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Posts posted by walshie

  1. Only to be opened after his death? Who is he laying down rules like that? As for his "mental health advocate"! To namby -pamby round a murderer's whims like that makes her a part of this horrible ***** crimes. How on earth can she respect his wishes, like anyone cares, and ignore a Mother's RIGHT to know where her son is?

  2. Used to really enjoy watching the original early 70,s tv series ...and then try to replicate the escape plans in the school playground :lol:


    Didn't the teachers get the hump when the other kids fell down the tunnels? I bet your mum was cheesed off with your pockets and socks full of earth too. :lol:

  3. Didn't they make a replica once and flew it? I'm sure I saw a documentary on that once.


    Yes. that was the program last night. Flew safely to the field the other side of the river.


    Mind you, that was with modern material, equipment and know-how and without having to do it "in secret". Amazing.

  4. I think you will find that Colditz was liberated before they could use it. Cracking programme though. Makes you wonder what you would have done in the same circumstances.


    My mistake. You're right. The yanks took that one and only photo of the plane still in that little room, and no-one knows where it went after that.


    The interview with the two old boys who designed it was good. One said he was sure it would have flown, and the other smirked and said he was sure it would come to earth one way or the other. They were still prepared to give it a go though!

  5. Did anyone see this program last night on Channel 4? Engineers recreated an escape plan from 1941 using a glider! It worked, but with all modern equipment and testing techniques and obviously no-one was going to shoot them if they were spotted.

    I can possibly imagine digging a tunnel to escape somewhere, but the guys who planned this had to make a 2 seater glider in a 7ft room out of bits they nicked over the course of 10 months, and build a runway out of tables on a steep roof in the dark! The plan was never completed as they were sussed before they could use it, but hats off to them. They had more balls than I'll ever have.

  6. The combs sound like a good idea. I'm already aware of how much they can kick up as I witnessed the last 4 meet their maker. I've just been in the garden this morning and it smells rotten! Can't say I'll miss that. At least I don't own slippers after yesterday. If I tread in any more ****, it will be in flop-flops. :cry1:

  7. I'm with the Metropolitan Police. It clearly says at the top of their transfer from that you are under no obligation to use it. The Met are quite happy with an email, and I prefer that as it's all time stamped etc. Why not give your lot a ring and see if they accept emails?

  8. Last year I had trouble with a family of foxes living in my garden and sh1tting everywhere. The smell was terrible, so I got a man with a cage round to sort them out. 4 in a week, and the smell stopped. Until now that is. The final straw. I have just gone in the garden and stepped in a fresh fox **** right outside my back door and it is all mashed into the stitching on my favourite mocassin slippers! :sad1:

    It is obviously expensive to get a pro round again so I was thinking about doing it myself.

    I only have a closed FAC at the moment, so I was considering borrowing a mate's .410 hushpower and buying myself a cage.

    My question is: What cartridge would I need for short-range shooting of said fox so as to be as humane as possible and cause as little destruction to the cage as I can? Estimated range about 6".

    I know it would have to be a subsonic 2" cart, but what shot size and load?

    Any advice much appreciated.

    **** slippers.


    Edit to say: Now bought a .410 for myself.

  9. Hell no!

    Seriously, I'm 49 now and much happier than when I was in my 20's. I know more and I have a little bit more spare dough. No longer have to get babysitters when we want to go anywhere. Minus points: Expanding waistline, needing reading glasses, walking into a room and forgetting what I had gone there for. Enjoy!

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