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Everything posted by spandit

  1. I find it easier to search using Google, for example, to search for "beretta", I'd search for "beretta site:pigeonwatch.co.uk"
  2. I would wager that above a certain price you're paying for the name/engraving
  3. I agree, I wouldn't, but just wanted to find out if I could legally shoot the right species once I learn to identify them
  4. Went for a stroll around my paddock, on the off chance of frightening a pigeon or squirrel with the 12 bore. As I walked up the boundary, a small dog started yapping at me from the woods next door. I broke and unloaded the gun as didn't want to startle the owner, who I know. At that moment, a cock pheasant broke cover and flew off right in front of me - would have been an easy shot (says I). As a result, I'm having left over toad-in-the-hole for lunch...
  5. I thought there was some sort of licence needed to be able to manufacture firearms - I'm glad the powers that be have taken a sensible approach in this instance but I don't think I'd be allowed to knock up a firearm in my shed without getting into trouble. With your skill and equipment, I'm sure you could make an excellent 12 bore, for example, but would it be legal? Not trying to cause trouble, just curious
  6. My wife has just asked, when does a project like this become a licenced weapon? Your FEO doesn't seem concerned with you manufacturing it (and it's hardly a concealed gun!)
  7. RWS or Lapua are high quality but why not buy a selection at your local dealer and see what your gun likes?
  8. I'd be worried that I'd try to take airborne shots with the .22 whilst trying to snipe 70 yards with the 20 bore
  9. I'm told Lapua SK subs have a bit more oomph. Haven't tried mine yet
  10. I'd say burning it is quite useful!
  11. spandit

    Watership down

    My grandparents used to own Watership House, just off the Down. I remember singing "Bright Eyes" to the horror of my housemate when I was cooking rabbit one evening
  12. No wonder it was that quiet if the dimensions were correct!
  13. I doubt the moisture content has gone up that much. Free wood gives off the most heat anyway
  14. Still can't believe you got a Bridgeport for £100... I'd love one. My little Myford 7 with a vertical slide just isn't up to the job...
  15. I was hoping to hit them all with hammers but we'll see...
  16. Wow, read the entire thread this evening - astounding! When is it taking to the water?
  17. Thanks, bought 250 cartridges on the way home so I'll be ready!
  18. So that's £42, still less than a Harris
  19. That's good going, just one is a trophy
  20. I use tights - finer than muslin and already bag shaped
  21. Just bought some SK - will let you know how I get on
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