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Posts posted by Stonepark

  1. 3 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

    Sat there looking at them I thought I'd give a Dremel a go. Game changer. One of those tube grinding bits about 3mm wide, so much easier to control, smoother finish, gets into the curve in the corner without makeing the pinch point and a lot faster.

    Do you have a picture of the bit in question?

  2. The parties gaining ground are not exactly "far right", indeed most of them are simply traditionally conservative, whilst as per Elon Musk's meme, the left has indeed become far left, whilst the right has stated put for the main.

    Conflating the right with "Facsists" is no different to conflating the Left with Stalin or Mao who both killed far more of their citizens than the extreme right wing ever has.



  3. A drama based on a true story about child trafficking......

    Disney refused to release for 5 years, but once out of Disney contract released within months to blockbuster success in the USA & Canada but still no release date in the UK as no chain will pick it up.

    Instead the UK gets Barbie and Indiana Jones & How to finally kill a franchise.

    It's almost like the MSM is afraid of the light.......

  4. 12 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

    It's not a retail platform, it's the Chinese Government hiding behind a sham company in Ireland which in turn is hiding behind a sham company in Singapore.

    The object is to suck hard currency from western economies into China.  All our money goes one way towards them. None of their money comes back towards us.

    Trade has to be a two way thing, this is nothing of the sort.

    It's a long term strategy 


    The Chinese government isn't hiding behind Temu any more the the US Government is hiding behind Amazon.

    The truth is, China has the cheapest energy supplied by Coal, renewables, Gas, nuclear and oil in that order.

    Electricity price in China is 7p\kwh (all in cost including taxes etc) therefore manufacturing is cheap, diesel is 85p\l thereby transport is cheap, etc etc, their government (whether you object to communism or not) has successfully through a series of long term plans has produced conditions for inexpensive energy which has caused the majority of  straight forward (and more complicated) manufacturing to set up shop there.

    As noted in my previous response, our successive governments have done the opposite.

    Our mainstream political parties (Cons, Lab, Libs Greens) could reverse this tomorrow but clearly have no interest in doing so and the sheep keep following them... Whilst REFORM UK keeps shouting that you have to change the energy policies, make energy inexpensive, and in surplus to reverse the decline but are ignored by MSM and those who cannot see the wood for the trees.


  5. 2 hours ago, Rem260 said:

    My point regarding steel is that it is a large employer in Wales which is heavily subsidised. If the government took your attitude of buy the cheapest no matter what and fuzz everyone else. Then it would bring an even a faster decline of our economy. Do you want the High St to consist of coffee and charity shops only. Not supporting UK industry/businesses is leaving the UK wide open to becoming a 3rd world economy. There is only so much slack in the system to support cheap imports.

    Increasing energy prices by prematurely closing coal plants and coal mines, blocking nuclear, blocking wind power, taxing the heck out of diesel, petrol, adding green Levy's to electricity, banning Russian gas etc is what is driving us to be a 3rd world country, and why our steel needs to be so heavily subsidised to even be within feasible costings, never mind the cheapest.


    The truth is, cheap energy with an available surplus = healthy economy and prosperity but our so called leaders (and many others) have clearly forgotten this....... or perhaps never learned.


  6. 1 hour ago, Scully said:

    So when all other suppliers have been forced out of business due to not being able to compete, Temu starts putting up its prices and buyers have no option but to use them. 
    Sounds like a good business plan to me; we reap what we sow.  🙂

    But they are not manufacturers are they?

    They are traders, middlemen, sourcing the cheapest they can find, adding the largest mark up they think the market will sustain and banking the profit at the cost of the consumer.

    Consumers having more money to spend is a good thing!


  7. 8 hours ago, ditchman said:

    bought a tin.............fried vedge and spice with it.........looked awful...tasted it .....cloying thick oily tast......made me feel queasy....looked like 15w/40 engine oil.....threw tin of gee in the bin followed by what i cooked....felt queasy all day...........will never ever use it again ...disgusting

    had sausage egg and chips and felt better

    (bloody foreign muck)

    no wonder indian women have big fat rears

    Butter is cream, processed to keep longer, Ghee is processed butter, designed to keep even longer.

    Each time you move away from the original product, you lose nutrition and taste.

  8. 1 hour ago, Vince Green said:

    The stuff comes direct from China. Its an attempt to drive out of business the UK retailers with prices nobody can compete with.


    Again, it comes down to cost and "fair" margins.

    With many brands now owned by investment houses looking for abnormal profits, I feel no obligation to them as the OEM product comes out the same factory.

    I can order a pair of Simms waders for £500 from  the brand UK retailer or I can order direct from the factory for £100 for the exact same waders.

    There is nothing stopping UK retailers from doing the same and selling said waders for £200. (Fishing Mad Bison Waders).

    Temu is the new Argos (mainstream high volume products) but nothing new or niche.


  9. 6 hours ago, Penelope said:

    As is possible with Yellowstone; and if that goes pop!.................

    Campi Flegri is much more of a risk than Yellowstone....

  10. If it is the variopress (adjustable gas piston) it should fire anything.

    My 612 will handle 21g fine on the light setting.

