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Everything posted by yds

  1. +1 I use the privvis all the time and they are faultless performers
  2. I use this alot if you watch many of my vids you will see it. Roe will always stop and look but you only hve a few seconds to shoot when you do stop them.
  3. well the olympics has been on, guess they wanted to join in the fun.
  4. This fellow gave his life for a Danish client while I had a dsc1 course running under a mile away. I set everything going and left the classroom, within 10 minutes we had this. So he was whisked off to camp to show everyone a full dsc2 gralloch. We had a Dane pass the dsc1 with a safe pass and another shot this on the last morning.
  5. Sorry buddy but no, the 3-12x56 varipont zeiss that you see on the gun now (its mine) will have to go on the HMR now.
  6. Thanks everyone, he took them for a norweigen hunting mag he edits, there will be a report on his first roe hunt in there but it will be in norweigen.
  7. A retired FC worker his profile said, A bitter and twisted jealous man I think. Just another *** the nets full of them. Zeiss are now sending me the new flagship 3-12x56 HT victory for demo and testing on my estate rifle. They are happy to hear any feed back on its performance. Thats another 2k scope, on test, if only he knew. Yes they are a big concern, but just wouldn't hand these scopes out to anybody for testing and trial.
  8. The monarch roe sack is the best of the best and I helped in the final design features, like the sling studs. Very good sack.
  9. Breeze my deer dog is now allowed (at 5 and out everyday) her "nose", many times she has wanted to take me away from where I think the deer is. She eventually gets her way and takes me to them! Often they have run back around behind us. You would never have found them without a dog.
  10. the point i you were NOT there so can not possibly take everything into account, so go back to your arm chair and play with your laptop. I have been shooting full bore for 27 years nearly every day without an inccident, and nearly every day with 2 clients a day using mine or their weapon for the last 7 years again without inccident. All those rounds have gone down range safely, thats alot of lead. An expert i don't claim to be but more experienced then most i am. Look at the video from where the bullets hit their targets, sand heaps and concrete slabs, with a high velocity expanding bullet. If you knew anything, my remark about a .22lr been more dangerous would be obvious, anyone who has used a subsonic lead round will know how they are the most prone to bounce of any bullet(almost). Yet my 22250 has fired 2-3,000 rounds, is a .22 but a 50gr HP @ 3780fps NEVER bounces it simply destroys itself on whatever it hits. Both are .22 rounds but speed is the key. This is my last word on the subject, none of the bullets left the heap and no harm was done.
  11. +1 here kill em down there then you can't ring em here with you when you visit.
  12. shame you have to put a disclaimer on it F.B. so many nobs eh?
  13. I know mate, the whole jolly thing is camera angle. From the shooters position you can just see the top of the shed roof (some 300m away) from the target the whole thing was hidden by not 1 but x3 50ft heaps of sand. The soft point bullets just destroy them selves when they hit such a hard surface (such as concrete) even if they had "glanced off" you would see the sand dust up. This describes it better then i could. high velocity and soft lead is the key. this is great enjoy.
  14. yes it is my call and i'm wasting no more time with you. atb john
  15. Never said that, but flat facing surfaces killed them bullets and anything else would be eaten by them sand heaps which you failed to notice? The point is nothing bounced everything WAS safe and we walked away ok. like i said always 1. A .22lr would have been more unsafe to use in there.
  16. concrete, yes building yes,(a long way behind as its zoomed also its in our quarry out of hours) But didnt you see the 50ft heap of soft sand just behind the blocks? ? ?? and then the other 2 heaps behind that, and believe me with a gun of that power the holes into the slabs the bullets were finished......................... Did you hear any ricocettes??? NO as there were non. Always one isn't there. I suggest you look at everything you see.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6afWa7BsDOc
  18. My od black lab Jasmin (13) was put down tonight she had started to loose her back end. Its also a year tomorrow Friday since I lost dad. been down to see mum and she had this photo of a shoot day. Its of me, my son David and my daughter Georgia with dad on his last shoot day (he came to watch). A proper family day out. 3 of the dogs are dead now (all left side) Jasmin was the black lab, 2 of the pointers are breezes grand mothers and the big dog and small bitch are her parents. The photo is about 7 years old. Taken on my beaters day
  19. finished last season with 99 bucks think that is out of reach this season now ended up with 165 deer. i can always hope for the magic 100 bucks then theres the 41 does shot since new years day also.LOL on 112 deer this year
  20. well done on the buck and that is a small cub for this time of year, must have had a bad t it
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