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Marc Z

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About Marc Z

  • Birthday 13/09/1986

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  1. Hi all, I have a job interview next week, part of which will be a short test on tractor knowledge (no driving involved) I'm thinking it will entail safe use, daily checks, basic maintenance and attaching and use of pto implements and front forks- I haven't used tractors much since a 2 day course at college years back, so a little rusty- any advice tips or pointers as what might be asked or expected to know would be very helpful. I'm not aiming to deceive anyone, only rekindle what I know is lodged in the back of my memory! If anyone has a link to something helpful I'd appreciate it, I can't find the lantra style workbook we were issued. Many thanks
  2. thanks for your help, I assumed it was WW1+ so thats a nice surprise.
  3. you might be right! from your first suggestion i narrowed it down to a Martini Henry 1875 sawback sword, would there be much difference, just the connection design?
  4. If any militaria buffs could help identify this I'd be grateful, have no information on it. Has one serrated edge and I think stamp initials are A C. many thanks in advance! Marc
  5. hi from suffolk! plucking in water? that's new to me! doesn't matter how long you wait, just let it cool off a while somewhere cold. If just breasting there's nothing easier, whip off the breast feathers and slice those bad boys off.
  6. Dig a 5m square/deep hole directly on the other side of the hole. With spikes at the bottom. Or, just put a practical wire fence all around the perimeter and gate your drive like most other people have said.
  7. Their stuff looks like tat. Never bought a single product. Their camo patterns looks like a child made them using Microsoft paint.
  8. Their quality has dropped massively, that's objective. I've had mine about 7 years, now feature 2 broken zips and 1 leaky seal, but I'll still be wearing them for beating. I remember them coming with some kind of spray can from chemeau for maintenance, obviously don't supply that anymore?
  9. Make the most of being immobile, least it gets you out of doing the housework. Try and remember all those times you wished you could have spent the day in bed instead... MZ
  10. Has anyone got one? How was the course and where did you go?
  11. Hardware generally doesn't just stop working, it's more likely to be a software issue. First thing I'd try is downloading VLC media player online for free. Try playing a CD through that to see if it's just your current media players being weird. If not, go into your hardware listing and try rolling back the driver for the disk drive, or updating the driver if an update is available. There might possibly be a separate volume control for the disk drive that has been muted.
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