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Everything posted by yds

  1. Well done mate, keep em coming, i'm having a wee break at the mo, these hours are draining my patience somewhat and so are the numpties. Sleeping mostly now and when not making a very good living out of their "hobbies". At least when they snipe on you tube I can moderate them myself and then block them so stopping them veiwing my stuff at all. Its funny they don't like what they see but watch every video? Any way I will enjoy your stuff as usual, keep knocking em down and stay out of the armchair regards john
  2. Thanks lads, but you won't see any here for a while. Its not the debating or banter i'm sick of its the 1 or 2 who pop up from time to time and disect everything and derail threads on purpose. The whole point of a section for photos and vids is to put some on. If they dont like to see such things dont click on that forum. Simples I would have thought. Even if they do, The mods are quite caperable of making desicons as to what should stay. They can delete when they choose so why is there always this trend to abuse a members right to start a thread. Leave it to the mods (report it if you like) but leave them to it. :yp: Let a thread take a natural course with relevent debate.
  3. I agree but its not my thing. No factory work would be. Its a straight enough statement and a personal 1. The coments after mine are hardly putting anything into this thread?
  4. Well you have seen how stirred up people are on here now. I realy can not be bothered anymore at the moment I am very tired with the hours i'm doing now. If you want to see the latest vids look on my youtube channel or subscribe. 91 deer this year and 50 bucks now with the 1 this morning. Not counting the misses. 165 deer last year and so on. people need to remember how many hours a year that means i'm with the deer. I have to make judgement calls every day in real time and not on replay. I am busier then ever and nearly fully booked till after the rut(mid aug). So despite my critics I must be doing something right most of the time or I would be in a factory fitting nuts onto bolts. I not saying I never make a bad call or I know everything but I have seen more in a month then most will see in a year or more. With different people using different guns and ammo. Thats even better being a spectator then looking down the scope all the time as i see everything good and bad and have to cope with more then a few situations which have gone wrong for any number of reasons. regards john
  5. Thought i'd replied first thing but never pressed the enter button, ah well it was 0315 well done mate and a nice pose.
  6. The range was just under 100m's. If alone I still would have done the same, through my experience can usually read the deer and can usually get them to stand. As you will have seen in a few older vids. Like demonstrated here. Clients are allowed occasionally neck (if close) but never head. It would also have been the best buck he'd shot so a head shot would have damaged the trophy. Thats a difference between those shooting for bone/meat and those who just want the meat. A client shot a buck this morning at 22m's in the neck (after i told him to) dare i post the vid? The background is undeniable the shot was good, though not quite how I might have shot it, but good non the less and the deer never suffered. (it never even heard the bang). Or will i be accused of promoting bad practice or my bussiness. Will that or this post be allowed to run a reasoned path?
  7. nice one matey, thats a gtrat beast. Do you ever get any over 50lb? we get a couple a year over 50 larder weight H+F off
  8. lying again. I was sent your blog as when read found it relevent that all the chest shots were shot dead? If that is the case as we know it is very unlikley why do you need to shoot in the head ever? I cannot be bothered to find it but you say you have had a need to drop deer on the spot. you write there you obviously can very well with the chest shot. You also take your dog stalking, for follow ups? You have also said in all honesty you have never had a shot go bad.(not shot many then?) All this points that you can also contradict your self and do. I posted the incredible lung shot to show novices that even with a good conection deer can react different to how they learnt in a dsc1 and to make sure they watch the deer and decide on a follow up shot or to simply allow the deer to die quietly. (their call). You were also told by another that a neck shot still doesn't keep you safe, or kill the deer any better then any other shot at times and agreed the deer is still sometimes blinking which means its concious and can see you aproach before you dispatch it in whatever matter you choose. What we do in the field when caught on film can look shocking, but bear in mind we are talking seconds. I have shown in my videos I too am not anti neck shooting under correct circumstances it is you who said I had B.P. shoved up my ****? You were shown i did not remove a said video and thought i was upto no good, I asked for an apoligy you said "never" It is not just me who is defensive, it is also not you who is having every honest post derailed by a systematic sulker. Best you stick to your above statement and let my posts go there course without your input. :good: I think its time to stop now
  9. But if you look apart from this topic and classified only a handful of times I have only ever posted in the photo or vid section. Take a look at my history. Think that is a little flawed.
