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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. its been about a week now since i first noticed the teats changing and her behaving different and about 3 days since she started producing milk


    how long should i give her to recover naturally OR before i go to the vet for some galastop


    during phantoms do you normally get behaviour changes :good:? or is it just my bitch :blink:

  2. fantoms


    my springer bitch is 10.5 months old as had her 1st season a few months back , but is now bagging up and producing milk from her back 6 teats .


    is this normal , never noticed it in any other bitch we,ve had


    should i be worried . how long does it last .


    Also her beaheaviour is not what it usually is either :sly: :( :sly:


    thanks for any adivce


    ps. could it be anything else than a fantom :sly: thanks

  3. i feed her along side my other dog , makes no difference


    today i went out and bought some free flow tripe , when she smelt it she was very interested , i put it in bowl along with a large handful of skinners , she hate the tripe :good: but left the dried B) *** :lol:


    one thing i have noticed today is her teats are leaking a little bit of milk , shes only 10.5 months old and finnished her 1st season about a month and half ago

    could this have any bearing on her appetite :hmm: .



  4. right - this is my first ES spaniel , after having 2 greedy labs previously .

    shes a good dog so far , 10 months old springer bitch , smallish type came from a working / trialing dam.


    Anyways i,m struggling to get her to eat enough , god knows how shes survived this long.

    so far in the 6 months i,ve had her , shes been on:-

    eukanuba pup , eukanuba cocker , skinners pup , skinners hypo-al duck , chudleys pup , juniour , chudleys classic, gilpa , cheapo working dog etc .

    plus i,ve mixed it with gravy , mince , tuna , sardines , ox heart etc .


    shes takes to them for a week , just when i think i,ve cracked it she then refusers them and i have to go and get something different .


    i,ve had dogs since i was 14 , thats over 30 years ago , so i should know it all , but this little bitch is really bugging me .i,m worried she wont get the full nutrtion she needs to develope properly etc .


    i,ve never come across such a fussy dog , what the hell am i doing wrong


    any adivce on this welcomed

  5. miroku mk10


    years ago i owned a MK10 game , i wish i had kept it because in ten years i,ve never seen another.

    it was lovely 30" invectors , prince of wales pistol grip stock , game scene engraved.


    anyone got one , seen one for sale , know anything about them

    why are they so rare etc



  6. been looking for ages mate only place i can find anything similar in the UK was countrymun store there is a website if you do a search or search my old post




    let me know if you find one

  7. hmm. for the barrel and mag tube i used a home blueing kit, just this clear gel you rub on and it blues the steel - barrel and magtube, etc; the receiver and around the breach is a different story tho, the gel doesnt work there (aluminium maybe?) so i dont know what youd use - black enamel paint maybe? not sure, sorry ???


    babby - are you talking cold blue , i need to do my mossy magtube also.

    which make do you recommed and did you remove the tube and what prep etc.

    thanks mate

  8. cider looks favourite , i do like apple crumble and custard B) ( wonder if any of them are cookers)


    anyone every made straight forward apple juice , the cloudy type , how long would that keep :|


    an apple wine maybe ;)

  9. if i use my pump at the clay ground , i always get the banter but its just for fun where all good mates , most of them have a go with it anyway and love it . B)


    get one try it , you can always sell it if you change your mind ;)

  10. i have half doz shotguns in the cabinet , which do i go for every time ------- my mossberg 500A pump , just love the gun , clays , pigeon or fox its like a good friend ie. wont let you down and can shoot it just as good as the SxS and o/u :hmm:


    if i,m going on a formal shoot though i,m afraid i,ll chicken out :oops: and take the SxS


    every one should give a pump ago you,ll either love em or hate em :rolleyes:

  11. used these buffalo gamebore 56gr 3" BB's in all of my guns except my AYA s/s, and love em .

    just make sure your gun is proofed for magnum rounds very heavy load , heavy recoil , brill fox round.


    where are you getting them from mate?

    what weight are they ?



  12. whats the best course of action with timid dogs.


    i,m not talking gun shy, think we are ok there at the moment.


    its more if i raise my voice or if she knows shes done something wrong or meeting new dogs etc .

    she,ll fall on the floor and wriggle on her back submiting sometimes weeing :good: .


    is it best to just ignore it?? :good:

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