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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. i have just had my interview for my FAC and have been told that, due to a lack of experience, i have to have a condition on my licence that only allows me to shoot with an open FAC holder during a probationary period untill he or she feels that i am safe and informs the police of this. Is this normal?, and does anyone have any suggestions on where to find someone to supervise as i do not know any.




    Which part of the country are you in? D2D :lol:


    i have just had my interview for my FAC and have been told that, due to a lack of experience, i have to have a condition on my licence that only allows me to shoot with an open FAC holder during a probationary period untill he or she feels that i am safe and informs the police of this. Is this normal?, and does anyone have any suggestions on where to find someone to supervise as i do not know any.





    If you put more information in your profile you might get a better response..


    How can someone invite you to shoot when they have no idea the area you live in.!!!! :P



    I have asked the question, seems odd?? :good:

  2. night time obviously but does it matter whether its 7 pm or 3 am ? etc


    cheers Reed


    One consideration is the type of land you shoot over should there be possible dog walkers and anyone out for a last stroll before turning in, far less people about the later you go out, should it be windy, as someone mentioned, use this to your advantage. D2D :)

  3. Not essential BUT remember a dog is a mans best friend. Gives you someone/thing to talk to when the birds aren't playing the game and doesn't answer back :no:



    Highlander, I read in the Mail a few days ago about a woman who had developed a way of talking to cats and the article went on to say that a conversation was possible, now the point is that if you keep talking to your dog and it answers you one day by criticising your shooting or whatever, you may as well stay at home and do the washing up? Stop it before someone hears you ha ha :) D2D

  4. Funny how 'fashion trends' creep in, even into pigeon shooting :) Why not join HArry's regiment and then you too can get all the kit (only you might have to do a tour in Iraq for it B) )



    Thanks for the info lads, nowt to do with fashion I need to replace my jacket it seems to have shrunk over the years LOL D2D :no: B)

  5. I've always been a dog man (no sniggering at the back!) and despite being a cat owner at present, I'd really love to get another dog. As a child I had a Setter (mad), two Flat Coats (mad) and a Golden Retriever (mad) and, as I am getting into shooting again, I'd like to continue the tradition and get another gun dog.


    Ideally I'd like a Springer as they have always been my favourite dog, but I've got several things going against me:


    1) I work a lot (9+ hours a day_ and I can't always be sure of getting back at lunchtime to take said dog for a walk

    2) I have a cat

    3) I have to drive a fair bit, usually a couple of times a week with an overnight stay.

    4) Work won't let me bring a dog to work (something about health and safety or some other ********)


    Now, the weekends are not a problem, even though about half the time I head off to see the GF (she loves dogs too) as I will be able to take it with me and I know for a fact that it will get loads on exercise then. But... I do not want to get a dog if there's even a chance that the poor thing's going to be cooped up in the house all day.


    I've thought about a rescue dog (I gave my cat a second chance of life outside the RSPCA), but they need as much attention to get settled in as a puppy (maybe more) and, even if they are housetrained, they'll still need exercise and a good run outside and again, it's not fair to leave them locked up all day without company.


    WHat should I do? Wait until I can give a dog a proper life (like if I work from home or get work to let me stick a run up) or until the GF moves in, or just forget the idea? I'm basically stuck at thinking this through myself and I need advice, even though I think I know what the answer is going to be.


    By the way, this has got zero to do with all the posts of sweet little puppies going up! I know what **** they can be at that age despite their looks and I know how much work they are. But yes, if a door to door Springer salesman came round right now, I'd have one!




    I know you desperately want one wookie, but not being around for most of the day is not fair on any dog, esp a mad energtic springer! At the mo we are puppy training my lucy which is currently a 3 person round the clock affair with us all doing shifts. With your work pattern you would never be able to puppy train her let alone give her the necessary exercise etc. So i would say forget it until you can provide more people time for the dog either you or the gf. Althou don't move her in just so you can get a springer, as althou the springer wont give you any gip the gf's always do! :no:



    Hi Wookie, having had two springers and several labs in my time my advice would be to wait until your circs change so that you can devote all the time needed, a springer is Imho one of the best all round gundogs but at a price, they demand 24/7 love and attention, without this they can go off the rails and pine all day while your at work, often incurable destructive habits set in. A lab is far easier going but any dog should be treated as part of your family and you wouldnt leave a child alone all day would you? Good Luck D2D :)

  6. B) Do you want pigeons if shot with a 12 bore. i usually only feed my snakes stuff that has been shot with an air rifle or a rimmy. but i get a fair few pigeons? B)

    I think I should only feed my snakes food shot with an airifle. They will eat anything, so anything going would be well appreciated.


