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Posts posted by Stonepark

  1. 21 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:




    One of Reform UK's  first policies is to raise the income tax exemption to £20,000.


    This means that anyone on minimum wage or the living wage basically does not pay income tax.


    As poor people spend all their money, whilst rich people only often spend a proportion of their money, the rich get richer and inflation drives the poor into the gutter.


    Any money not taken as tax gets spent by the poor, generating tax elsewhere but can circulates cash, generates sales and employment so much so it offsets the loss of income tax and benefits the poorest most.

    The Uniparty keep raising tax, the opposite of what they need to do to stimulate the economy.

  2. 36 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

    Exactly what I'm doing. I'm tired of the lies, if reform make a mess, at least I voted for it, instead of voting for a party that makes all the promises but intentionally delivers the opposite.

    As Det. John McClane would say

    "Welcome to the party, pal!"

  3. Voting Conservative/Labour/LibDem/Green all yields the same result Net Zero result, working and even middle class run into the ground, being sacrificed on the alter of what... as long as there are 8 billion peoiple in the world, all the coal, oil, gas, etc etc is all going to be used no matter what......

  4. I think my issue with DC (and the like) is that they are pushing the law of averages beyond its limit for sportsmanship.

    A 40 yard pheasant with 150 pellets within 30 inch circle will drop the bird dead 99% of the time, at 70 yards with 60 pellets in the circle, even if perfectly on target the bird will only drop half the time, meaning up to half the birds are pricked.

    Whilst we can all miss or place our patterns less than centrally on the target, this is not done on purpose and as sporting guns, we our best to avoid such situations, however during the extreme shooting, the guns knowingly engage targets in less than optimal circumstances and that I feel is the difference.

  5. Whilst wind hasn't done much today, and more expensive gas has been pressed into service, over the last 6 months the only times electricity has been inexpensive (when purchased by electricity suppliers) has been when the sun has been shining or the wind blowing.

    Likewise with UK gas price going back up and gas becoming more expensive we have likely hit the summer lows and prices will be increasing through Autumn and Winter again.




  6. 15 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    /\. This (well perhaps not 90%) - but yes - that is the real elephant in the room.

    Nope.... another stupid green woke WEF theory propagated by the elites to get rid of the masses (those who have less than a million £).

    The problem they (and others) don't realise is without the masses they would not be in the position they are.

  7. Had an hour at clay ground yesterday with semi auto and a hit rate of 84 out of a 100 with buttoning myself with no delay on release (despite quite a few offering to button for me and politely declined).


    I find it the best way to simulate with clays what happens in the field, and most of the misses were due to incorrect mounting.

  8. 26 minutes ago, marsh man said:

    Why not bring a rule in where they don't start till mid day on a Sunday ,or at worse do away with Sunday shooting , we cannot go wild fowling on a Sunday and yet they can shoot Pigeons and clays all day long  ,  these complaints are here to stay and will only get worse as new houses get nearer and nearer to the clay pigeon clubs .

    Wrong solution.....

  9. Speaking from a grid prospective, the grid in the UK is basically at capacity.

    Connection dates for new solar and wind in Eng and Wales are 2032 to 2036 plus.

    Other than the replacement Nuclear stations (Hinckley Point) and off shore wind there is no significant electricity capacity being added to the grid over the next 10 years and this will be mainly replacing older assets that are being decommissioned.


    Currently there is an overnight (and afternoon in summer) decrease in electricy prices due to supply being adequate or exceeding demand.

    If everyone starts overnight charging, that price differential will evaporate but by then we will have mainly (for all those with smart meters) have changed to half hourly pricing and you will be paying top whack for your electricity.

    The current market share of new registrations for EV (of all types) is currently about 16%, which translates to an overall share of around 3% of vehicles on the road. 97% of vehicles are still ICE.

    There is not the grid capacity to go all electric for transport or heating, never mind both at once.

    We would need to increase our electric grid infrastructure by 500% to cope with this, when we are only barely replacing the generation assets we are losing.

  10. 2 hours ago, Genghis said:

    In many cases they are, but Italy’s current prime minister is indeed a literal former fascist.

    And Keir Stammer is a literally a former Marxist\Trotskyist, your point?

    You won't be voting for Labour\Keir Stammer in the next election due to his "former" extreme views???

    It is interesting to note Melloni (amongst others) have done away with the Fascist elements of the old orders of her party as it has changed over time just like Marine Le Pen and, much like Stammer & Co have got rid of the old communists (Corbyn & Co) over here.


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