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Everything posted by Mungler

  1. Spot on. And… At the start of this thread we were told by the shills that it was a failure on the part of the West and NATO for not progressing negotiations and diplomacy. But we’ve now been told that because the Minsk Accords were not followed, diplomacy failed - and what, an invasion was inevitable or the only possible or logical outcome / solution? What utter rubbish on all accounts. It’s like arguing with a 12 year old over the colour of orange juice. In other news it looks like greater criticism of Putin is coming from within Russia than from some on here. On the BBC (if you want to believe it eh and don’t think it’s been staged by NATO 😆) - people fleeing the country, roads and flights clogged. Tells you all you need to know about that lovely place and regime.
  2. Mungler

    Todays budget

    I read somewhere that we are currently taxed more than Denmark when you factor in all the nibbling taxes we pay - NIC, VAT, stamp, CGT, IHT, road tax, congestion, ulez, insurance, green etc. Don’t forget too the NHS is the single biggest employer in Europe and the single biggest cost to government by a country mile - think about that. They are not figures to be proud of and we treat the NHS as completely free to anyone who fancies hitting it up, but it’s not free by any stretch of the imagination. Nothing is free. For all the tax we pay (which the government then in turn should turn into services to provide to us) is anyone happy with their lot? Anyone here happy with policing, fire brigade response times, NHS waiting lists / GP appointments? What about other public sector service standards? The flip side is there anyone who works in the public sector happy with their lot? We should have zero crime, zero NHS waiting lists and all be living to a 120 years of age for what gets spent. Big government is the embodiment of wastefulness and paying yet more tax won’t fix the problem. The only way we get to pay less tax is to stop government spending (wasting) our money. No one should blame anyone who works for their money wanting to keep hold of more of it at whatever level - the primary position is it’s their money because they earned it.
  3. It’s sort of run a nice natural course and with lots ventilated, various positions tested and narrowed down. A couple of loonies unmasked 😆 although I hoped to hear more from Clangerman 😆 All standard forum stuff 😆👍
  4. Mungler

    Todays budget

    We have been lead down a path that there is some moral duty to over pay tax and volunteer more tax wherever possible. I disagree - it’s my money, I work very hard for it and wake up at 2 am and 4 am everyday thinking about work and if it goes wrong I’ll get little or no support from Government. I know that no one will spend my money as well as I do / will and that government by definition is the most uneconomic and wasteful entity known to mankind. When did any government project come in on time, under budget and with value? Simplified flat rate tax everyone is happy to pay and no one will bother to avoid and small government is where it’s at and central to true conservative ethos not this neo liberal spend spend spend we’ve had for the last decade from the conservatives.
  5. Mungler

    Todays budget

    Stolen from elsewhere: 1. A person on £20k pays £2,825 in income tax [14% of total] 2. A person on £200k pays £79,517 in income tax, that's 28x more tax for 10x more income than the person on £20k [40% of total] 3. A person on £1,000,000 pays £471,000 in income tax, that's 167x more tax for 50 times more income than the person on £20k [47%+ of total] and 6x more tax for 5 times more income than the person on £200k. Obs net take home is less with NIC payments and pension contribs.
  6. We are all arriving at that particular train station.
  7. This entirely. And to suggest that diplomacy somehow broke down leans to suggest that there was no alternative but to invade and start a war - which is of course pure nonsense. And this is where the small details and the terminology is important; ‘special military operation’? There’s an old Denning case which paraphrases to ‘if it’s big, grey, got tusks, flappy ears and a trunk, it’s an elephant. You can call it what you like but it’s still an elephant’. Here the repetition of a SMO (which we have been varying told was against Nazis, drug dealers or whatever) was always designed to hide an invasion and a war. I have always been critical of people that have propagated or over used SMO to define Putin’s invasion and a war because it shows they can be easily brainwashed into spreading an untruth.
  8. Mungler

