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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. Would not get chance to leave and let that amount of birds to keep building my way! Other shooters would soon be on it. Or the farmers and game boi's would be on it themselves if they thought there was a chance of a big easy bag and they could give there mates a good day. If farmers rang me to shoot numbers like that and i said i had seen them but was leaving them to build more, they wouldn't be happy! NB
  2. There were still a few in Suffolk in the late 70's. Remember seeing them when fishing along the river Deben at Crettingham and Brandeston. Huge holes distroying the banks. They used to live trap them and always baited with cucumber. My Uncle had one raiding his allotment so set a trap and caught it. The coypu bit him bad. But he knew he had got the right one because it had beetroot stained teeth/mouth. NB
  3. NatureBoy

    Trump's hair

    Shave it! And embrace your inner slap head!😉 Wharl clippers are good. Used to do my own and other folks. Shave it now and wouldn't grow it again if i could.
  4. How much have you done? What colour? Pic? What don't she like about it? The colour or texture of finish? Some folk get put off by colour change to begin with. Did you use smooth or textured Sandtex? Did you thin it before application? Either way it will of penetrated into the render enough that if you use abrasion to try and remove it now it is dry you risk damaging render so it will show, as will trying to use other methods. Finish whole wall or bottom half only to match colour of render if she dislikes it that much. Bet it would grow on her. . . . . Either that or do a Banksy and make a feature of it.😉 NB
  5. Hummingbird hawk moths in garden a while ago. Earliest i have ever seen them. Must be over wintering rather than migrants i guess? That why it good to keep part of your garden wild. They making most of dandelions. . . .Also pays to fix nest boxes out of full sun and entrance away from prevailing wind. No need to put perch on front as this only helps predators perch when attacking nests. Metal plates round holes will help deter squirrels and great spotted woodpeckers. Hole/box size not overly important as they nest in all sorts of natural holes and places. Tits nest in the old boots and wellies i put out. Blue tits over the road from mine nesting in top of a traffic sign post. I clean most boxes out after season. Others say don't bother. NB
  6. Yeah, and didn't the air smelt amazing during and after the storm. Could see it tracking across Suffolk. Think we had more my way then, 8mm on guage. Drillings looked like they had good soak next day. It's the edges of knocked back rape they hitting. The lucerne to because we not had enough rain for it to get away. Farmer reseeded grass pasture at back of mine and it's looking grim. Even seen load of pigeons and crows on there. Not my ground, tho but interesting to watch. . . . . . .People will see through there same old repeated fake bull now they have run out of things to leave a CP's gate. It's up to us all to keep educating folk! . . . . . I am looking forward to the turtle doves coming back! There migration may be easier this year. Last year was good and i and others have done a lot of habitat improvements and kept on top of the crows before CV kicked off! NB
  7. Have a semi wild garden, plenty of ivy and creepers on walls roofs, fences and sheds. Blue and great tits in boxes. Woodies nesting in fir tree. First dunnock and wagtail nests got predated by jackdaws. Robins nest by window hatched out Monday and green finches nesting in privet hedge. A wren visits most days and expect gold and chaffinches to nest in budliea and apple tree like previous years when there's a bit more leaf cover. Unusually no blackbirds or sparrow this year. Blackbirds have not been doing well my way. Hear a song thrush morning and evening and have seen a mistle thrush gathering food, so nest nearby. Seen more swallows and martins this year. Heard and seen several whitethroats chiffchaff's and blackcap round the fields in past week. No nightingale yet. . . . . Old walking boots/wellies etc make great alternatives to nest boxes. wedged or fixed in trees and shrubs. top can be left open or drawn to with laces to attract different birds. Had spotted flycatcher in an old DM the other year. If you have put fake woodcrete boxes up for house martins without success, make the entrance hole bigger so they can visit easy and build the entrance how they like it. . . . One thing about lockdown we get to slow down and enjoy the nature in and around our gardens. NB
  8. I think the rain we had in Suffolk Sunday made a big difference in washing any remaining seed in. Still need more. Ground is parched and crops been stressing. Have hit them hard my way. No where near the numbers of pigeons there were now, that could of been a bigger problem come harvest. Some still hitting rape and lucerne. . . .Can't remember seeing so many pheasants and partridges about as this spring. Must be because more survived the very wet game season. English doing well to. Could make for a very different coming game season for some the way things are going if we can keep on top of predator control to. Like small shoots of old. Don't think Avery and co doing themselves any favours by continuing to Boris bash and ask for money at this time. NB
  9. Well done FB! As i have said other week our Suffolk force/rural police unit OK with us doing it to! I and others have been out and had no problems apart from a couple of other shooters being funny/gobby about it. Even got to go back on one of my old perms i lost to a syndicate and a slab of carts for going. All public/folk in the community i have spoke to fine with it and say get as many as you can. I think folk are maybe now realising more where there food comes from and the effort farmers/farm shops put in to produce quality British food! I think folk/farmers really appreciate those that can doing what they can at this time. Had loads of pigeons and a lot of blacks. All pigeon going into food chain. Some folk trying pigeon for the first time. We have certainly made a difference! NB
  10. As a local doctor said." Many are trying to get fit for when not if they get CV". That is if the stress and worrying about getting it don't get them first! Never seen so many pale strangers about. . . . I think some think you can get it from making eye contact! NB
  11. Cracking that GG! Moon and stars have looked amazing lately! A so quiet out! Last Saturday afternoon it looked stunning in a bright blue sky! NB
  12. Like i have said! Look after your farmers folks! Help them if asked and you can do it safely! . . Sad day yesterday! another much loved and respected local farmer died (not CV related). These ol born n bred generation of farmers leave a big hole in families and local communities when they go! A farmer who was close to him who farms alone told me, and said he needed to tell and talk to someone! Shocked and choked us both up! Aint all about pulling the trigger! SO! Do what ya can! If you can! . . . . . Stay safe! NB
