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About Big_Paulie

  • Birthday September 30

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  1. what length barrel is the Kimber .thanks

  2. Evening, No idea why this doesn’t update on PW, but I’ve just done the final price drop on Gunwatch, this is now £400! Hopefully someone will see this for the steal that it is and it won’t be traded in with the local RFD! Cheers BP
  3. Hey all, price dropped to £450. This is an absolute steal for someone as per the comments above.
  4. No worries, drop me a PM when it comes through and I’ll let you know if it’s gone.
  5. What’re your FEOs like? How long do variations normally take?
  6. Thanks mate, that’s really kind of you to say.
  7. Did you get someone to do this? If not i'll do it for you. Cheers Paul
  8. Afternoon Folks I was wondering whether anyone on here has a Barrett MRAD and would be willing to help me out? Any replies via PM gratefully recieved. Many thanks Paul
  9. Mine is me decompressing after a long dive. Man was I bored!! This was before the underwater Mp3 players became widely available.
  10. This is a great idea, count me in, how do we play then?
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