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Posts posted by JohnfromUK

  1. Last night I watched (almost by accident) a programme done by Gareth Edwards with his wife on the Llangollen canal called Gareth Edwards Great Welsh Adventure (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0009hyp)

    It was on BBC4 at 19:30.  In a way it is a bit similar to Timothy West/Prunella Scales - but Gareth and his wife Maureen are naturally gifted presenters.  I can recommend it as a gentle relaxing watch for anyone.  Well done to Gareth, Maureen and the BBC.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Whitebridges said:

    I'd like to know what our government and movers and shakers are going to do about removing all these toxic carbuncles from the environment. Lead shot is teeny-weeny by comparison!


    To be fair - these are recycled near 100% these days.  Secondly - I 'recycle' roughly 50 lbs of car battery lead about every 10 years per car, 3 cars, so 15 lbs a year - all recycled.

    I shoot approx 40-45 oz (say 3 lbs) a week, so 150 lbs a year - none of it recycled.

  3. 3 minutes ago, old'un said:

    According to reports coming out of the U.S. a safe vaccine is unlikely for at least 18 months.

    There are so many different estimates; one report said that China was already testing a vaccine on human subjects.  This may be a case where you accept a degree of risk and adopt a shorter emergency testing regime.  I guess it depends on the risks of the virus versus the vaccine - and a judgement made on that basis.  My feeling is that the scientists who develop any vaccine may have a feeling (based on experience and how closely it is related to existing products) of whether they see large or small risks from a new vaccine.  There are an awful lot of very clever minds that are going to be working on this one.

  4. 5 minutes ago, old'un said:

    I don’t know why they don’t just let this virus run its course


    5 minutes ago, old'un said:

    after a small drop in cases during the summer it will come back just as strong come autumn/winter 2020/2021.

    It will almost certainly do both of the above, but the longer you delay the peak - the more chance a number of people - particularly those at high risk may be able to benefit from a vaccine - which according to some estimates may be available as early as autumn/winter 2020/21.

  5. 45 minutes ago, islandgun said:

    That is the way to go [iv'e been saying it for many years] get it burnt and generating electricity,  no landfills, no shipping it off to third world counties, no third world countries dumping it in the ocean.  Those XR freaks are completely clueless.


    There is quite a bit about it on line, but it was originally planned as a new system quite a number of years ago - and there were a whole lot of challenges at every single step of the way from the usual disruptors - who are now challenging trying to get it shut down on the basis that it is being used to burn things that should be being recycled - which they claim is illegal.  I can't help thinking that it must have cost the council (not actually my council) as much or more in legal fees as the incinerator cost - and I suspect that Gloucestershire lawyers are all rubbing their hands whilst choosing their next Range Rover ....... all thanks to all of the interfering Extinction Rebellion busy bodies and the like - of which Gloucestershire has a particularly rich seam who oppose everything on principle.

    Personally - I think it is a good idea, but I have to say it is an ugly looking development the way they have done it - fully visible from the M5.

    7 minutes ago, old man said:

    Have seen that big plant John mentions, absolutely huge and idle?

    Anyone know the real story? Seems criminal to be idle? 



    Not idle anymore - now (apparently) in full usage.  There is more in those links I posted.  They are going to do 'tours' and I might try and get on one one day.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Teal said:

    Not watched, but we burn oil wily nilly, and then send plastic to landfill. Strange.

    There is a very large (and I mean huge) waste incinerator that has been recently commissioned a few miles down the M5 from me.  It will apparently burn 190,000 tons of waste annually, supplying the electricity needs for 25,000 homes.

    Like so many other UK major projects - it has been hugely delayed and was well over budget - in no small part due to the various protests - Environmentalists from our old friends Extinction Rebellion.  It seems you can't win.



  7. I live within the 'catchment area' of Cheltenham - where for anyone not into their racing - has it's biggest annual meet starting today and running for the rest of the week.  As happens every year, all the local hotels, B&Bs etc. for miles around are booked up and full of racegoers, including all of the small towns, villages etc within a wide radius.   Attendance over the festival expected to be circa 250,000 (probably 100,000 individual people as many go on more than one day).  Cheltenham already has a confirmed case - which was 'caught in the UK', so it is reasonable to assume that the virus is actively around in the area.

