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Posts posted by captainhastings

  1. The news now a days is like some sort of reality show trying to grab the best head lines and make things worse than they actually are. I was only thinking yesterday as a kid watching the bcc news with some of the old news readers. I was thinking how can they ready that story about a plan crash that killed every one and some thing else like factory closes in the same tone and expression. But not now a days thats long gone for sure. They ham it right up and and really try and grab the ratings like some soap 

  2. Very good idea actually I do find the standard butt pad that came with escort too big could do with a smaller one. I will see whats about. My sxs's are much better and well fitting and handle faster

  3. My ff6 is off for repair and i was pondering upgrading to the remote. Any one find it a useful feature ? I guess you can adjust to flap on timer as standard and also flap when you want ? We have found some time a bird will be passing and thinking flap now flap now so its them occasions I am thinking of 

  4. What do people wear that don't affect gun mount. In the summer sat in a pigeon hide in tshirt accuracy is up but nuts deep in a ditch with 15 layers on to keep warm tends to have an affect I find. Just curious what folks wear to keep warm and dry but still be a bit nimble. When a duck appears in front out the dark speed and accuracy is handy 

  5. Parker reproduction looks great really nice. I keep hearing about the aya guns and there quality. Think if I came across one local I would struggle to resist 😞

  6. That 10g is a beautiful gun.  Regarding Gerry's comment I assumed single trigger sxs all had selective barrels like my Winchester obviously not.Personal I prefer the double trigger and I assume they less prone to going wrong 

  7. On 15/09/2020 at 15:53, Lloyd90 said:

    Had a beautiful morning sat watching the sun coming up listening to the Geese on the bank opposite. 

    3-4 Skeins came over but too far away from us. 

    We sat for a few hours then spent the end with Nic and I giving the dogs a few water retrieves. Ted is really shaping up now with a combination of running by the bike, hunting him on ground with game and swimming in the river against the flow. Think I gave him 7 or 8 retrieves swimming down the river and back against the current. 

    Nic kindly gave me some eggs from his Hens and on the way home I stopped into the butchers for some meat and knocked up a nice breakfast when home before a nap... about to start evening shift shortly! 


    Burning the candle both ends good for you. Lovely dog too I can see a springer on the list when the lurcher goes 

  8. I know one thing I save on cartridges too. With the semi that third cart the majority of the time tends to get wasted with me at least. I do some times fall into trying to aim the sxs and once I do that I miss badly.  At weekend first shot on a crow I aimed and missed realized what I had done and second shot just swung after it and focus on the bird and down he came. 

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