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Everything posted by yds

  1. yes. No video boys sorry. Light very poor and i was doing the shooting myself. My other "best" munty, the new one will dwaf it. I have now shot well over 30 munties and they are great fun and often move throughout the day. My best haul, 1 day in oxford on another cull job. I can of course arrange and offer muntjac shooting.
  2. So smart dress please, shirt and tie. Fibre wads only and have some non-toxic for the ducks, also a couple of biggies incase the geese show. You will also need £10 for breakfast and sweep and £20 minimum tip for the keeper. We will say minimum of 400 shots or 100 head. (expect to do that easy).
  3. 12 guns shot and picked 50 birds. Poor scent and we lost quite a few in the beat. so probably nearer 60
  4. well done mate, we had a quieter time because of the late harvest, but they are showing up now with avengence.
  5. Its at Leven, e.yorks. and go on you tube and type in supportive wife it should come up then. we start next saturday should be a good days shooting. I'll post the bag, aimed at around 100 head, would easily double that but i hope the guns will be selective as its early days.
  6. We I got a rush job dropped at my feet earlier in the week. Could I get down to Norfolk and cull some munjac who were trashing a garden (actually 45 acres). As it happened I could, I had had a cancellation and this little earner would just fit in nicely. So after a call I made arrangements for a mate to collect me in his camper van. We loaded a high seat and our stuff in and set off, sues head was still spinning as to the fact i was off again. LOL We arrived with just enough time to errect the high seat, having munties bark at us while we put it up. Next morning we were out just on light. A shot came from the seat immediatly, 1 down a doe. I had seen x3 deer but was unsure of backstops so never shot. We had breakfast and then aa mooch around to assess the job in good light. As it happened I could have shot all 3 including the big buck i had seen. That evening just on dark i managed a clear shot on a doe and she dropped clean. The night was very entertaining having munties bark all around the van which was parked on site. It made us very excited for morning. We were out again on first light and I shot a young buck within minutes. So I waited 15 minute to see if aanything esle would show. It never. So after gralloching the buck I hung him and went to sit on my stool I had left where the big buck resided. I crept in and sat down rifle up on sticks and pointing to his bob-hole, scope wound down to x3 Was there about 25 minutes when he appeared at the hole looking straight at me through the brush only some 15m's off me. I dearnt move my eye fixed to the scopes eye piece. We stared at each other for ages, then I slis the saftey off as slowly and quietly as i could, he turned to go back into his den, as he did I fired a round into his rib cage, the .222 HP smashing into him and destroying his liver annd not exiting. He never even kicked. So we left and I dropped the big buck in at the taxidermists, fairly sure it will go gold. So a nice little job done a happy gardner, a happy mate, a happy me and a happy taxidermist. A good do all round and I got paid for it.....LOL Sweet
  7. A couple of other things please to note. Smart dress code please NO CAMMO and game guns only. Thank you.
  8. This is my shoot I have run/keepered on for the last 8 years. Its dead mans boots. I usually run the line but 1 day a year in oct I have my own day (I love shooting partridges) As a favour for lee and because we have a very large number of last years partridges left I have offered him a day. You can see a good volume of birds and plenty of pheasants are left on these early days which fly well later on. This day last year was still and very bright, not great for driving birds. With a wind they are better again. Anyway we shot 9 guns and had 146 head mainly partridge with some duck and pheasant. Enjoy the vid and the wife barracking me. LOL
  9. Was there on wednesday last, one of my 4 days. 12 of us shot 70 plenty to go at we were very selective.
  10. As far as I am aware the boar hunting/shooting offered in nth yorks is a sham, they are penned up. See colin lockerbie in dumfrees for pig shooting. Or come on one of my hunts to scandanavia and do it under the moon on snow. Proper hunting NO NV. For roe stalking I am a guide in the area and full time taking 200 clients out a year on some 400 outings. Regards john Driven. A client Ambushed this under moon in sweden.