    It will be interesting to see what transpires over the next few weeks.  Lots of 'used pound notes' changing hands and shaking hands on deals etc.  I strongly expect that Cheltenham is being used as an 'experiment' to see how big events pass the virus on (or otherwise).  The organisers apparently have 'additional handwashing measures' in place.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    Exactly what's going to happen. In fact, the whole thing is going online. Happy days - no delays!

    Good sensible result.

    18 minutes ago, oowee said:

    They were stacking so many rolls of loo paper in Tesco this morning that it was stacked on pallets on the floor.

    Our local Morrisons was just as normal.  The only thing I spotted that was out of stock was samphire.  Pasta, low but stock, Baked Beans, plenty, several choices and multipacks, loo roll, several choices available, bottled pasta sauces , no gaps in visible stock ......... etc.

    14 minutes ago, old'un said:

    I wonder if the police will ask/force gun owners to hand their guns in for safe keeping?

    If they have enough time on their hands to take that on - then there is no emergency.  There is NO WAY they could receive, records and store the guns for a whole police area inside months of planning.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Old farrier said:

    im well aware of the problem with lead and single use plastic 

    I fully intend to go with the voluntary ban through the transition period for my game shooting 

    however for myself and others the cartridge choices are limited and or non existent could you please try to explain the way I and others can both comply with the voluntary ban  and continue shooting games with our English game guns and smaller bores 

    I have along with others no real interest in shooting partridge with a heavy wildfowl gun or load 

    I fully intend to go with the voluntary ban through the transition period for my game shooting - So do I subject to the availability of a suitable cartridge to suit 2 1/2" chambers (12 bore).

    however for myself and others the cartridge choices are limited and or non existent could you please try to explain the way I and others can both comply with the voluntary ban  and continue shooting games with our English game guns and smaller bores - There are a lot of us in that boat.

    I have along with others no real interest in shooting partridge with a heavy wildfowl gun or load -Agreed I do currently own a 'heavy' weight gun but even that is only 2 3/4" and not steel proofed, so is quite limited in suitability for steel as currently available and has proved itself unsuited to the shooting I do (too heavy) in part because I have had no use for one, but mainly because a light gun is best suited to what I do and how I do it.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    when will they be taught?

    Would it be possible to do at least some of the course in an 'on line' form - a more modern version of the Open University concept (which I believe has been tagged 'e-learning' - though I don't believe it has any connection with Yorkshire or Lancashire  🤣.)

  11. 1 minute ago, GingerCat said:

    lots of wounded birds from idiots shooting at these extreme pheasants

    Anyone who is a responsible sportsman should take on board what their combination of skill, gun and cartridge can do - and shoot within that capability envelope.  It is down to the individual to be responsible.  Steel will I suspect need rather more 'personal discipline' in this area.

  12. 3 minutes ago, ShootingEgg said:

    So how many people in here have bought all the loo rolls.

    Not guilty!  I bought a bulk pack about a couple of months ago and still plenty in the cupboard.  Like many people - I buy when things are 'on offer', and so have a habit of having a few of all 'non perishables' in the store cupboard always, so I haven't bought any extra of anything. 

    I don't like having 'no stock' of things I use regularly - whether it be loo rolls, cartridges, teabags, baked beans ........ just the way I was brought up I guess.

  13. I have attended two funerals - both in families I know very well indeed, where a child (and in one case a grandchild) were the departed.  Incurable illness in one case and motor accident in the other.

    It was desperately hard as a friend and must have been much worse still for family.  The only thing I would say - is that in both cases the fact that the churches were packed to overflowing shows how many share the loss and how much real support there is in local communities.  Sometimes funerals for the elderly are a less attended as so many of the friends and relatives of the departed are no longer around themselves.

    Almost all of my parents generation are now gone - and my generation is starting to see losses - a sign I'm getting old!

  14. 4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    If this virus really kicks off big time I really do hope the very young get priority over the old farts if push comes to shove, as the most vulnerable are the young & older generations.

