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  1. Had similar yesterday but now put it in the oven covered in butter wrapped in foil I never do the shopping but saw the bill the other day for it - expensive stuff actually
  2. I would stick with BASC - premium insurance and despite maybe not getting everything right for everyone - they do try
  3. Indeed - I pointed out to Mr P on his socials that the RSPB has culled over 4,000 foxes in the last 10 years -more than all the hunts have ever killed - probably - Not a flicker
  4. Yes - such enthusiasm - but sadly in my opinion so so misguided Be lovely if the other 2 chuck it in
  5. Interesting Mark has allegedly stepped down from wild justice
  6. Thanks - yes the OP said 94 Just a shame its not HP steel to cover every eventuality for me
  7. Is it proofed fo HP steel ? Do you know how old it is pelase?
  8. Value is usually determined by a good auctioneer and one bidder Dave
  9. I understand that Old Un - but is it not circa £25 more over a full year ? Hi Tightchoke - maybe it will - maybe it wont Currently many (some) are put of with the hassle and timescale of applying - Think in some counties its years ! Maybe a more efficient - well run - professional service will not put people off Im very lucky as Derbyshire is already simply superb
  10. Anyone dropping out for this increase surely was / os not much of a shooter though are they ?
  11. We do something similar - works grand We have good cover at the top of the hill - have you ?
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