  10. What I don't understand is when there are x2 forums on here for vids and pictures. If so many of you don't like them why do you visit them?? They are there for those that do like to post and look. As always there are 2 camps of thought just because you neither like or agree why should we be forced to have it your way? Our activities are legal and conducted in a legal fashion. Antis will not respect a dead animal or the hunter regardess of how it is laid out. And those which are posed for almost always include the weapon. What does that say about us all? Ask yourelves the pictures you take of anything you have bagged I bet over 90% of them will have the gun in there even without you. Because your making a statement they were shot with that gun. There are alot here who in their signature list all their guns, the dogs and even their insurance and open tickets. Thats fine but why?, because they are proud to have attained them through hard work and suitability. Each to their own. I also notice I am proud enough not to be annonamous, all who are scared of a ban or attack hide behind an avatar? Are they so weak willed and would they be so bold in their statements without that chance of hiding away. Just my thoughts. I am proud to be a hunter and mix alot abroad with likeminded hunters who cannot believe the way we in the UK have to skulk around.
  11. He's busy on another thread trying to cause a muntiny about posting photos of shot animals(on a hunting forum?) and wants only pigeons to be posted. Apparently the antis don't get upset seeing bags of a 100 slain birds as long its done respectfully? They are still, dead but the antis won't notice because of the tasteful use of some buttercups in a meadow. They are also apparently unaware of all the "pricked" birds that fly off to drop out of that ash tree 2 hours later. Shooting will always be a target for antis that we know, but I live in a rural area where my neighbours see me unloading deer everyday and let me live my life, because i don't give 2 hoots what they think. They accept things won't change and what I do is legal. If i skulled around and was weak kneed they would be on me real quick that is fact. What we do is legal, what we use is legal (infact mandatory) so get out and shoot something, be proud and show the world we are proud of what we do it is a legal pastime. and this was just pm'd to me, makes a good read. notice all chest shot animals are killed clean and the piccies are of dead deer. If all his chest shots drop deer stone dead why ever neck head them at all, Make up your own minds at least i show/tell things how they really happen. http://frodo-its-a-dogs-life.blogspot.co.uk/
  12. It is a docter copy. Very good indeed.
  13. Childish but you were wrong about me removing the video? I can only talk and try and give advice i am not looking down the scope nor is my finger on the trigger. All this is your gripe over me telling you neck/head shots are not best practice....which they are not. I have also agreed with you they are guidelines and provided evidence that i do allow neck shots and don't follow it myself all the time, so what dose all this prove other then your childishness? And you were wrong about the video that is undeniable an apoligy please.
  14. there found it. It took me 1/2 a minute. 4.01 and the Danish guy I was telling to take it would never shoot 1 on the move, it was just encouragement to shoot when it was inevitably going to stop. Which it did and he shot it then. The danes wont even shoot them laid down or take neck shots and turned down x2 bucks that week which were exactly that. Now that apoligy
  15. I have not removed any video content, you cannot be looking hard enough . So When you find it an apoligy might be nice.
  16. But if a vein is split and the heart still beating they bleed out very quick and leave a blood trail a blind man could follow. You all shout about a photo of a dead fox could bring about a ban yet these topics are showing there is no real safe quick way to kill a deer every time by the average marksman. Which is doing more harm?
  17. again you can see from the video it was edited but only by seconds. The damage from clipping and breaking the spine + the lung damage this deer was dead quickly as you could see. And surely a spine shot is NO different to a neck shot it is the same chain of bones and nerve endings they are of course paralised higher but only paralised and not always dead hence the blink reaction. Don't forget you can clearly see we are above the animal and the bullet is travelling down through him. He was deaad in seconds though as I have edited it (slightly) you will have to take my word for it. I also find it hard to believe if you have shot as long as you have you say you have never had a shot go wrong? You know the saying if you haven't you ain't been shooting long enough. I have also agreed with you else where that B.P. is only a guide and have proved through my vids neck shots are taken. Head shots never by me now after seeing that hind and never ever by clients.
  18. spuds roe buck piccy makes mine look good though. Its up propley now and to be fair i think the cameras been a little kinder this time. Still not a great example though. Anyway it will remind me of the last hunt in bulgaria weeman.
  19. Weeman at least i think I shot most of this animal, do you still have frankenstein on your wall? that went to a panel beater not a taxidermist.
  20. :lol: i know what you mean but even I don't take pictures of that. you get the idea from the photo he is a bunny hugger who sits at home with his pussy on his lap, i'd rather be seen as a sad hunter. now please back to the O.P.
  21. By staying on the O.P. would be a start.
  22. No if it winds you lot up it serves a prurpose.
  23. Please not again, read the thread in full. I have NO respect for foxes and would kill them with a dessert spoon if i got close enough. Now back to the thread.
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