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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Has anybody been diving in Sharm? Thinking of doing a PADI open water course. So if anyone can recommend any centres,hotels and who to book with, would be much obliged.


    Cant help with that particular location, but dont think about doing it, do it, its absolutely fantastic, I did the Padi course in the Maldives about 6 years ago and it was a real eye opener.


    Anyone considering it will find that the experience is worth every pound spent. Have a good holiday.


    Rgds D2D

  2. I live in Kent,and have never informed the police as to when or where i'm shooting,and i've never been asked to.seems strange that you are being asked,Who was it that said to inform them? :good:


    Nor me and Ive been shooting for yonks in Kent, never heard of this before, tell any local residents living nearby just out of courtesy, but never the police.


    Most of us living in the country are used to late night bangs, someone somewhere will be out Foxing/ Rabbiting most nights.


    Rgds D2D

  3. read it, they term semi auto as a gun being capable of holding more than 2 rounds in the mag



    Reading "legalise" is not my strongpoint, my sect1 semi conditions are for the destruction of vermin etc etc, I presume that protecting a crop of maize against rooks is within that condition, but what is the view when the crop is harvested and the gamefood strip thats left in a strategic position has to still be protected, its no longer a crop is it?


    The general licence, which many shooters still dont fully understand, indicates that pigeon may be shot when all other crop protection methods have failed, when is a crop a crop, do we break the law shooting pigeon feeding on spilt grain when the crop is planted? Or again when the crop has been harvested and only the stubble remaining?


    Sorry if i have gone off at a tangent.


    Rgds D2D.

  4. price too high fella what can you come down to? i have cash waiting!!


    Seems like a fair price to me compared with several others that have sold on here, especially as he,s selling on behalf of his mates widow.


    Check the other prices asked and you will see its not at all overpriced.


    Hang on in there Muzzy, theres a buyer for everything if your not in a hurry, good luck with the sale.


    <_< D2D

  5. Is it my eyes or does she have uneven knees? is this from kneeling on your bench in the shed? :hmm:


    I reckon with that coat, and some imagination, she was the "Evening Entertainment" booked for his birthday on the 8th :no:


    Am I right? :yp:


    Rgds D2D

  6. A lot of people from South Wales on here all of a sudden :hmm:


    Seriously though, who cares?


    Since this has been going on, the chap in question has edited his signature quite a few times to remove details of when he purportedly applied for his various licenses, was visited and was ultimately granted. Why? Because none of the dates stacked up.


    I agree with Blackbart, to suggest that a target shooter with 2 years under his belt wouldn't know about expanding ammo is just not credible.


    Also, if he's a target shooter, why not buy a .22 target rifle?


    Also, which force would be brave enough to state .22RF for foxes and to a new applicant?


    Lets have a scan up of the licenses - blank out the name and address by all means, but let have a look.


    I am not inclined to entertain questions or discussions with people telling porkies, so lets get it straightened up asap?


    Mung i,v had my ticket for yonks, and if you will take my word for it, all my calibers are listed followed by "shall be used for Fox and Vermin and on ranges" etc etc, so Kent at least do allow .22 for Fox.


    Rgds D2D

  7. They are 5 pounds each plus postage say 6 pounds posted more you buy cheaper it will be thanks they are brand new i have 75 left i think thanks.


    A good deal if you are just after traps to do a job, but I for one would be miffed if I bought "Fenns" as per description and cheapo copies turned up.


    If the photo had not been posted, and a copy shown, I would have expected the gen article.


    Something to think about when posting, maybe "Fenn Pattern " would have been more appropriate?


    Rgds D2D.

  8. Bleeh,


    Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly, they did not come round about the air rifle, they came round to make sure my Dad was 'disposing of trapped squirrels properly' If they suspected a crime was being committed why did they not bring an officer of the law? Do they perhaps see themselves as enforcing the law of the land now?? After all when all is said and done the 'inspectors' are only MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC working for a CHARITY


    Interested in anyoune else's thoughts on this matter




    Where he may have come unstuck with the rspca is if he had said (thinking they dont want to hear that he,s killing them) that he had been trapping them and releasing them in the woods down the road, which as most will know is an offence plain and simple.


    Imo he played the situation correctly there can be little to gain by antagonising these people, who are of the same mind set, again my opinion, as traffic wardens. Once you upset them your card could be marked, they may well even keep a database :yes: of complaints and callouts.


    Rgds D2D.

  9. All the best Ron <_< , sorry to hear your having such a bad time, your colourful views and opinions on the running of the country are sorely missed, as personally, I thought some of your opinions :blink: were not that wide off the mark as time has shown us :no: !!


    Cheers :yes: D2D.

  10. Whenever possible I try to get quotes for any insurance on the afternoon of the last day of the month prior to the expiry of the policy.


    I was told by a good friend in the industry that, if the month has been poor, the chances of obtaining a really competitive quote are greatly improved as the day wears on. :lol: Apparently hair is torn out and sobbing heard as targets are not met and bonuses are seen to be slipping away.


    So far this strategy has paid off several times, although no one has been able to beat NFU on my 300tdi as they do it for circa £160 inc all whistles and bells but with a 6k limit which is ideal and no real hardship for a shooting truck.


    Try the NFU they also do a loyalty scheme for repeat customers which is worth considering.


    Rgds D2D.

