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Everything posted by yds

  1. yds


    Well the trip went better then could be hoped. A few firsts for me. I finally saw a live moose, though never shot it we never had a tag for that. A moose was shot and it went back into the tree line and it ws 10pm when we got it to the larder, it had to be skinned immediatley and everyones phone was dead so no photo i'm afraid apart from a very poor shot 1 lad got on his misted up phone which he will email me if it turns out. So what was shot.... I got x2 fallow and a boar which I shot in star light on the snow in -19c (another first) i had sat still for over 3 hours waitng for them. The next day was -26c another first (coldest i've been out in). So we hunted in extreme circumstances and temps but good prep and clothing allowed us to sit motionless in these temps for many hours. My view from the box I could have shot the follower but wanted to wait for a buck. Then the phone went and I was asked to shoot an "eater" if there was one. Minutes later job done. The next day went well with plenty of does and followers seen of both roe and fallow. In the evening we had much success 3 of us scoring good bucks me from a box the other 2 on foot. Then I went back to the box to wait for the pigs, -19c and 3 hours after dark they came to the bait. Only stars and snow I lit the reticule and waited for one to break from the black mass. 1 did and I took it dropping it on the spot. It had been quartering slightly and the bulet smashed the lungs and exited through the liver. Here is a shot of me sat in -26c and my breath kept freezing my eye lashes together. Just some photos with no story now. A moose was also shot but it wasnt recovered till darkness and we dragged it out in -26c it was part frozen as we were, so the photo we took of it has come out really poor if i can tidy it up i will post it later.
  2. There is no limit on the day and it includes a duck/goose flight if required, But as its walk and stand we do not gaurentee a bag either. What i will say is in the past 8 years the smallest day was 86 and the largest 142 head. We have 1 more driven day and a (small) tennent day left. We cancelled lee's driven date due to excessive flooding. So we should have good numbers left. The game crops are still standing well but this will depend on how much more rain or snow we get. You will get a good day out and it is well run and co-ordinated. The bag as said is not gaurenteed though. Location is LEVEN e.yorks. A saftey talk will be given and your insurance checked.
  3. Thats the wife filming it was me running the day so was behind those geese and sending them the right way LOL and the saftey talk was given in the morning asking ALL guns to use non toxic on the duck drive.
  4. the last 2 shots (out of shot) were 2 more. that made 5 canadas and 1 grey.
  5. Not bothered in any instance, bitch all you like. The facts are birds are released. Even if they were not I've keepered all my life and this happens all the time not right but never the less it happens. The fact is he has permissions all over and feeds HIS shoots. When those birds are on his they are HIS. Just as when his walk they are no longer his. And its the keeper who is to blame over the boundry for either not dogging in/ feeding right or creating the right habitat, or simply putting to many birds down for his land to hold. I run my own shoot and my birds wander onto neighbours where they are fed and shot. Its life, you put enough down to compensate. and leave the area quiet between shoots for them to come home. (something which never happens on this shoot as they shoot it alot) I know where he buys his poults and they are often delivered when mine are and are on the same trailers, this is fact. The nature of those mini drives are very small woods etc and the dogs in the beating line cannot help but break cover when birds are dropped into the edges of the drive. Sometimes the beater set off in a drive which is less then 100m's with back guns, not many dogs would hold ranks in this situ, no pickers up there, let the dogs gather any runners asap. Its done as a bit of fun amongst friends, it is never run as a formal day hence the title of the film. regards to all john
  6. the mini bus broke down on the way to the airport we were stood at the side of the motorway pulling on our hunting gear over our jeans. It was minus 25 c and i never felt my feet again till on the plane 1 1/2 hrs later.
  7. The cabin sauna on the range Kens buck Quens big buck richards buck follower shot at last light extraction At the club day 3 minus 15c a moose in the drive and getting nearer, it passed by me about 400m's in the tree line but i was ready for action after sitting there for 3 hours without moving.
  8. Back to Finland tomorrow on another hunt, mainly white tail deer, driven and high seat. Temps in the area are said to be -15 sunday night with a daytime temp of -6 to -9c I have the right gear its getting it al into my bag lol.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/user/yorkshireroestalking?feature=mhee
  10. YDS VOL 5.has been launched price is £12.50 inc P+P or £15.50 with the eu promo disc. chq or bt is fine or buy on ebay. regards john
  11. Some of these drives are mini copses etc under an acre so its enevitable the beaters dogs break out after the birds. They are good days and much fun. When the birds come thick and fast you hardly have time to look down.
  12. Alan holtby is the keeper. and its in Nth lincs
  13. the calf was not as big as the cow and bull that were shot. it was estimated at 170kg the cow was estimated 350kg
  14. Thanks lads. I only edit the game vids, the wifes on the camera, and shes getting better. When not getting hit by dead pheaants LOL
  15. The bull was shot with a 6.5x55 and dropped to 1 shot. boar was .375 other moose were 308 and 3006 coon dog 9.3x74R roe 308 i personally use a 7mm rem mag or 9.3x74R
  16. Well done Dan, ignore peoples ignorance about hunting big game. Like its been said, ranches run business's and all hunting is goverment sponsored and controlled, much of the money out of state hunters spend helps the poor countries survive and control poaching.
  17. We didn't loose a runner, and there were no birds shot low?, its a lowland farm shoot.
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