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About boxlock

  • Birthday 22/11/1966

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  • Gender
  • From
    herne bay, kent
  • Interests
    shooting, diving & pigeon racing

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  1. fister, the spoilt little **** hat go's well with the stupid over sized chain round his neck.
  2. I know its a bosher bargain & a proper steal it is !!! I like it shame its not 2 3/4,
  3. mick will you pack it in !!!!! you know iv got a soft spot for a hammer gun!!!
  4. on the earlyer models it was behind center console ,drivers side very low down .. not sure on your model , might be same .
  5. its quite an easy job but you will need a press.
  6. take some time out & see how you feel next year maybe. what ever you do dont sell all your kit , as it take too much money to replace all those little bits & bobs if you change your mind.
  7. hello & welcome, im in rainy herne bay
  8. i dont think your right on that one. if the bird was badly injured & the best thing to do was to put it out of its misery, then yes the owner would put it down. but being its a young bird that has probly just been let out & has gone astray, the owner will most probly be glad to have it back
  9. hi ph , your doing the right things deep dish of water & some seed ( any wild bird seed will do )keep it in a box somewhere quiet. if you have reported it to the rpra,you could ring them again & ask for the phone number of the owner , so you can get it back to them asap. dont worry about what someone has said on here about the owner ringing its neck. i keep racers myself & would want the bird back if it was mine. if you need any help to do with this matter please pm me. thanks for doing the right thing !!! boxlock
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