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Posts posted by walshie

  1. No you don't have to call plod, but I do in case the neighbours call in that I have a gun in my garden. They give you a CAD number which will be on record if anyone does phone in. After the deed is done, I call and close the CAD down.

    There is no requirement for food/water, just that it is checked once every 24 hours. Largely irrelevant as if they aren't in the trap in the morning, they aren't going to be until the following morning.

    Can't remember what make mine is, but make sure you get a strong one as a trapped fox will mash a cheap one. Mine was about £130. 2" galavanised mesh.

  2. I'd definitely call it in for something like that. To the "uninitiated" that amount of bangs will sound like a firefight. Call 101, get a CAD number then when/if the old bill turn up, you can give then that number then they will hopefully go and leave you alone. You can call 101 after, if you feel like it, and they will close the CAD number down.

  3. Here's another scenario, feel free to add your comments.


    Chef tells drunken yob to **** off out his shop, if he don't like his cheese, don't come back.


    Drunk yob smacks chef in the mouth.


    Chef pushes yob, who falls over, bangs his head and dies.


    Accident! What happens to the chef?


    Self defence?


    Simple answer YES. IMO. There is a difference between pushing someone who has hit you and punching someone because you can't hold your drink / can't control your hissy fit temper.


    Anyway the title to this thread is not "Was it lenient" it is "Do you reckon this is a bit lenient." and I reckon it is.

  4. If he WAS drunk and on drugs, he shouldn't have been. If he wasn't, he was just a thug who can't control his temper. Either way he should have been banged up for a lot longer. Some poor family has got to do without a husband/father/brother/son because of this imbecile.

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