    Todays budget

    Weird what’s going on and with the economy at full employment. Mind you, it’s all presentation - the dollar is strong across the world and is now at parity with the Euro but the headlines don’t lead with that.
  9. Even Reuwolf has stepped back from this one. Not even he will push at the door of Putin’s referendum being fair and democratic 😆 All these free thinkers and yet they can’t see past their own alternative narrative which has become it’s very own rhetoric.
  10. It started with Blair, multiculturalism and most importantly multiculturalism without integration and assimilation. We could have made entry to the UK conditional on swearing allegiance, speaking English and leaving all baggage at the door but we didn’t. Like I said, I’m a big fan of Douglas Murray and would recommend everyone start with The Strange Death of Europe and The War on the West. Absolutely
  11. Mungler

    Todays budget

    It was in the press that Truss has another wider ranging tax cut coming and no doubt just before the next election. You’re right in what you say, and the next play should be to cut tax again because that leaves Labour confirming that if they win they’re putting up taxes.
  12. Mungler

    Todays budget

    So, 40% of the national income tax take comes from the city of London. More than 25% of all income tax revenue is paid by the top 1% of taxpayers, and 90% of all income tax revenue is paid by the top 50% of taxpayers. If Truss is trying to attract more City types into London then that’s got to be a good thing, because they are putting the petrol in the engine. I doubt very much that Truss was going out of her way to make bankers richer despite what the rabid green eyed left leaning press will make out. What’s she’s done is a big gamble sure enough especially with inflationary pressures. it’s either a decade of awful recession / depression or her Plan A for growth, lower taxes and smaller government and right now, I’ll take anything other than more of the same we’ve had for the last decades.
  13. The silent majority slowly step forward and back into the thread having had enough of 100+ pages of Russian aggression loving nonsense 😆 Patrick Lancaster as the final straw - that fella is the modern day equivalent of Lord Haw Haw and anyone who punts him as factual or objective needs their bumps felt.
  14. To punt a video / any video of Lancaster on here to try and suggest that the referendum is ‘legit’ - that’s just beyond mental. Again, find me any clip or snippet of him (or you) saying anything critical or negative of Putin. An interesting glimpse at your view of balanced or impartial reporting. Amazing that with all we now know and what we can see going on, Putin still escapes any critical review from a dwindling few.
  15. Patrick Lancaster is a fully paid up card carrying platinum member of the Putin fan club and that’s a fact. He’s not made an objective report about anything to do with this war. Indeed, like you, find me where he’s said anything negative, critical or potentially balanced against Putin.
  16. Patrick Lancaster is the biggest and best known Russian shill on the planet right now. To try and punt anything with his finger prints on as objective or truthful is the most bizarre thing yet. Everything he does is straight from the Kremlin. And as for that interview - blimey, where to start. How about the credentials of everyone involved including the interviewee. You are lost. Absolutely bonkerooney if you actually believe half the nonsense you scrape off the bowels of the internet.
  17. I’m a big fan of Douglas Murray. What we are seeing now underlines the failure of integration in historic multicultural immigration policy as British born fight British born over a foreign cricket match. Looking at the enclaves around Birmingham, Bradford, Walsall and Leicester etc we all see it and know it, but nothing is done because of the depressing reality that nothing can be done when race or a religion are at the centre. The northern rape gangs are another fine example of the mess we have got ourselves in.
  18. Why, have your handlers from the Kremlin already sent you the results? 😆 I’m joking of course - your handler isn’t from the Kremlin, he’s from Oz according to his profile 😆😆 Para 1 : Agree entirely Para 2 : I fear you could be right
  19. Well, if you believe the West has no morals, I’m afraid the West still has the monopoly on morals when compared to Russia. This is the Putin **** show. He carries on regardless and everyone else reacts if, as and when, because they have to. It’s all on him.
  20. So many people have already been forcibly relocated to the far regions of Russia and scooping up any who actually want to go, well that’s go to be worth a conversation.
  21. Mungler

    Todays budget

    Agreed. We are told every day on the news how dreadful it is here, how the government are failing and so on. Not so but if it is for you - fix it, do something, try something - don’t wait or depend on the government.
  22. You know what, that would be a perfect way down for Putin from the top of the ladder he’s currently balancing off.
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