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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. little sod did the same again :yes: yesterday , this time she even looked at me while she was running away to greet another dog about a 100 yards away , as if to say " yep i know but i dont care " then comes back and plays all softy softy rub my belly :good: .

    i,m not sure why shes started this :lol: i did think she was coming on fine in that respect. i think i,m going to have to come down hard on her.


    i,m also having trouble keeping her in close , shes fine until confidence and distraction takes over , i need to nip this now i know , but the usuall stuff aint work.


    gimme some tips please chaps


    cheers :lol:

  2. mate she looks in mint condition :yes:

    sounds quite easy , i have notice the pup actually as better stools and less of them when on the tripe and chicken free flow mince.


    only thing i ,m worried about is will she be getting the full nutrition that adding a complete food would provide ie for muscle and bone growth etc.


    how much veg do you actually feed your young lab


    thanks again for the info

  3. hi lads i,ve never been game shooting and would love to have a go at some high pheasants or partridge, and just wondered what it would cost me for an odd day just for a special treat , cheap as poss though as finances are in a right mess, due to job loss.


    i,m based near the A52/A46 Nottinghamshire



  4. thanks lads -- not sure where she got them from to be honest , i think new flame is the main name on the pedigree.

    there lovely livley pups 2 little sisters very dark not much white .


    if they play her up , which no doubt they will :no: , i,m going to see if i can cadge one off her :lol::lol:

  5. WDG - we do most of that mate , shes been pretty good so far , but i think shes started to second guess me a little , so any advice helps thanks :lol:


    i thought she was quite steady until she broke away from me after a rabbit about a week ago , i have no doubt she heard the stop whistle :lol::lol: , and recall , but only came back after the rabbit had made it to cover , then she skanks back to me and lays 6 feet away and rolls on her back as if to say sorry Dad :no: .

    she had ran through another paddock and made me look a tw*t trying to stop her , i admit i just wanted to slap :lol: her but instead praised her for coming back .


    and on one other occasion she made off for another dog about 50 yards from me had a quick play and came back - i wish i had an electric collar , i,m sure useing it just a couple of times would sort it , but shes only 10.5 months and i think maybe a bit young for one -- what do you think ..??


    anyway thats basicly why i,m looking for ideas

  6. if Devils claw does works , then i would defo use it over the prescribed drugs for long term arthrities :no: .

    sometimes all that is needed to aid healing is help from an anti-inflam so the body can start to use its own natural defencies to start the healing process


    interested to know - as anyone else tried this supplement and got a result

  7. update - still the same , maybe shes just not hungry :lol: how much food does a 10/11 month old springer bitch normly eat :yes: the amounts of the sides of feed packs just workout way too much.

    when should i put her on just 1 meal a day .


    after excercise she will eat ok-ish , especially the free flow tripe , but would still like her to eat some complete dried along side it

    suppose somethings better than nothing at all :no:

  8. guys - i want all your steadiness training tips please


    i,m trying different things from throwing dummies all around her etc to feeding the geese and ducks by the river and getting her to sit ( on lead ) with out breaking.


    but i could really do with more ideas , anything condsidered :yes: , just so bordem does,nt set in .



  9. any heard of the new flame pedigree


    a friend of mine as just bought a couple of liver and white pups , she was told they are new flame bred .

    shes not into gundogs etc , so god knows why shes got them .

    damn shame cause i know she,ll never work them just keep them as pets .


    just trying to research the name for her


    any info welcomed



  10. for godsakes get insured , my lab was put to sleep in june and only 6 years old :no: , he had been lame since september on his front leg , we had several vets and a specialist look at him , but they could not be 100% of the cause :lol:

    we spent a lot of money and gave it our best shot , the only thing left was an MRI which there was no way we could afford , eventually after 8 months of painkillers and visits to the vet we had to let him go , one of the saddest days of my life :yes:

    if only i had been insured who knows :yes:

  11. Just a thought, are you using metal bowls on a concrete floor?


    If so she may not like the sound they make if they move, try placing them on a mat or feed her on the grass.


    You could place the bowl on a stand or a bracket in the kennel.





    hello mate -- thinking about it she does,nt like the metal bowl sound on the concrete floor , i,ve seen her back away from the bowl a few times when its rattling or moving around when shes eating , worth a try mate , nice one :rolleyes: , will get that changed


    re- watching her eat ,that crossed my mind so i tried leaving her , but did,nt work she sometimes just lays down at the side of the bowl , then ( sometimes ) if i go outside and pick up the bowl and coax her , she'll eat a bit .

    maybe i,ve trained her to be an akward g*t :blush:



  12. jasper - for the last few days i,ve given her the tripe mince from the pet shop mixing it with skinners , shes actually eating it ok though on and off at least its something .

    this morning i gave it her and she refused it point blank :lol: , so i take her for a walk , run about etc , comes home and she eats the lot :lol:

    but all the time i have to coax her along saying good girl etc :hmm:


    Mike -- i ,m keeping an eye on it ,she eats a bit and shes producing stools ok and when shes out shes lively as ever ( even though shes not attentive as usual :blink: ie a g*t ) , its around the home shes become more sulky and skulky and sleeping a bit more than usual.


    the other thing i mentioned in a different post was that she seems to be having a phantom ie producing milk from her back 5 or 6 teats , and yet she had her 1st season about 2 months ago , if that does,nt stop i,m going to take her in to se the vet.

    i was wondering if this might be the cause of her being off the food ie . like a morning sickness :P and a bit of behaviour change.



    one more thing did enter my mind -- i,m feeding her 2 meals a day as she is only 10.5 months old , shes lively and slim type and small-ish build , her mum was also very small but is a great dog all round ( squareclose slipper )

    could i be trying to feeding her too much for her size , the weights on these feed packs say a lot more than shes having :good:


    any thoughts


    thanks guys :hmm:

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