  11. Yds is not all deer. I organise fox shoots mainly amongst my helpers and friends to shoot foxes on my game shoot. This however has gone on now to helping landowners/keepers who have problem foxes deal with lamp shy foxes...... Kinda paying my rent and getting the boys out. Well 3 of us were out yesterday morning when Murph missed x2 foxes from his high seat... *aaaa* ...to be fair they were both on the same hedge line some 325m's away 10 minutes apart. We went for a rematch this morning now x4 of us. When murph climbed into his seat this morning in the starlight he was met by this poster the keeper had left him. Well would you dare miss again? LOL Anyhows he never got the chance for a re-match, rabbit killer behind the wood shot this big dog fox late in the morning.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_mTIyBd3cU&list=UUSW7TWPvQDa8mDosB2eczHw&index=1&feature=plcp
  13. After dropping x2 boys at their respective boxes (fox watch) I made my way to mine. I soon spotted this young 6 pointer with a doe in a stubble field. Wanting a cull for a function he was on the cards. Dressed for sitting and then tending my game birds I wasn't dressed for success, however needs must. Using the heston bales I inched towards him and closed in quickly. He was still unaware when I reached my chosen firing point. Resting the 6.5x55 on the bale I launched the S.P. He dropped to shot. This is my 3rd buck this season out of 80 bucks killed so far so was pleased wiith myself. I was even wearing my "stealth" riggers, LOL Mossy who?
  14. they were shot on the wing.
  15. young black cock and a hazel grouse.(might be same as willow)
  16. photos from the last few days when i was on a recent fact fact finding trip in the artic ciircle. home beds sauna 50,000 acres our group on the way home. dinner time again black game (young cock) hazel grouse wild hunting cock capper
  17. couldn't resist mate, like I said when you first told me, Alister who? never heard of any off em, up to my jackal head having the **** taken of it I never knew who simon cowell was. with my hours and i never watch the news dont know any of em. we could have been invaded 2 weeks ago and i wouldn't know unless it was posted on the S.D. LOL even then if the title never caught my eye i might miss it. good luck in order i think, but its only a game like footy, beckham who?? and in all honesty i couldn't even say how many gold medals we won a few weeks ago. Foxes and deer then i listen up. regard john
  18. I have a few guns left on some driven days. Mainly french partridge, some pheasants, greys and duck mixed in some of the drives as well as various. Always been "dead mens shoes" but we have been forced to shoot saturdays now not fridays. I am tired of sending reminders to the usual late payers so they are to be replaced. This is an oppertunity to perhaps impress and become a regular. Only experienced game shots considered and only "peg dogs" allowed. A safety talk will be given before the day starts. It is my shoot and has a friendly atmosphere I have keepered, run it now for 7 years and never not come up with the goods(used to be 150 bird days before I started with the stalking). No bag limit and bottom line is about 80-90 birds (or 350 shots), 9 guns all drives are pegged. Breakfast is usually arranged (extra) and tips not included. £260 per gun a day. Sometimes a duck/goose flight may be included depending on dogs. Smart dress only to please. Gun saftey is paramount and all game guns to be carried in slips till on the peg and removed the same way. There will be time for refreshments between the drives, expect a minimum of 6. pm me for dates available all from end of oct to end of dec. This was filmed last year by the wife, it was a still very bright frosty day and doesn't do the shoot the justice it deserves but as you can see the partridge were like bullets.
  19. Thanks for tiding it up P.P. it was a very bad photo taken on an old point and press camera, the light was bad. Made worse by my digital camera taking a pic of the oriinal photo. But I like the pic anyhow.
  20. No you have not been there mate. I have read your email and will reply soon.
  21. Well after our roaring success this last weekend, would there be any more interested in another date this year?, before we start game shooting in the end of oct? Just a thought or we are looking at next spring for another. pm me if interested regards john@ YDS
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