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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. shes about right as far as i can tell ( maybe a bit under weight ) but she does,nt eat a lot or seem to want a lot more interested in being a nutcase :lol: than food , my lab had 3 per day up to 6 months , then onto 2 , but he was a big boned dog .


    the springer is a little bitch :good: , i suppose she'll let me know when you does,nt want her miday feed

  2. just a quickie -- how many times a day should i be feeding my pup 21 week old bitch spaniel , currently on 3 feeds , but reading various feed bags say different things ( either 2 or 3 feeds per day ).


    last thing i want to do is under or over feed her for that matter - thinking nutrition , developing bones and joints etc


  3. my CPSA insurance as ran out , i used to be with BASC , but price dictated a change.


    Anyway i,m thinking of getting NGO insurance this time as its a good price , ( although not a gamekeeper - does that matter ) and just wondering if any of you guys are with them and if the insurance covers all shooting types and is as good as say BASC etc.



  4. looking for some good fly/midge spray that actually works for my daughters horses.

    all the usuall stuff i can buy at the local tack shop , just dont seem to work.


    anyone know of a good recommend one i could try.



  5. well coming to the end of the free eukanuba , cant say i have noticed any changes except her ****e stinks :good:


    have mixed the last lot in with a bag of chudleys junior , but she dont seem too keen on this :yes: in fact she not eaten much in the last 48 hours , dont know if its the food or she's just feeling a bit off.


    question -- i,m still feeding her 3 times a day and was wondering when should i be cutting it down to just twice a day ( spaniel bitch 21 weeks ).



  6. thanks lads - i can see where i,m going wrong now , trying too hard :good: i think.

    my lab was a doddle to train :hmm: and i think i,m expecting the same.


    mad - thanks for the offer , would be great to meet up with you sometime :good: be good to see a demo of what a well trained spaniel can do


    will concentrate on the stop whistle command before i continue and chill out :good:



  7. cheers lads -- i will carry on with the stop whistle first then.


    been trying the long lead also , but i need to find a fast/strong retractable lead , the one i have is just not fast enough returning to encourage her in and she gets tangled up .

    i think that may be putting her off a bit .


    thanks again

  8. lads i need some tips or tricks on getting the perfect recall for my ESS.

    i know shes only young 21 weeks now , but this is getting me down .

    she's coming on ok in most things , but getting her to recall into me is just not happening .


    most of the time she,ll duck away from me at the last second or not come in at all , i,d like to let her off the lead when out ( in the paddock ) but i,m afraid i might loose her :good:


    i think she thinks its a great game to play , which to a pup i suppose it is , but how can i get her to take this more seriously.



  9. i had my lab ( dog ) done at 15 months , this gives all the time needed to develope muscle and bone tissue to form in the hips and joints etc .

    it did help a little in his beheaviour made him a bit clamer , as well turned him into a big sissy :good: even the farm cat used to bully him :good:

    plus instantly banged on a few pounds even though his food was not increased :P

  10. was watch a openshaw DVD and noted he feeds Eukanuba to his pups and older dogs.


    this stuff is very expensive , so wondering if any of you feed it and if so why ??


    i,ve got a couple of free bag vouchers i,m going to use :unsure: which is nice as a 3kg bag costs £13+.

    wonder if i,ll see any difference in the pups behaviour :wacko: .


    is Eukanuba the ultimate in dog food or is it just as good as any other brand .....


    whats your thoughts




  11. sounds the same as above excitement

    my mates used to do it all the time but has grown out of it



    darren how is your dog getting on now


    hi Berthaboo -- she's fine mate , got a few DVDS and books to look at :good: .


    she's 19 weeks old now , retreiving very good :good: , but not to hand ( yet ) loves carry dummies around , got a great nose on her loves play hunting , sits and short stays coming on ok , just staring on the heel work now .


    Recalls in to me still very hit n miss though , gonna have to re-think it :hmm: .


    thanks lads for all the info.



  12. my springer pup is constantly tiddling :good:


    every time i go to fuss her or pick her up she'll piddle .

    in fact she walks/runs and piddle's at the same time as soon as i let her out .


    cant let her in until she's emptied her bladder


    i,ve had load of different dogs from 2 GSD , 3 collies , 2 labs and never come across this .


    is this normal spaniel behaviour

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