonepark jump in and support how plausible Russia’s denial is 😆 Stonepark starts ‘in order to be whiter than white, Russia….’ Man that is next level crazy. Where would or could I even be bothered to start. And as for the alleged commando raid - that’s Keystone levels of hilarity. At least there’s fresh eyes in the nuclear station now…
  23. Oh my word, you are so far down that rabbit hole.
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