  11. Contacted another farmer today and said wouldn't entertain untill I had insurance. This is something I have been contemplating, but am unsure who to go with. Countryside Alliance or BASC? or are there any others which could be considered?


    BASC all day long.... and tomorrow.


    Used to have CPSA as well but found BASC was far more sporting shooting orientated.


    Im suprised you are shooting at all without insurance of some kind in place, not quite so bad if you have a zillion acres of your own land to shoot on but especially so if you have an open ticket for rifle and shoot on other peoples land, with footpaths and livestock in the area, you really must have adequate cover.


    Rgds D2D

  12. I recently bought a 12v 14a Deben double battery pack. Charged it a few times and worked great, went out lamping last night and it wasnt as pwerful as previous nights. Can i ask you guys how long you are charging your batterys for ? Also, on the wall mains charger for the Deben, there is a green light. Should this go out when fully charged ?




    Hi I dont have the scientific answers but through experience have found that new batteries usually take several partial discharges and recharges before they reach their peak working potential.


    I have treated all my batteries the same and they have done very well, I always recharge after every session and top up the charge every 3 months when they are stored, completely discharge 3 times a year and recharge from scratch. I use a Deben 800ma charger.


    One of my 7amp batts is at least 8yrs old and still going strong.


    Rgds D2D.

  13. Are pigeons likely to get onto linseed that is just staring to sprout?


    Not if theres some tasty beans nearby, although they are getting up now, its a case of observation I,m afraid, do the footwork/recce(miles) and reap the rewards :rolleyes:


    Rgds D2D.

  14. like wot i said!




    Excellent illustration, answered my question exactly, the round he used as a pointer was then a 5.56 tracer.


    The tip has the appearance of my .223 ballistic tip rounds exactly, hence my original question.


    So if his helmet had been penetrated by a tracer round he would not have survived?


    Begs the question why are we using tracer rounds against the Talitubbys, when I take it they are designed to fragmentate on impact as is a ballistic tip round?


    Rgds D2D

  15. Watching the news tonight a young lad serving in Afgan had been struck in the helmet, he indicated the entry hole on the helmet with an orange tipped Ballistic round, As per my own expanding .223 ammo.


    My understanding is that the everyday military round is the 5.56 ball, obviously for "humanitarian" reasons.


    Perhaps some of you who have served recently could put me right on this?


    Rgds D2D.

  16. Anybody got any advice about the best lamp to use when out lamping on my own, I want it scope mounted or hand held also spot or beam. To use with my 22 rimfire and want to swap it to my 243 cheers in advance


    This question comes up so often..... try a search using keywords and there are pages of info and opinions.


    Just in case you dont find the info, get yourself a variable power Lightforce 170, scope mounted will double for hand held, but hand held is hand held.


    Atb D2D.


    PS Ian Hodge Fieldsports (0845 9000405) is currently the cheapest, hand held is £94.95 post free :blush:

  17. I,ll take a box of those.


    PM your details please.


    Rgds D2D.



    Despite me being first, saying on forum I would have a box, I get a pm saying there all sold, not happy, why bother offering them in the first place??


    :D D2D


    Payment sent via paypal as agreed, please advise via pm when despatched, many thanks.


    Rgds D2D.

  18. .223, that's a nice easy one! for your consumables you want 52grn A-max, Benchmark powder, Lapua brass. These will get you off to a good start and with a bit of fiddling you should be able to come up with a load that will shoot a 5p with every shot at 100 yards!


    PM me your address and don't buy anything yet! :lol:


    PM sent, thanks for the info so far :D


    Rgds D2D.

  19. What calibres do you want to load and how many rounds do you use? A lot of the kit you "need" just makes life easier if you plan to load lots of rounds. If you want a couple of hundred rounds per year for stalking/Foxing then it can be done fairly cheaply.


    Hi the only cf I shoot at the moment is .223 and as you say just a few hundred a year at Fox, with the occasional foray to the local mil ranges.


    I am mainly looking for a shopping list of the best bits and bobs, as found through forum members experience.


    A friend recently told me about the LEE starter kit circa £100, but I really dont want to buy twice when I discover that a certain set of scales are superior etc. Therefore any help and guidence to smooth my path into homeloading would be appreciated.


    Atb D2D.

  20. Hi all just bought a cobra gen1 with dsa can anyone advise me on the best type of laser to go on it also well im here i have a hevey barelled 22.250 thats verey acurate, at the moment it has meopta 7x50 on it can anyone recomend a scope up grade to suite the performance of this thing ? :innocent:



    The general opinion on the various nightvision forums is the Dipol laser, fitted with a bracket available from cobra.


    An alternative, I have tried both, is a Tracer max with IR filter and dimmer, this is considerably cheaper and doubles for normal lamping use.


    The scope needs side px adj to enable focussing the merlin, AGS SWAT etc.


    Hope this helps, something to remember most members work and only frequent the forum late evenings etc, we are not ignoring you :blink:


    Rgds D2D

  21. I think there is a little difference between choosing not to shoot foxes, and actively encouraging them to thrive. I choose not to shoot ramblers, but I don't like to make their lives easy.



    Ho Ho first chuckle of the day, Im not keen on the "right to roamers" either :innocent:


    Seems most of them have a death wish, latest event when we were zeroing, a group of them heard the shooting and homed in on it, leaving the designated footpath, next thing we knew there were up to a dozen anoracks peering at us from the undergrowth!!


    Rgds D2D

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