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Everything posted by Mungler

  1. Well, it’s a free country. Oh hang on, no it’s not, not in China anyways 😆
  2. Madness. What runs through these peoples heads?
  3. Yes, as above, that would make them rational 🙂 No one wants sane wants to poop on their own doorstep right? .
  4. Whilst Blair and Bush are regarded are war criminals, unlike Putin they are not actually "wanted". Putin can't leave his post and he can't leave Russia. If he left his post and stayed in Russia there will be a queue of people looking to give him some of his own tea / medicine. Agreed
  5. As that well known saying goes “Remainers who want to live in the German Euro economic greenhouse shouldn’t throw stones” 😆
  6. He did. Of course he thought palms had been greased and it would be a walk in the park with the Ukrainian people cheering on the Russians - because that’s what everyone had told him. The early encounters uncovered what kit (riot control) was in the supply chain and explains the use of tanks and lack of artillery (which came later). Russian tech is out of date because of age old sanctions that are biting and so the Russian coms and insistence on using mobile phones, meant a greater insight than might otherwise be expected. That’s how we know about the bungs, the bungs that got trousered and the Russians who trousered the bungs getting whacked in true gangster fashion. Putin certainly didn’t plan for where he is now in any event, and it’s not the regime where anyone gets to say truth to power.
  7. They didn’t choose, ask or want to be invaded, but how they respond is their choice. You continue to ignore the option of Russia having enough or Russia withdrawing. They are options though. And in the meantime the Russians lose people, expensive kit, trash their economy and so on. Russia is a gangster run petrol station with a GDP lower than Italy. In the 1990’s when the wall dropped Russia and China had economies the same size - go figure. Russia can win against Ukraine but not against Ukraine and the NATO nations (growing list that that is). A deal will appear once that loon Putin has had enough or the people around him have. .
  8. There can’t be peace until Russia withdraws, and so in the meantime… Needless to say, if Russia pops the tanks in reverse and hops back over the border, well whatever outcome, things will get better for Russia much quicker than right now.
  9. Ah but that doesn’t alter the fact that anything and everything ever issued by the Kremlin is a massive whopper. Salisbury poisonings, Alexander Litvenenko, not amassing troops to invade Ukraine etc etc the list is endless. Start with ‘if it came from the Kremlin, it’s a massive porky’ and you can’t go wrong or be disappointed. Oh and the ‘shoulda coulda woulda’ that Ukraine ought to have done to avoid being invaded by Russia is utterly and genuinely delusional. .
  10. Simple, if it came from the Kremlin it’s going to be a lie, and then work from there.
  11. And don't forget the signed treaty which was immediately followed by a Russian cruise missile strike on the port of Odesa. There are of course those who will claim that any act of treachery or aggression on the part of the Russians must be a false flag operation or denied because no one would be as brazen or stupid to do such a thing, even when it's been admitted by the Kremlin and reported in the FT 🙂
  12. Covid hasn’t helped as a generation already hooked into IT and the internet had nowhere else to go and nothing else to do for 2 years and the result is entirely predictable. Schools don’t set kids up for real life, and it’s a shame. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to have an education and know about quadratic equations, read Death of a Salesman and learn a bit of German, but I would say a solid 85% of what I was taught I have never used nor needed. I think we are at the point where schools need to teach self awareness and happiness, however, because of the state of the education system that would open the door up to more woke nonsense. IMHO the secret is: 1. being good at something / anything to achieve a sense of worth and purpose and to then enjoy that pursuit 2. not caring what others think - not to the extent that you leave ‘the pack’ entirely but not having your well being determined by others / the approval of others / people you don’t even know 3. aversion therapy - anything you fear or think you can’t do can be overcome by doing it again and again .
  13. This is where we started. For someone who says they don’t accept the Kremlin’s narrative you have some interesting views (which happen to be uniquely shared by the Kremlin) including on topics such as the Salisbury murders and the recent cruise missile strikes. We then wandered in to people who seize upon contrary views and conspiracy theories, of which you appear to support a great number. We can pick this up again with the next round of nonsense from the Kremlin.
