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Posts posted by captainhastings

  1. 20 minutes ago, Rob85 said:

    If it happened after getting wet and hasn't been used in a while i would get the stock off and have a look inside to see if its gunged up with old grease and water. If nothing is obvious then a trip to the gunsmith is in order

    not too sure if i am up to that lol

  2. yesterday but prior to that is has been a few months. It goes back and forward fine if I manually use the lever. Got wet yesterday but I wiped it all down when i got home 

    Also is i safe to use like that. I do notice it won't fire unless I have closed it right up

  3. I was out yesterday and it seemed fine. It was a wet old day. But today when I close the gun the top lever did not spring back to lock the gun and i had to do it manually. It goes a little bit but not umph there.
    Only really started using the gun recently. After ejecting I do notice there is a quite a bit if resistance to close the gun. No idea if that is normal or not.
    Is it gunsmith time 😞  Shooting really well with it as well

    Winchester  pigeon  grade 

  4. On 02/07/2020 at 17:48, bruno22rf said:

    CCC....£100,000 legal expenses cover, pretty sure it covers you for ALL country pursuits as well, even walking your Dog.

    Yea I checked once and it does. Out of interest I asked if walking my dog and he leaps over the hedge and causes damage to sheep would I be covered. The lady said yes. Obviously not as cut and dried as that but it is good value 33 quid last year

    12 mil public liabilty

    10,000 personal accident

    100,000 legal

    and there is a few more as well.


  5. Does any one use these ? I have a pair of Howard Leight  muffs which I great but I noticed today they were interfering with my gun mounting for some reason. Not noticed it before. Yes am sure a pair of super duper plugs would be great but the the surefire ones are less than twenty quid. So the wife won't be too miffed 



  6. I bought one because last year I was up one end of a field waiting for geese and a fellow was up the other end on the pigeons he had two bouncers. He said he wouldn't touch the geese and i left the pigeons. I had  pigeons land in the tree by me and when the bouncers activated the birds took off and went straight to his pattern. The affect they had was obvious and from my vantage point I could see the birds loved them. So I bought one. Not really used it yet but hoping too once the combine is out. But like I said bloody awkward to carry and at 200 quid for the lot I don't want to break it

  7. The girls bought me a mincer at the weekend so I whipped out a couple of canadian breasts. Mixed in bit pork belly and some steak seasoning
    Got say it worked a treat. Looking forward to trying different bits now. Got a sausage attachment too





  8. I have never taken an interest in the likes of basc before. But to be honest if they are the only folks we have ? Then people need to get behind them. The larger there numbers the more clout they have I guess. I am seriously considering joining now. Shame they don't do a monthly sub 

  9. Wild Justice there name just sums it up they are on a crusade to save every animal and stop hunting in any form. Simple as. They don't actually have a clue. Just disgraceful 

  10. Rules are being made by people who are ignorant of what they are actually banning. Absolutely unbelievable. So much ground has been lost over the last couple of years. Maybe I wont be getting a gun dog next in a few years. Better stick to my lurchers because we lost out years ago but at least we can plug on to a degree  

  11. Well I can see me getting another pair the same because for the price they seem good. The 1st pair were really good that I lost but the second set from day one seemed the sound wasn't quite as good. Just unlucky I guess. But for £40 quid I can't see any thing else to get. Also they have stero which is handy 

  12. Hi folks I bought some ear defenders off amazon and they have died about 7 months in. The seller won't except things back after like a month. Has any one sent stuff back to honeywell ? I see there site is in america. Bit of a bad run with these because they were the second set after i drove off with the previous ones  on the roof two weeks in 😞 

  13. 12 hours ago, ninjaferret said:

    Where was this at please ?

    I've had all sorts of everything, lol, and still have as shootthepigeon knows. All have a purpose but as shootthe pigeon has found, he's never had anything on the end of a lead like her and she's still just a pup, wait till she grows up , but I did warn him !!!!:whistling:

    West wales 

  14. Sorry if it is posted else where


    By the folks at https://www.gwct.org.uk/

    I think we actually need to take part in these things now a days because if you plod along not making our numbers heard an just assume all will be well. You can kiss it good bye because if they think they can ban some thing with little resistance they will and are doing bit by bit

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