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    clay and pidgeon shooting reloading my own cartridges and hopefull making my own lead shot.

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  1. I have just opened up two fiocchi black 28g shells one made in Italy and the other one in England,the one from Italy has 21.8 grns of powder and a fiocchi wad and the other has 17 grns of powder and a bpz2h both seem to have identical powder and primer just wondering if anyone else has noticed this.
  2. 14 3/4 adjustable trigger,30in barrels,chokes cyl Im cyl mod, Im mod
  3. I’ve got a browning 525 sl I’m trying to sell if I do sell it and you’ve still got yours i will give you a call.
  4. Ferret finder with 2 collars possibly deben £45 00 posted.
  5. Glad you’re happy with that poor excuse for non existent quality control David i imagine your shell was cut up recently mine was probably 2 years ago i wonder how many like them have been sold as premium cartridges between those times.
  6. I had a few 6 shot fibre wad black gold given to me and as a home loader was interested to see what was inside the shot was the worst I’ve seen in any cartridge one had the side cut off,another was completely cut in half and three were joined together with sizes varying from 6 down to probably 10 and some were very dull looking,must add some of the best shot I’ve seen has been in the cheapest shells on the market.
  7. Hi can anyone recommend medication for joint pain in dogs,cheers
  8. mecman

    Gun cabinet

    As above, would hold 3 guns comfortably £40.00 or near offer.
  9. I have 22 16 gauge Winchester ranger 6shot cartridges would like to swap for 12 gauge if possible, for anybody close to IP173PH Darsham Suffolk,cheers.
  10. mecman

    E bike

    Morning everyone,I’m looking to buy a en e bike been looking at the Wisper 905 around £1,170. Has anyone got one and could recommend it or otherwise,or any other make around that price,cheers for any info.
  11. Hi,as above i have just bought a aa s410 s -hand and finding the filling probe very tight to get on and off is this normal or could i put a very small amount of dry lube on it,thanks for any replies.
  12. Thanks yes it has got provision for arrestor blocks it does have a bit of a kick to it,giving it a bit of a service at the moment polishing and debburing,any advice on best oil -grease when re-assembling,thanks.
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