  14. 1. There are no free elections in Russia, there is no free press and the judiciary are controlled by the Kremlin. If you choose to accept / prefer Kremlin issued information / propaganda in preference to other sources then you are fighting the odds - bottom line, statistically the Kremlin releases more BS. 2. The constant search for conspiracy and distrust of all things western is a badge, I get it. But where does mild paranoia cross over into either stupidity or mental disorder? 12 million yanks believe in lizard people - doesn’t make it true, it makes them stupid, mental or both. 3. I don’t have any evidence that there are no lizard people, but of course there is no evidence to support that there are any lizard people. If I trusted the source that told me there were Lizard people and considered that to be credible, it doesn’t make it any more true or factual. 4. You “If you keep saying it long enough, will it make it true?” My response : “Are we now at a point where (and in the absence of any evidence) if enough people say there are lizard people and they say it for long enough it makes it true? Now apply that to the Salisbury murders, 9/11 and so on.”
  15. And yet 12,000,000 Americans believe they exist. That’s a big number. We’re all doomed.
  16. It’s all about belief vs evidence. Are we now at a point where (and in the absence of any evidence) if enough people say there are lizard people and they say it for long enough it makes it true? Now apply that to the Salisbury murders, 9/11 and so on.
  17. Let me start by explaining why 12 million Americans believe in lizard people despite there not being a single shred of evidence to support the notion - it’s because there are 12 million idiots in the US. As for that ‘poll’ on 9/11 I am entirely distrustful of internet stated surveys or ‘poll’ as is the case here (indeed what’s the difference between a survey and a poll?). We don’t know about sample demographic, age ranges, demographics, specific questions etc. We are also wandering off piste - we all saw 2 planes hit two buildings. The question of ‘do you think the US was behind the attacks’ is not the same as ‘do you think the US knew of the threat in advance’, or ‘do you think the US was complicit in letting it happen’ and….. ‘do you think the twin towers was built with explosives packed into their super structure and later dropped by the CIA controlled by a global super order of lizard type people’. Stonepark has jumped in with ‘building 7’. I am asking what information / evidence he has for supporting that conspiracy and if he has any particular information or evidence which he should share with the press or authorities 😆. On the other hand, I’m with Hitchins (that which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence) and I don’t need to prove that it wasn’t the CIA or lizard people or the state of Israel 😆
  18. Hahaha. This is brilliant: ‘The summary of the poll noted that "Though people with greater education generally have greater exposure to news, those with greater education are only slightly more likely to attribute 9/11 to al Qaeda." ‘
  19. Oh give over, you’d get that result if you asked 100 lunatics. Prey tell, where did that survey come from and what was the sample group? And you tell me the reference to Lizard people is silly? Im sure there’s a survey for that too 😆 Edit. Oh this is just too good : https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/apr/07/conspiracy-theory-paranoia-aliens-illuminati-beyonce-vaccines-cliven-bundy-jfk 329 million people in the US, 12 million loonies who despite not a shred of evidence of the existence of a lizard master race, choose to believe in one. I stabbed in the dark that there would be 1% lunacy, turns out it’s more like 3%. Tell you what, I bet every single one of those 12 million people also believe that the twin towers had nothing to do with a terrorist attack at all.
  20. Hey, if the Russians want to cut off supply to all their best customers then that’s up to them, right? And as for building 7, so tell me what have you learnt from watching David Icke videos at 3 am? Do you have information that no one else has or have you been able to hack the pentagon and find something? 😆
  21. But it’s not. Probability is our friend. You ask 100 people if they think the twin towers was built with explosives packed into their super structure and later dropped by the CIA controlled by a global super order of lizard type people, you will within that group of 100 people find at least 1 person who believes that. Is it more probable that that one person has uncovered a secret conspiracy or has access to secret information the other 99 don’t have access to, or is it more likely that that person is a little bit potty?
  22. And back in the real world…. what insight and wisdom does that 1 have that the 99 don’t know, don’t have access to and which is hidden from them but not the 1? Statistically it’s more likely that the 1 has some form of mental disorder 😉 Edit And I see that Russia has just cut all gas supply to Latvia. Blimey, that’s some maintenance program they have 😆
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