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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. If any of you have 4x4 road tax expiring this month, as I have, it might be worth doing now because the budget is due and I am told they are going to greatly increase the road tax.


    Most unfair tax anyway, they should introduce an agricultural band as they had years ago for genuine farm 4X4 vehicles.


    :oops: D2D

  2. 3" magnum 18 gm BB`s = 45 pellets :oops:


    It would have to be very very close range.







    Its not the number off pellets, but the striking velocity that counts, just one or two in the right place.

    Even a 12g wouldnt kill if you shot it in the rear.

    The point is that the .410 is only effective at short range and should be veiwed as an opportunist weapon with regard to Fox. If in doubt dont shoot, bring the 12g tomorrow?



  3. Its my experience that quite a few shooters have problems judging range, when a fox appears.


    The contention that its "only" a fox and if you hit it at all, it will crawl away and die, seems a sad reflection on the "sportsman" holding the gun.



    I agree wholeheartedly, its a poor day when we shoot to cause any suffering and a lingering death all creatures should be respected, be they classed as vermin or game species, should you wound anything and are shooting without a dog then you must give up further activity and search until you have brought it to bag.


    Some of my farmers have said when I started on their land that although they were not anti shooting they did not want ever to see wounded foxes as they went about their daily chores. It would be easy to lose your shooting or worse turn a farmer against shooting alltogether and spoil it for those who follow in your area.


    :oops: D2D

  4. Hi everyone. just joined the site and hope this works.

    I am 37 and I have been shooting for 25yrs now like most started off with an old air rifle that i inherited from my uncle who was to be my guide into the world of fieldsports. i am lucky enough to shoot over several farms locally. I now shoot a bsa lightning, Brno rimmy, beretta al391 auto 12 bore ( i still have the old air rifle though and including my children 4 generations of my family have learned to shoot with it). I also when time allows take my 2 ferrets out to harass the bunny population, and last year started using long nets on my ferreting trips one of which i made myself a 70yd hemp net. intend this season to use the net at night time so if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated! looking forward to talking to you all.



    Hi and welcome, your profile doesnt say where you are from :oops: D2D

  5. going buying about 100 pheasants for the coming season. ratio 50/50.

    first time getting same so any advice would be great. ie the do's and dont's


    ronan :oops:



    Take a look on ebay for Game Conservancy booklets on gamebird rearing,also if you can get a copy of Game Conservation by Charles Coles that will tell you all you need to know, said by many to be the amature keepers bible.

    unless you have at least some basic knowledge your returns may be very dissappointing, good luck :) D2D

  6. hi fellas , after much deliberation , i have decided to take up fly fishing . do we have any members on the board that would be willing to take a fly fishing virgin in hand and break him in :) , the guy from the local tackle shop has said that he'll teach me to cast a fly when i go to pick up the fishing gear but that will be the only fly fishing knowledge that i have , i was a coarse fisherman for around 20 years so i have a pretty good understanding of fish and watercraft but i'd rather get out with an experienced guy rather than wasting months doing it wrong , i'm in the west midlands , nr junction 9 m6 and of course i will return the favour with days out shooting and the post fishing pint will be on me . thanks in anticipation fellas , mel .




    Shame your not in Kent, I would be more than happy to show you the ropes, its a passion of mine during the summer months, how many others are there on here? :oops: D2D

  7. 20g single barreled bsa " pochers" gun, it folds inhalf almost and will fit inside a barbour jacket

    this gun is in ok condition with no internal pitting , it has some surface rust, although i am going to clean it.

    It also comes with a cartarage belt and an asortment of 20g cartrages. This was my first gun, and although it holds sentimental value its cash value is minimal and i am far too big to use it anymore! so i am looking for a member who has a budding son / daughter and wants a sensible first gun! I am in kent, pick up only please I am happy to give the gun away but wont spend a penny posting it!




    chaps and chapesses thankyou for all the pm's and mails, I have found someone who fits the bill, a lad called josh 12 in ashford who will be using it on his grandfathers 300 acre farm...


    watch this space though as i have one or two other bits gathering dust in the cabinet what will also be looking for good homes.



    Well done, hopefully another budding shooter, being from that area I may bump into him sometime :oops: D2D

  8. A mate and I have been out a couple of times this month in Essex and seen good numbers of birds. I eat what I shoot so I checked all the shot bird's crops. We are relative newbies, but thought we'd spotted some patterns.


    The birds started the day in small gangs and gradually flocked up throughout the morning. There seemed to be a lot of traffic to and from the main roost wood (which we can't shoot. ;) ).


    A huge flock was feeding undisturbed on a field we don't have permission on. :D We picked a few off who were coming from there to roost the hedge we were in, but were ignoring our pattern. Their crops were crammed with rape.


    We got a good number committing to our pattern direct from the woods, but we noticed that these had empty crops, maybe a few flecks of rape. One or 2 did have crops full of flower buds, but still committed well.


    Do birds fill up, then go for a quick roost and process their crop, before going out and filling up again? Or did we just shoot a few who'd had a lie-in that day?





    The majority of pigeon will eat at first light or very soon after which is only natuaral,then head off to digest using the grit in the crop, if the crop was filled undisturbed they will take a siesta but if only half filled then they will be back sooner,hence the toing and froing throughout the day.

    It is worth a recce in the area to stir them up before you set up to shoot for the day this will ensure a steady movement throughout the day.

    They will make sure that the crop is stuffed before going to roost for the night.