    I live in Southend, Essex, and am looking for dead rabbits, pigeons or rats as food for my 2 pet burmese pythons. They eat 8-10 large rabbits between them every 6 weeks. No poisoned subjects please. Will collect if not too far, happy to pay, and don't mind if they can be delivered frozen in a sealed box. Urgent, snakes are hungry!



    How many have you got lad? :) .......I thought the big uns' only needed feeding once in a blue moon?

    I feed them every six to eight weeks. The female eats the most-in fact she eats until she's stuffed. She'll eat up to 5 large rabbits each time. They male eats a bit less, even though he's the same length as the female. I believe the females eat more as they have to carry more body fat in order to bear young.





  7. Hello everyone, ive been shootin now for about 12 mnth mainly clays& some rough.id love to join the Nppc & get into decoying! whats the procedure with shot birds? (should i be so lucky) is a dog essential. has anyone been on a nppc tuition day? if so is it wort h trying? So much to learn!!! Lewis 682



    Hi Lewis, you could do a lot worse than picking up a copy of Pigeon Shooting by Archie Coates, Ebay is a good source, will contain perhaps the best basic knowledge for a beginer, I agree with general opinion that a dog is not essential in a hide situation and could possibly damage its hearing if regularly subjected to prolonged sessions. Good luck D2D :good:

  8. Got the visit by the man on Monday morning, hopefully everything will go well, cabinet is in place, a few lessons under the belt from reputable clay grounds.(going to North Wales on saturday) BASC membership waiting to be upgraded.


    any last minute thoughts welcome


    cheers :good:



    Just have lots of tea and biccies ready, always appreciated D2D :good:

  9. Saw a pic in the mail on sunday of harry in full camo, does anyone know what the camo pattern is called or the type of suit.

    It wasnt the usual 95 patt with alot of green in it and had some useful looking features.

    If you can help I would appreciate it as mines up for replacement and I fancy some of this. Thanks D2D.

  10. having ripped a hole in my 12 year old hunter wellies yesterday :good: i am on the lookout for a new pair,i have quite big calfs(the legs not cows!!) and find this a prob with some pairs. Can anyone recommend any please. ta NCS



    Whatever you do dont buy the new hunters the heel block has been made narrower and is bl**dy unstable, luckily I still have my old faithfulls with the studs and a sensible wide heel :D2D :good:

  11. Having spent most of the weekend knocking on doors and asking farmers if i can help them by offering to cure rabbit problems, pigeon problems or other crop damaging game/vermin,



    Try dropping by when they are building fence, bailing hay, cutting wood, spreading or shoveling manure and offer to help. It will go alot further than just asking if you can go out for a stroll on their property to have a fun day doing what you like.


    As a member of the farming community, I can assure you that there are many days that I would like to be out shooting or fishing but cant as I am disking up a section of field, stringing a new fence or repairing fence......something that happens far more often in these days as people from the towns ride their ATV's out to the country along old rail beds and cut the fences to go hunting on property that they feel they have the right to use. So NO most farmers are not happy to just give permission to someone they do not know.




    Heppy 1148 what n2tf says is correct in every way, the best approach is sideways try to walk your dog or just be out and bump into your farmer socially, research which pub they frequent and on what night , most farmers have a night where they gather for a jar, try that approach but softly, gain confidence through a bit of local research about the individual, ha ha guess what I used to do for a crust??

    Most of all dont give up all the best D2D. :good:

  12. After the shooting over the last few days/weeks, TB is pushing for a Firearms reveiw!!! Now who will this affect?? The gun weilding gangs or people like us!!!!


    The ban on pistols and automatic weapons only affected law abiding people, so now what will they do??


