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foxy bingo

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    shooting all pest and vermin

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  1. calm down the karma or what bit was meant tongue in cheek
  2. I think its the vet that killed old cecil with a bow and arrow may be wrong
  3. nextbase 512g excellent never had a problem with it
  4. just read on msn news the italian vet that was showing pictures of all the big game he had shot on social media including lions etc causing an up roar {no pun intended} he has fallen down a ravine whilst bird shooting and he is no more
  5. if its an item for sale you have to put a price
  6. google Christmas light projector jml, Tesco,the range,argos and a few more come up
  7. this is just one gang that has been caught how many gangs are still doing it
  8. Nico Rosberg has just announced he is retiring from f1 good luck to the world champ
  9. the piont of the cpc course is because the government have stopped funding vosa so this is to fund them so chunk of cash from the course fee x all hgv drivers every 5 years = nice little earner
  10. a good chunk of what you pay for the course goes to vosa
  11. I think ive cracked your problem steve a nice pair of welding gloves for the wife for Christmas
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