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  1. Small, friendly Home Office approved firearms club has space for three new members in Nottingham area. Think you could fit in? Message me if interested.
  2. I’ve just come across this old thread and have to tell you that Rolls Royce club is still alive and well! Yes our old range isn’t there anymore but we shoot somewhere else and still have the same friendly, welcoming club and may have some opportunities for new members coming up. if you’re interested send me a message and I’ll discuss with you.
  3. That's why it's important to find the people who actually go out on to the streets to help these people like I have done. Amazing folk, they are all volunteers who provide hot food out of their own pockets, organise collections of clothing with their own vehicles/fuel and spend their evenings on the streets just trying to look out for and help the most vulnerable people who really need assistance. I FILLED two bin liners with old stuff that was just lying around the house - hats, gloves, scarves, an old puffer jacket that I used to use for painting the fence in, as well as the heavy duty stuff (why did I have 6 thinsulate beanies? Do I really need that many? I don't think so!). Most of us have a surplus of stuff that can help - it's just being ***** to do it! They were over the moon with what I provided, most of which WE would class as worthless and you are right about how it makes you feel when you know that you have GENUINELY helped someone. I'm going to do more! Because as a society we subconsciously always think that someone else will deal with these things - well who is this someone else? I've now seen first hand that it's just normal people like us that do this off their own backs, not for money, not for adulation, not to try and 'convert' people to some religious belief and certainly not for publicity/self promotion. They do it because someone has to and it's the RIGHT thing to do in an allegedly compassionate society. If we all were just a tiny bit more like these people the world would be a lot better place to be. Now I am getting a little 'preachy' which wasn't my intention at all - the idea of this post originally was to explain my recent experience and hopefully make a few others think about just how easily we could all help IMMENSELY by doing very little.
  4. Well I took my first lot of stuff to the volunteers today with some insulated hunting trousers and ex army softee suit trousers. Just got this message through Facebook Amanda Winters Bobby Sands I gave a pair of trousers each to two people who were settling in a shop door way for the night,they only had a thin sleeping bag and a quilt,they are so grateful for the trousers and I know they will be so much warmer tonight.Thank You That is all it takes to make a difference fellas! By finding the frontline people I know that my stuff is directly helping someone TONIGHT.
  5. That's why I've searched out the frontline volunteers who are out on the streets. If I dropped some of my (quality but used) gear off somewhere I can guarantee it'll end up on eBay. I want it to go directly to the person that will benefit from it AND I am personally making sure that is what is happening with stuff that people have already sent and are sending to me.
  6. I understand what you are saying and I'm not that dumb regarding begging. I'm talking about people sleeping on the streets, in doorways (and wherever) at night not during the day. If you are bedded down, buried under cardboard at 11.00 p.m. I'd go out on a limb and say that you are probably homeless - what do you reckon? I've done quite a bit of looking into this over the last few days and whilst certain councils around the country are better than others they all have stuff in place to assist genuine homeless but there are a lot that fall through the cracks. If you read my original post it states that I took the time to find volunteer groups who actually go out onto the streets and get stuff DIRECTLY to the people that need it - not sold in a shop. I'm trying to do something to help another human being - that's all. And I'm now going to tell you what tipped me over the edge on this. Because I did what we all have done and walked past people in need and pretended that they weren't there! I felt so ashamed after watching ******** politicians on the TV playing childish games for their own self promotion whilst they play with ours and our kids futures to then leave the lovely restaurant that we had just eaten in and walk back to my boutique hotel to drink 30 year old single malt in the bar. And I should be ashamed! There are lots of reasons why people end up on the streets, sometimes it's their fault, sometimes it's not, sometimes they have mental illness problems, substance / alcohol abuse issues. Guess what? I don't ******** care how they got there! I'm just trying to stop another human being freezing to death with stuff that I don't use - it's not a lot really is it? But it's better than pretending that this issue or should I say these PEOPLE are not there. I always despatch my quarry 'humanely' - interesting word. I didn't feel very humane when I ignored another person in need.
  7. Hello all, Whilst this may seem to make me appear to be ignorant in my relatively rural life I have just returned from a midweek break in a UK city. It was quite cold as the winter is now starting to bite and was appalled at seeing so many homeless people freezing in doorways. I know that I/we can’t solve this problem but we can do something to help. We as a shooting community have cupboards full of warm, waterproof outdoor clothing and at this time of year are probably hoping that Santa will be bringing us some more. I have dug out some old (but still perfectly usable) insulated hunting jackets and trousers, gloves and hats and have found the RIGHT organisation in my home city of Nottingham who get this stuff DIRECTLY to the people who desperately need it this winter - not just put in charity shops to be sold. I’m not trying to preach at anyone or put anyone on a guilt trip but this really bothered me and I feel that I have to do something. Just think about it guys - that old gear that you don’t use anymore might actually keep somebody ALIVE this winter! That’s got to be better than getting a few quid back by flogging it on eBay hasn’t it? If anyone in the Nottingham area wants to know the details of the organisations that I have found or even to send some stuff to me (I’ll happily sort it out) then please drop me a line. There are volunteer groups in your area as well, do a google search and you’ll find the right people if you want to help someone less fortunate than ourselves. Thanks for reading this and Merry Christmas to you all.
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