    Not looking good from what i heard on the news :blush::lol::yes:


    The obnoxious NuLab Blair crew will look for any excuse under the sun to make life difficult for shooters. The Lib Dem nambies would be even worse and I have no faith at all in Cameron's Tories. Britain is fast becoming unliveable.


    Expect to lose ALL guns soon my friends!


    Same as we are losing our Navy etc. How the hell are we going to protect ourselves should the worst ever happen... go running to the US? I dont think so!!! :lol:

    At the present rate of military decline if the **** did hit the fan a few of us already familier with firearms may just be useful..... wouldnt you agree Pike? :blush:

  13. There are some quite large groups gathering in my area.


    Although there are some still on the ivy berries, there are quite a few on the rape.


    Out for a reconnaissance today (no wind, bright sunshine :D ) and walking the hound, I saw a very large flock on some rape and surrounding trees.

    Although it wasn't on my permission, I put the dog on the lead, walked up the farm track and put them up.

    There must have been over 500 birds in the flock.

    I walked straight back to my truck, watched the field for about 30 minutes and not one bird came back.

    That could be the next problem, they start feeding on the rape and on still days they will move right off if disturbed.



    Hi cranfield which part of kent are you in? I shoot mainly from the marsh up to Ashford area Dusk2Dawn ;)

  14. PS Having been at it for over 40yrs I am far from being a "newbie" pigeon shooter, how do I change the rating?

    :lol::/:lol::):lol::P :look:



    Tee Hee :lol:


    PS Having been at it for over 40yrs I am far from being a "newbie" pigeon shooter, how do I change the rating?


    That changes with the number of posts you do ..............



    Welcome to thr forum ;):D:lol:


    Thanks for the info Hawkeye :lol:

  15. Hi, has anyone got a .222 for sale, fitted with moderator and hopefully a good scope etc.

    Must be in good condition please.


    Can travel anytime Kent Sussex Surrey,all FAC papers in order, genuine private cash buyer.

    would like to purchase very soon Thanks.


    PS Having been at it for over 40yrs I am far from being a "newbie" pigeon shooter, how do I change the rating?



    Hi I have found a nice cz .223 outfit today at local dealer(Ashford) just have to get ticket amended from .222 to .223 hope not to have a problem with that?

  16. Hi Lads/Lasses,


    I know its a bit cheeky, but if you don't ask, you don't get.


    In February 2008, my missus and her mate, who are both Marie Curie Cancer Nurses, will be attempting a 250km dog sledding expedition in the Arctic Circle, in aid of cancer patients. Every penny raised will be used by our local cancer hospice to give a secure and peaceful final few weeks for patients and their families.


    I understand that we all get bombarded by charities all the time, but if you get a minute, perhaps you could take a quick look:




    Thank You. :/


    Hi Deako, I am off at the moment recovering from chemo and rad treatment, went down with it in the throat and have first hand knowledge of the priceless work the nurses do, all the very best to your wifes efforts, god bless her and all the people out there raising funds. :D



    Sorry to hear that D2D, it's very invasive therapy and I wish you all the best in your recovery





    Thanks Jonsey much appreciated :lol:

  17. Hi Lads/Lasses,


    I know its a bit cheeky, but if you don't ask, you don't get.


    In February 2008, my missus and her mate, who are both Marie Curie Cancer Nurses, will be attempting a 250km dog sledding expedition in the Arctic Circle, in aid of cancer patients. Every penny raised will be used by our local cancer hospice to give a secure and peaceful final few weeks for patients and their families.


    I understand that we all get bombarded by charities all the time, but if you get a minute, perhaps you could take a quick look:




    Thank You. :/


    Hi Deako, I am off at the moment recovering from chemo and rad treatment, went down with it in the throat and have first hand knowledge of the priceless work the nurses do, all the very best to your wifes efforts, god bless her and all the people out there raising funds. :D

  18. can anyone tell me if there are any forseeable problems obtaining permission to purchase a 5 shot semi auto shotgun.



    Hi verminer I have mossy and franchi both as god intended them to be, been on open cert for years without any quibbles just stress pigeon control and you should not have any probs, good luck :D

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