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Everything posted by Gerry31

  1. Gebben miles from Arizona according to Kreighoff
  2. Rummers from Chicago an yank has won no confirmation as yet
  3. Right I agree with what you say just one question arnt laws written down if so is a fox vermin simple question but whats the answer
  4. Gerry31

    pure joy

    Now forget 100 straight. Forget a left and right. Forget a gold medal stag I've just seen the greatest sight ever.......my granddaughter has just walked for the first time pure joy.
  5. Yes I know what you are saying what im trying to get across is how can your local force stop you when its not written down anywhere as to what you can and can't do with the exception of deer nothing else has a specific calibre or energy laid down
  6. Lots of things pressure off tiredness lack of practice or just plain and simple in the head so lack of confidence. Try to stop counting so if you are shooting 2 rounds dont add the first one up until you've shot the second
  7. Ok so back to original thread rimfire for fox?
  8. Its a well produced document and is very useful to law abiding shooters if only we could get so well organised
  9. I was just curious as to what others use I have quarter and half in my 12 bore and decks set out to 35 yards I was just curious as to what others use I have quarter and half in my 12 bore and decks set out to 35 yards
  10. Due to some issues arising from another thread can anyone give us a accurate definition of legal quarry and also which calibres should ne used and finally where dos it tell you this ofically
  11. As I've said in earlier posts I'm a cynic and just wonder if these vaguary is intentional so to make prosecuting a wrong doer easier and thereby removing another shooter out of the system and reducing gun numbers
  12. Hi Mike nice to see you on here again. I agree as in most things practice makes perfect and sometimes you can't use sticks. Ps Monty doing really well.
  13. Its looking like half the country can and half can't and being the cynic I am I'd bet if push came to shove and a overall position had to be established it wouldn't go our way and would be 100% cant
  14. To be totally honest although im a born and bred lancastrian I did live in Derbyshire for a short time with work and when I move my ticket they included both my rimfire guns for fox when I returned to gods county they didn't remove these from my conditions I argued that they were on and should stay on how could they disagree with another forces chief constable.
  15. I agree sticks are the way to go im non to good freehand so I made a set of qauds following a youtube vidio once you get to know them they are the best thing since sliced bread
  16. I've just had my ticket out to check on my conditions to refresh my mind and both my 17 and my 22 rimfires are cleared on my conditions for fox so im now more confused. Just to clarify things im not new to shooting I've had my firearms 15 years or so.
  17. Im in Lancashire and have. 17 hmr cleared for fox on my ticket I've just checked once again ti see if my eyes are deceiving me but no it states. 17 hmr serial number xxxxxxxx for vermin/foxes/ground game etc ect.
  18. As per my earlier post I have only been playing devils advocate I only shoot foxes with my CF. I am just curious as where it says its not legal to use a rimfire
  19. My point exactly I agree a .22 is not idea but where dos it say you can't shoot foxes with one
  20. Playing devils advocate are foxes vermin?
  21. Hi just trying to get some idea of the best choke for pigeon decoying
  22. Gerry31

    EWI Cladders

    Hi looking for experienced cladders for work in the north west pm me if interested
  23. You will get loads of different answer to this question I think its down to personal experience I myself use a 50 grain soft point 22:250 its never let me down and charles really hates it.
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