  13. Have a look at Toms River on youtube.
  14. Spot on Motty! . . . . I had another shooter challenge me and ask me what i thought i was doing going shooting at this time (shoots same perm). Answer! Because i was asked to! NB!
  15. Be interesting to see how you get on FB as you same area/county as me. Worth asking your farmers to ring to. If he is asking you to shoot!? I did! You may get answer phone, we did. Rural crime officer got back to us and gave permission. Said shooting pests and vermin for crop protection would be classed as essential. Shooting game is not! Use common sense! May check on you. . . . . Two farmers have asked me to shoot. I went only to there farms/fields being hit assessed situation safety wise and Shot! If farmers ask i will go! Simple! . . I ran this by my family and friends who work NHS front line. All said get in them fields and shoot! Two were amazed it would even be a problem. Said look after the farmers as they gona be feeding us all! That says it all really! . . . . . And as for supermarkets buying beef in from Poland at this time and farmers having to pour milk away! WRONG! Support ya farmers folks! My NHS friends will be clapping for them Thursday! If farmer asks for help and you not happy with it or think crops don't need protection at seed time. Tell him so! It's your risk! It's easy for me as i am single! No contact with anyone! . . . . If farmers don't ask i'll not go at this time. Simple! . . .Has anyone asked Norfolk police how they stand? Only grief i have had is off other shooters. As i expected! As got grief last year for shooting when the GL fiasco was being sorted! NB
  16. Normal for north Suffolk.Think there were several look like that, kept under the stairs, and ended up in a muck hill along the valley! My ol dad used to call any where north of Eye/Worlingworth bow and arrow country! He was brave because my mums lot came from Southholt way. 😉 NB
  17. They been real busy day and night all week. guess it all night vision and thermal now. . . . . Awesome but scary! Both my mum and dad got shot at by German aircraft hedge hopping just off the deck after attacking airfields and the industrial midlands. Imagine that as a young kid. They said it was sad to see some of our and yank bombers limping back all shot up barely able to keep flying. Plenty didn't make the airfields as they tried to land. Yanks took a big hit doing that mass daytime bombing. Not much more than kids themselves. When did you go Run What Ya Brung? What did you run? Shame they stopped them. Run my Harley there one year. Got a little bit scary when it started shaking it's head. Can't remember what year. Still got timing slip somewhere. Mates used to run some crazy bikes. NB
  18. That is good GG! Look like it got a boilie. NB
  19. Look like an ol Harleston boi from across the river. NB
  20. Glad it ant just me and Farmboy it's happened to! 😉 Like you say we perfect targets. Trucks and concealed gunmen. NB
  21. Same here. a part from when i am up a ladder reaching for the top of a gable and they buzz me. Seem louder, lower and they linger more at night! Looked it up, it's lower, only 275ft for fixed wing. That's Dave Carrie territory, and some on here. Helo's is ceiling to ground any time. So many bases local, have grown up with there antics. Amusing to see strangers/incomers unnerved by them. . . . . My dad said it was amazing to see the hundreds of bombers forming up over head round here during the war when there were more airfields! Yeah i bet they have fun winding us up. I have had them nod at me when they done. Bentwaters was always busy back then. I done the same as ya dad. Hell of a buzz! Had some good times in Rendlesham and Tunstal forest in my youth. Some good parties with the yanks to. NB
  22. Do he think he'l be on street TC, Or backing up other services? More apache's been playing round my way again today. Just like they do before being deployed abroad. They spooked some pigeons a farmer hadn't seen on his drillings. He just rang me and asked if i will go tomorrow. Should be OK he part of the linked Farm watch network. It in the middle of nowhere a coursing area and strangely on an old airfield. Could be interesting if apaches about again.😉 NB
  23. Ant no sunshine now he's gone! . . . Classic! . . . RIP Bill. NB
  24. Just been on news Google are going to monitor peoples movements here and world wide.Really? Mission creep! . . . . Though they prob already doing that? NB
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