I can't be sure of the rifle you use in 17 but when you load the round it even sounds like theTikka 595 that I had.
I must sound a bit of an anorack but I am a big fan of Tikka rifles. How do you get on with the 204 ? I have never used one but they seem to get the job doen.
Nice shooting.I can't resist watching any clips of the .17 Rem.I did have a Tikka 595 in 17 and for two years I have wished I had not sold it.I think I will have to get another one.Thank's for the video and I will look out for more of your shooting.
Nice pictures fella. I wish more people could see this side of our love for the countryside and the creatures in it.We get to see things that many would only get to see on TV.
I look forward to some more of your photo's.
A friend of mine has just had the same problem and with a closer look at the fired cases you could see the flash hole was way off centre.He contacted Honady and they were helpful.You might try Winchester cases.They are a better bet
for the Hornet in my opinion.