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About wy111

  • Birthday 20/02/1949

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    N. Yorkshire
  • Interests
    Gamekeeping, Reloading and women. Wagbi and Basc member for nearly 45 years

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  1. 99.5f and around 55-65% humidity for first 21 days, slightly increasing ventilation as time passes. Don't go over 100f or you've got your breakfast. After 21 days, stop turning and increase to around 80% humidity and plenty of ventilation
  2. No electric fence round the pen, either your "friend" is new to the game, naive or just bloody stupid Ok, you snickeled some foxes, great. Get one, another moves/spreads into the vacant territory, name of the game, you will NEVER get rid of all vermin, as you call them. Foxes will survive longer than we will Sorry to say, but, to me, no-one in their right mind, would erect any pen without an electric fence, just asking for trouble, for the sake of a few pounds to make an easy access for your friend/whoever. Cut your corners, pay your price
  3. Don't think it's a fox. Snap and kill is their method and take one. The rest, just left where they lay or partially buried, until return. Fortunately, I've had no problems with mink, YET, only time though, but seems more like the culprit. Tawny's do rip the head off, but I've never known them to "stock pile". Got to think, a mink can climb and a female can get through a 2" hole!!!! A good, fish baited tunnel trap with Fenn 6 should sought out the problem. atb
  4. Oh yea, just see me doing this Talk common sense, not **** . So, in your mind, when you check the trap in the morning, 40+ in there, you gonna leave em until it gets dark? Big round hairy ones :yp: Pool cue? A net and a length of 2x2 works just as well. There is a way to stop being "head pecked" on your hands.............if you really want to know Don't give up your day job
  5. Oh, for gods sake. I've seen so many **** posts on this, it's unbelievable. Just put down what you know and ask them to check PNC for others, simples. Bloody law preachers, give it a rest!
  6. Just for info. Corporate shoots around here, now approx £45-50/bird, that's all inclusive, bar keepers tip. Just got quote for birds, poults £3.50, no change from last year. Ex layers, mid/low £2, but emphasise, will need em well clipped. Do a bit of number crunching, say £30/bird, THEN see what happens. Be interesting how much subs will alter
  7. Not sure if same one, but a mate of mine, had personal permission from a farmer, to shoot anything, sgc and fac. He got suspended from the pigeon club for the same reason. It seems if your not up their ****, your out
  8. On a previous post I mentioned This place. I got exactly what I needed to mount my lamp. Ok, same stuff you can get from US and China, all made in China anyway, but this guy stocks in UK. Up to you where you spend your brass
  9. You think mikky's got attitude? Try this guy. About time some of you wimps got gonads or just let them walk all over you! Youtube
  10. AA...200tdi disco, fully comp, protected no claims......£154 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. When my coterminous was up for renewal last time. I did not put down that I had been pulled for no mot, it was 3 weeks out, I only got my hand slapped, BUT, was brought up at the interview. Was not a problem, but told, I should have noted it. For an initial application, declare all and add "I may have forgotten some from the past or minor offences, please check on PNC" For renewal, it is only what has happened since last grant (5yrs) Edit....You used to actually get prosecuted for not declaring, happened to ex bro in law around 20 yrs ago
  12. Youngest D, now 21, bought a Clio about 6 months ago, not passed her test, but good price. Sorned it, and kept it at my place, off road. Every week, I started and gave it short run, UNTIL, she passed her test last week. Now, you can imagine. Wants it ready last month So, booked in for MOT on Mon. Thought, give another check before, flat batt :o Tested, duff alternator, I bought one and fitted it, £135 later, ok. So had to rebook in for today. Dropped it off, went to check traps etc. Got back, to find it had failed on a broken front MacPherson spring. Got one from the motor factors and spent 3 hrs trying to fit it, no way :yp: Turned out, wrong spring Off to factors again to swap, eventually got it fitted at 16.30 and back down for retest........passed Back home, taxed it, she'd already insured it, gave her ring to pick it up. Arrived with a smile that would break your heart, and a bottle of red as a thank you, and away she went. mmmmm £135 for alternator, £17 for spring, £45 for mot and about 6 hrs labour by me :o I did promise to tax it for her 21st. Do you think I've made a profit :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. A small shoot? Offering 16 days shooting? You taking the ****? Work out your TOTAL forecast outlay, remembering that feed prices fluctuate, divide by the number of pegs, aint too difficult.
  14. Theoretically, so is roost shooting, but has anyone being "done", through the general licence? To my knowledge,NO!
  15. Most vixens, depending on where about you are, will be holed up now ready for cubbing or could have cubbed. The dog will be out hunting. Different to usual practice(Get the vixen first), get the dog. The vixen will then have to provide. Get her, then clear up the cubs. Shooting with a shotgun, totally legal, you will be have to be within reasonable range, and, as stated, wind direction and elevation are to be considered, unless, 100% sure on direction of incoming
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