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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. Curried venison pastie sound great! Will have to try em. Work that way a lot, Or used to! I like Lavenham. Maybe again. Pain when the tourists about! My family from west Suffolk going right back to 1700's. Mainly Semer Lindsey and Kersey way. Got a lovely iconic picture of my granddad as a young boy bringing a harvest wagon through the famous Kersey splash pulled by a team of suffolks. RHD done/doing for a lot of rabbits my way. Have to really think where to find them if i want one these days. Loads of hare's. Tho some farms have knocked them back cos of continuous problems from gangs with long dogs everywhere. They been on the deer as well lately. NB
  2. Straight to your hide? NB
  3. We used to joke that the butcher must of had the controls for the level crossing barrier to divert folk into shop. They sometimes have great deals on salt marsh red poll beef /steaks and lamb to. Busy road to get back out on and there drive is very long, but well worth it. Another near there is Hog & Hen Farm Shop at Stonham. Lovely free range stuff /game processed and sold on farm. They also game breeders. Known for rearing quality pheasants and partridge. Do a few english to. Palfary & Hall in Debenham also great proper local produce/game butchers to. Do a real nice black pudding scotch egg. Not trouble getting or getting rid of any game or pigeon my! Not many rabbits about! . . . . Hungary Now! NB
  4. Melton butchers always been quality! The Sutton Hoo chickens are good to. If you get up A140 way look out for Suffolk farmhouse Cheeses at Creeting, There sausages and meat amazing. Award winning cheeses to. Suffolk gold a fav. Lovely Guernsey cow milk and cheese etc always available from vending machine ont farm. Can watch the cows milking when they want to at auto milker. Fascinating bit of kit and very contented cows. NB
  5. Same here! Confusing but funny! A Harry Enfield character comes to mind. 😉
  6. Hopefully they will! Social media has made us physically anti social. Even some rural folk can hardly be bothered to speak or make eye contact. Maybe social isolation will eventually make us more social and appreciate others! Who knows! I may even find a new woman! Which is where i came in. . . . . . . Gota be done. Putting it off as long as i can. Would happily pay someone to do it for me! . . , Keep your distance! . . . NB
  7. My ol dad and granddads were proper knowledgeable clever countrymen. Always said when it came to the game, always look after the bobby, doctor, teacher and vicar. NB
  8. Same here! So was i! Dad and head master beat it out of me! Really calmed down in early 20's after a couple of mates died. . . . . Weren't it still legal for hubby's to do that back then and women couldn't ask for a divorce till the 70's? Local bobby knew everything! Most coppers were hard but fair in my youth. Tho i didn't enjoy being strip searched for no wrong when i was 18. Even he said that was wrong. NB
  9. Ahhh! The good ol days. . . . . You would be in care being abused if it happened in these days. NB
  10. I think we should be writing that book we talk about writing in these times of isolation! , , , , I did start once. Burnt it! NB
  11. I bet!. . .Weren't they still burning folk then? . . ."Stone her"!! NB
  12. At one time some gals in my village actually dare not be seen talking to me in public. . . . . Have met a few gals in supermarkets. But now is probably not the time. . Being 6'3" there chat up line is often "can you get something off the top shelf for me". NB
  13. When does she get out of prison? NB
  14. Kinky! True, but there's 500 sheep up the road and a herd of Guernseys ont farm! It's dem udders! . . . Thinking black adder sketches. 😉
  15. No. But there is a good looking alpaca over the road. Something about the eyes and those lashes. NB
  16. Exactly! I have heard some great stories of what i am spose to of done. I say if only my life was that interesting 😉 Jealous a lot of them! NB
  17. Maybe try some from your local farm shop or farmers market if allowed and you might notice a difference. One of my locals have amazing tasty sausages from there old breeds of pigs that are fed on wey from the cheese they also make. Really taste the difference. NB
  18. Doh! Cos. Had a few of them. Never seem to work for long and gets complicated if folk are not truthful. Especially if they know your family and friends. A lot say it. Few mean it. Lot of my mates are gals and they say the same. Rural dating ant easy. 😉 NB
  19. Probably being thick here, and regret asking. FWB?? Lost me there. NB
  20. Brilliant! . . . . I bet he could to. Self draining, but would it keep going down on me! NB
  21. Not my type!😉 Tho he's not far away and good with his hands. NB
  22. Ready meals horrible things! Apart from the must have staple "The Fray Bentos stake and kidney pie". I like cooking. Bit of a prepper like a lot of rural folk. Turned the 40 odd pigeons i shot last weekend in to mince. Most versatile easy thing in the coming weeks. Freezers full of wild food/game and have always loved the barter system when i comes to food and drink. Surprising what a few pigeons pheasant and an odd rabbit can get ya. Ant been shopping for over 2 weeks. Tho out of fruit and getting low on veg cereal and the dreaded TP. . . . Electric blankets are dangerous! . .So are many of the women i have had! But that's how i like em!😉 NB
  23. Look at some of the posts on "Doesn't Look Good" thread. 😉 I shall not be doing mail order!! NB
  24. Cheers! . . . . . Social distancing dating! . . . . . .Could be the future? But no fun! May have to find £60.00 and invest. NB
  25. Don't you start OF!😉 Everyone's been telling me that! I ant that bad a cook! NB
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