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Posts posted by captainhastings

  1. Hi folks bought a 12v 7amp sealed lead for me flapper but been advised to use me 4 am charger on it. Which explained the whistling when I tried. I found this 0CB85AAB-AA1B-4A1E-9A00-853579C92A1A.jpeg.bbdaa88d8c320dec8f065bfcc632d6c2.jpeg

    would it be ok to use if I whack couple clips on it? Charges at less than an amp which is what is needed apparently 

  2. 44 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    Hello, if I am not mistaken that goes on a barrel that's threaded for chokes and you have to buy the extra choke, the one I am looking at you have fixed locking nut system that goes on the barrel 70 mm

    Yea thats what I have you either give them a choke or they supply one.. Just screw it on then as its basically welded for want of a better word to your extended choke

  3. Most protesting gets ignored and solves nothing but in this instance the gov are bending over back wards. So breaking all the corvid rules and throwing the odd  riot and behaving like hooligans seems to have worked. Now every one is jumping on the band wagon. Country is a disgrace 

  4. 9 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

    Spot on. All this nonsense is doing nothing other than causing division and splitting society along racial lines, causing problems that didn't exist.

    Absolute madness!

    The media is so much to blame for all of it be it the racism issue or corvid and even our own field sports issues. The 24/7 constantly stirring and exaggerating the news. All we need of the news is factual unbiased news read out and done.  We don't want opinions as we can form our own 

  5. The country is going down the pan at an amazing rate. Take me back to the eighties we didn't have all this tech stuff but there were less rules and regs and more freedom and I know which I would rather. Dread to think were we will be in another 10 years 

  6. We are looking on target even in wales we can shoot now with in a 5 mile area. The chap from basc said yesterday even clay shoot will be opening in 2 weeks time.
    But just got to hope these protesting half wits haven't fired up a second spike

  7. I bought the hushpower mod for my escort semi and with standard carts it was not very good £185. I have not tried with subs yet as I only just got some. Also they said don't put steel through it.
    I have a 20g single fully shrouded and that is brill with subs but I doubt it would take steel

  8. Just seen this on basc

    Outdoor recreational activities, including shooting, may take place locally, defined as not travelling further than five miles. Shooting activities include target shooting, recreational pest control and recreational deer stalking.

    The essential control of pest birds and mammals is a reasonable excuse to travel further than your local area. BASC has contacted DCC Dave Orford, national police lead for firearms licensing, to ensure all four Welsh police forces are issuing consistent and fair advice to firearms licence holders.

    Click here for the latest Government guidance for Wales.

  9. 10 hours ago, WalkedUp said:

    That is awful. 

    Like @NoBodyImportant says, it isn’t as straightforward as it appears from afar. I do think US is now a dysfunctional society like South Africa. 

    Just bloody hooligans need locking up for ten years. Bet they have never done a decent days graft in there lives 

  10. There was a post on a group on facebook with an email from gwent firearms I think and they said if you went shooting your licence would be reviewed. I also emailed dyfed powys ad they said


    Many thanks for your email. The Government has issued specific and clear instructions that people MUST stay at home and avoid ALL non-essential travel/activities.

    It therefore follows that shooting should not take place for non- essential purposes.


    There are exceptions therefore and as far as your specific queries re concerned  and in order to ensure a consistent  response to such queries I refer you to The British Association for Shooting & Conservation - BASC Web site which following enquiries with Government Sources have published advice and guidance on continuation of shooting.

    So you have the pest control angle to test but personally I am sitting tight. Spent a lot of money last year on equipment and last thing I want is to risk the licence 

  11. Think it is pretty obvious really as it's not your bin. Some body is paying for that bin. Even the council in lay byes around here have now put up signs because of the shambles of refuse collections people would drop the odd black bag by a bin in a lay bye. Personal the council should have shut up and excepted that because some one had gone to the bother of bagging it and dragging to a refuse bin that gets emptied regularly. Then they wonder why people fly tip. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Retsdon said:

    Did they suggest anyone who could? 

    Nope both gave it the follow gov guidelines. So next week is my last week off before back to work. Welsh rules say you can drive locally to fish. But on the other hand they are clamping right down and fining people for travelling. So the issue is what is local and who decides it. 2 miles you could safely say is local. 15 I would say is not. But what about 4 lol. Who bloody knows. Just down to the copper who and if stops you. I wouldn't worry as a rule but the last season I spent a lot on my shooting with guns and equipment so just don't want to chance it until its clearer 

  13. Slightly off tangent but in wales here now we are allowed to fish and drive to fish locally. I emailed the police and my mp and basically gave 2 locations and said can I drive from here to there. Both couldn't really help. My nearest spot is say 6 miles away. But as a gun owner I dare not risk it and get in any bother just in case. Happy to tow the line but there is so much grey I am going to play it safe and not go. 

  14. Our Drakeford is doing a grand job. His clear and concise and careful. They are all doing the best they can and there is no right way and you can't keep every one happy. The press just give them selves a job by pulling every thing apart. They serve no use what so ever 

  15. 3 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

    Just baseless accusations, provided by unknown sources! Where is their evidence? Under C19 lockdown regulations there was no one out and about to witness such things!...........if there was they were probably breaking the law?

    Exactly yet it gets news space on the bbc and joe public see's it oh thinks omg them horrible shooting people. It does my nut in. Constant news head lines all out to grab viewers and all biased and one sided 

  16. Oh look here we go let have a go at the game keepers to give our selves a job because some one may have shot a kite in april. The news is also a waste of time

    A welsh news article today 

    Illegal bird killings ‘surge’ during lockdown
    There has been an increase in the number of birds of prey being illegally killed since the beginning of the coronavirus lockdown, according to the RSPB.

    The wildlife charity said the crimes were “orchestrated” and most had connections with shooting estates.

    Some of the raptors - birds of prey - targeted include peregrine falcons, red kites, buzzards and hen harriers.

    In late April, a red kite was found dead in Powys after being shot.

  17. Absolutely absurd. These surveys and what ever all seem to be done by tree hugging carrot nibblers so there out come is decided before they start. 
    Bit by bit our way of life is getting eroded and will continue to happen. We are losing chunks all the time. 
    All field sports no matter what forms should have stuck together. 
    It all started back with the hunting act. Especially the terrier folks and lurcher people who seem to all be vilified.  Yes there are idiots but there are in all sports.
    I did plan on a gundog in the next few years but the way this going maybe not.
    The thumb screws are just getting tighter and tighter 

  18. 27 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

    Well, what I've noticed so far, is that the restrictions are being ignored big time. Every evening on my way to work (social care) I witness many groups of youngsters walking around the town, and plenty of other people gathering in various areas to have a few cans!

    Same here Steve in the local parks you got your normal weed smokers going on and theres groups of kids running around together.

    For the most part though people are behaving. I think for once the welsh gov have got this right and are taking sense. The english need to give doris a kick up the **** 

    From what I see on fb they reckon in england they can get out fishing and all outdoor sports as of wednesday so that would inc shooting. Mind you all vague to be honest. But I am quite happy sitting it out here in wales. Still plenty of time before sept the 1st 

  19. 16 minutes ago, Scully said:

    The only time you’ll hear shooting mentioned on the UK news is when either a person or a raptor has been shot. 
    I would think if golf and fishing is allowed then shooting is a given. 

    Exactly no way is any one in government going to stand up and stay you can now resume shooting. It will be covered by any other outdoor activity. Not seen the news yet but is england allowed to go fishing ? In wales we are not and nothing has changed for us for another 3 weeks

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