    The best sport in my opinion is to be had on the flightline between the "sitty trees" where they rest and the actual feeding area it is possible to have prolonged shooting by intercepting them without scaring off the whole flock. Hope this is of use, D2D :)

  9. Just been on the web sites of the companys, can see "ELEY subsonic hollow xtra plus" - are these the ones?, and on WINCHESTER cannot see any mention of subsonic, only lead hollow points in "super x or xpert", which one is the subsonic?


    Can any one give me a link to a picture of a box of Eley's and Winchester subsonics or post a picture so I can recongnize the box.











    Hi I have been using a Parker Hale on my semi auto for a number of years without any problems, the winchester sub sonics just produce a low click no louder than an old style air rifle, ideal when bunny bashing but it does cut the range down.

    The baffles need realigning with a special rod after cleaning but its not a problem and I have never heard of the silencer exploding if you put a High velocity round through it which I have done on occasions when switching mags quickly. Hope this helps :D D2D

  10. I have been given an old but still perfectly functioning chainsaw to cut wood for my chimenea and to provide lots of sawdust for smoking. My question is should I get safety trousers with full leg protection or just front protection, remember I will be using this in my back garden and to trim(sned ??) fallen timber for their branches, so no felling and nothing commercial.

    I will be getting a days supervised tuition from a pal who used to work as a forester and am just canvassing opinion.


    Many thanks in anticipation :huh:



    If you keep your eye on the job Henry, with no distractions, you will be fine as confidence grows in handling the saw correctly alot of problems occur when logs and debris build up in the cutting area around your feet. Make a sawhorse it will save your back and is much safer for "logging"

    If you want to collect sawdust for smoking lay a tarp down as sweeping up always include bits and foreign matter,good luck with the saw :( D2D


    PS just thought when you first start the saw point it a few inches away from a surface that will show splatters of chainoil to confirm that your chain is lubed £££££££ if you overheat it and the bar. :lol:

  11. ......and what glorious nostalgia, I have a video and a DVD of him, top man. If you get the opportunity read his books as they are an eye opener of how far we have come in a century.





    I shall never forget the time he was filming as part of a boat contest off Rye beach (Kent)........... He didnt catch so they hooked fish on for him to land just for the camera, top man indeed, not fit to share a hide with the great Archie Coates.

    I wonder what they are both getting up to on their clouds, and what would they make of todays methods?


    I suppose eventually it sneaks up upon us all no matter how young we might be feeling when the sun is on our backs. (this is getting a bit deep and meaningfull,lol) :( :huh: D2D

  12. hi guys im after an electric collar for my ESS but havent a clue which is best have been looking at the canicom 800 but still not sure which to go for?


    thanks Sam





    And I still say they should have no place in dog training, I have seen them in action, and yes I am an experienced dog man, but this I know is my personal opinion and no amount of debating would change my view, :good::lol::lol: D2D

  13. I'm off to a wedding in ireland in a couple of weeks.......one of the atractions laid on is something called laser clay pigeon shooting.....touted as environmentally friendly and safe 'casue there are no rea lcartridges fired......in for a penny, in for a pound.....has anyone done any of this laser stuff before.....i was told it was a proper bit of clay shooting......should be an experience anyway.







    Yes, A friend ran one for social events that didnt allow the real thing, the trick is to shoot as you would for a rifle, no lead at all or you will not connect with the clay which reflects the beam back to the gun, it literally travels at the speed of light, faster than a shotgun load. Good luck. :lol: D2D

  14. hi guys im after an electric collar for my ESS but havent a clue which is best have been looking at the canicom 800 but still not sure which to go for?


    thanks Sam



    Horrible things and I wouldnt have the nerve to post that on here!!! :lol: :( ;) D2D

  15. I'd say the cost is related to production numbers. I think 99% of shooters use either 12g or 20g. The reason I'm after a smaller guage is well related to Cats comment. Sometimes the close range rabbits that I hit are really mashed up with the 12g, and are not edible. For shots like these, and also for close squirrels and rats, I need less power. Rats don't matter if they're destroyed because I pick them up with a shovel anyway, but food species needing the shovel is a waste :lol:




    Hi njc if your shooting rabbits for the pot at close range with a 12b aim off a little so that just the edge of the pattern catches them, with practice its not difficult.

    As far as the .410 goes most sb come in full choke and make quite a hole at short range, not to be underestimated, for farmyard work a good air rifle takes some beating, good luck with your final choice. :( D2D

  16. Just got one for £4-99 and remembered it had been a thread from last year and a few people couldn`t get there hands on them.

    If you would want one, and they aren`t for sale in your local Lidl, get in touch by PM.




    Hi for what its worth I have been using one of these for almost a year and its been no trouble, does what it says on the tin.... etc.

    If you need a value for money charger then buy one with confidence :( D2D

  17. A man came home from work, sat down in his favourite chair turned on the TV and shouted to his wife.

    "Quick, bring me a beer before it starts".

    She was a little puzzled, but brought him his beer.

    As soon as he had finished it he shouted "Quick, bring me another beer, it's gonna start".

    This time she was a little angry, but still brought him his beer.

    When it was gone he said "Quick, get me another beer before it starts".


    "That's it" she shouted, blowing her top.

    "You *******, you waltz in here, you flop your fat *** down, you don't even say hello to me and then you expect me to run around like your slave getting you beer after beer".

    "Don't you realise that I cook, clean, wash and iron for you all day long?"


    The husband looks down at his empty beer bottle, sighs and says "Oh ****, it's started!"




    Good start to the day, Well done. :unsure: :good::no: D2D

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