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Posts posted by walshie

  1. A couple of years ago, I was trimming some moulding off the door frame and the stanley knife slipped and slashed me across the thumb, right on the joint. It didn't bleed to start with and being brave I asked my Mrs to come and have a look at it. I looked away as I pulled the paper towel off it, hoping she would say "Oh, that's nothing.", but she nearly threw up and said "Oh God, I can see the bone through it." :sick:

    I thought people were supposed to calm you down in such situations.

    5 stitches and 3 months for it to heal so i could bend it properly. That'll teach her to get me to do DIY.

  2. I think sitting at a keyboard in the cold light of day it is impossible to think how you would feel in those circumstances. Hopefully my dog and baseball bat would sort the problem, but 4 men in your house? Who knows what was going through his head, poor bloke.

  3. I waited 8 weeks for the FEO to do my interview, then 7 weeks for the cert to arrive and it's finally here! Hoorah!

    I was expecting it to be hand delivered on a red satin cushion, but it was just with the regular post.

    Looking at the list, it's going to be expensive! :o...but I'm worth it! :P

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