    Apparently it affects the young very mildly: even in China there has not been a single child fatality (I understand).

  15. 14 minutes ago, Salopian said:

    Who do you think is being economical with the facts?

    I think there is no answer, but I will suggest this as an underlying cause;

    Both BASC and (to a smaller extent) the other shooting organisations are sizeable 'businesses' despite putting on a front of being membership organisations.  The cartridge manufacturers are also sizeable businesses.

    They have (in my view) both acted in what they would consider to be the best interests of their businesses.  That doesn't necessarily have to be the 'truth', but is the corporate line on the issue.  A trait largely inherited from the political and government world.  The concept of truth in politics has been declining for years - but was finally was destroyed by Tony Blair, Alastair Campbell and Peter Mandleson.

    Just my view.

  16. I very rarely have any either fast food or any takeways.  Very occasionally when travelling I may have a MacDonalds or Burger King for convenience.  I usually regret it as they are always disappointing.  I have never tried KFC, Nandos, but have had some pizza, though not sure where it came from.

    I do have fish and chips obtained locally occasionally and my weakness is an Indian, but I always eat that in the restaurant as it is a gathering with friends.  Those are not fast food chains though.  I also use Greggs occasionally and find their stuff perfectly adequate, and I used to like the 'Little Chef' breakfast.

    Bizarrely, I do like (well made) burgers, sausage rolls and fried chicken (chicken schnitzels) - but make all myself - so I know they have quality ingredients.

  17. 3 minutes ago, JJsDad said:

    I have been a member since the WAGBI days and I will remain so. But someone on the management board of each of the organisations who signed up to this, needs a serious kick up the ar**. They have weakend their case and made the whole collection of them look poorly informed and boardering on the stupid; in addition they have seriously upset the people we need on board from the cartridge industry.


    I have also been a long standing member - and whilst very unhappy with the current 'mess', don't intend to quite (at least not for now).  They will however lose a lot of members - and the revenue that goes with the membership. 

    VERY badly handled.

  18. 2 minutes ago, grrclark said:

    The NHS is a fantastic thing, but it is really far too big and too politicised and it will continue to spiral into greater and greater costs, with marginal if any improvement in service delivery.

    I'm afraid I'm inclined to agree with you there.  Having recently had a relative who required emergency critical action the NHS was fantastic (as an emergency medical and care organisation).  Couldn't be faulted.

    Try getting an appointment with a GP - and (certainly locally) you will struggle.  3 local GP practices ALL have serious problems - one's website/on line booking system has been down for over a week, another's phone system barely works - and you can only get an appointment 'on line' (which not all of the elderly can manage) - a third has over a 2 weeks wait for a 10 minute GP appointment.  Try parking at either of our two local main hospitals - virtually impossible - and if you can find a space it costs a fortune.

  19. 6 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    But tell that to the labour politicos who never shut up about how the NHS is starved of cash, because..tories 

    Well - it is their job to 'oppose' - something they are quite good at - especially when it is their other party members!

    Most Labour politicos probably go private anyway - just like they have their offspring privately educated.  NHS (and state education) is for the voters ....... not the voted in.

  20. 11 minutes ago, Cosmicblue said:

    Is it just me?

    Has this been hyped out of sight?   Every year Flu kills people, more often the elderly or those who have compromised immune systems - does it make headline news?  No.

    So now we have another virus - yes it's contagious like the others and it might kill you.  So what's new or different?

    It's not just you.  All this talk of panic buying is a nonsense as well.  I went to my local supermarket yesterday.  I couldn't see any shelves empty and they still had both pasta and rice (things that are supposed to be in short supply) on offers with discounts to buy two!  Baked beans were also on offer and in plentiful supply.  No shortages here then, although I didn't go into the medicines aisle.  Everyone I saw was just doing normal shopping - no trolleys piled high with tinned goods, just normal mix of fresh goods, perishables and a few tins, packets etc.

    This was quite interesting https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8076395/Leading-doctor-claims-coronavirus-isnt-deadly-feared-death-rate-1.html

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