    The piston is reversible for light\heavy settings.

  11. 1 hour ago, Old farrier said:

    I understand the concept behind duplex and the shortfall with different sizes of lead 


    Duplex using steel as the filler and TSS or HW material as a main load is possibly the way forward for a usable longer range than steel alone 

    cost effective probably not 

    just my thought in it 👍


    Duplex does not extend range, you need all the pellets for a pattern in TSS or lead or steel.


  12. Duplex cartridges were supposedly developed to kill geese and duck with the same cartridge within the lethal range of the smaller (duck) pellet, not extend the range of the cartridge.

    However it is generally predicated on poor science.

    If you choose the correct pellet size for a cartridge loading where energy fails as or just after the pattern fails you will be operating most efficiently for any giving loading.

    Duplexing is merely an attempt to replicate the above efficiency with differing pellet sizes but cannot be more effective, in fact depending on the balance of pellets is often worse.

    At under the lethal range of the smaller pellet, you have no advantage over the efficient loading pellets as you have similar if not identical numbers of pellets as the efficent cartridge, with larger pellets simply retaining more energy and the smaller pellets running out of energy before the efficent loading pellets. (Energy failing before pattern)

    Past the lethal distance of the smaller pellets (which is less than the efficent loading pellets), the larger pellet pattern is less than the efficent loading, so is ineffective due to lack of pellets, even though the pellets individually may still retain more energy. (Pattern fails before energy)



  13. I think that there is a significant difference between those who inadvertantly speed now and again often by accident (and cause relatively few issues) and are up to 10mph over the local speed and those who insist on speeding where ever they go and are often doing 40 in a 20, 50 in a 30 etc, though other than severity of fines and points/punishment that does not really reflect the serious transgressors and "crime" as most aren't caught or prosecuted.

    However, the next generation of vehicles and especially electric vehicles from 2024 are going to have Inteliigent Speed Assistance fitted (software), which combined with GPS and local 5G smart sign posts is going to put a crushing halt on speeding simply because the car dash is going to beep every time you speed, until it determines you are not speeding and the deciding factor will be how long you can put up with the beeping at best and some cars are going to actively reduce speed until they determine you are not speeding at worst... there will however be a temporary manual override (if you think the computer is wrong so you can correct for potential accidents) but it will not enable permanant switch off.


  14. 24 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

    Sounds like the entire Russian position is getting desperate. Meanwhile it appears ukraine has made decent gains in the east and south which while too early to pop the champagne, I'm sure we can all agree is great news 🥂

    Wagner is stepping back is 25,000 men, Ukrainian losses since starting the offensive are somewhere in the region of 14,000 men, a third to half their Western donated equipment (tanks ifv's and afv's) and all they have captured is a few hamlets and a few thousand acres on farm land at certain points on the line.

    Meanwhile in other areas, Russia has captured a similar amount of hamlets and land but the Western press has been ignoring this.

    Ukraine is now talking about mobilising another 100,000 (50,000 new and 50,000 contract renewal), whilst Wagners dallience to the South (for more money as their current orders\contract ended in June) has just justified Russia to raise another 500,000 and put them into the area for "security".

    Ukraine is burning through men, kit and money at an unsustainable rate and Russia is simply grinding through Ukrainian resources until there is nothing to stop a counter offensive reaching Kiev and Odessa and effectively game over.

  15. Wagner was set up by the Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) and functions solely at the disgression of the Russian Government who are it's sole arms and ammunition suppliers.

    Prigozhin is not the founder but the current CEO but reports back to the founders (his main business being catering in the past and is not military trained).

    The Western press is having wet dreams about a potential coup but in truth Prigozhin can be replaced quite quickly and easily as his no2 who joined some 4 months ago was previously the main logistics officer of the SMO and can simply step in and take over.

    Prigozhin is losing support and reputation and is becoming more desperate, hence the statements.


  16. The main effect of miss matched chamber and cartridge length is damage to the pellets caused by the expansion and then compression of the shot load at high pressure, resulting in less optimum (but still useful) patterns.


    3 inch chambers (until 3.5inch came along) were a can take anything solution and allow maximum flexibility for use for both clays, game, vermin and wildfowl but sacrificing pattern density of smaller loads for being able to also fire large loadings.

    3.5inch chambers have made the problem significantly worse and really shouldn't be used with anything less than 3inch hulls.

    A lot of clay guns (and traditionally Baikals) are chambered in 70mm to give the best patterns with 70mm shells and not just because they are only expected to fire light loads but because it minimises the damage caused by miss matched hull length to chamber size on the shot load.


    White clawed Crayfish are non native to Scotland, but the relocations were approved by Government.


    Signals are also non native and spreading both naturally and artificially all over Scotland and we're originally escapes and not approved.

    Loch Ken is full of Signals (literally tens of tonnes), but due to the NatScot restrictions we are not allowed to trap them without an individual licence which they will only grant to the landowners in general.

    However, I know there are those out there less inclined to ask Big Gov for permission and they report the Signals are delicious.

  18. On 19/04/2023 at 10:33, martinj said:

    By The way, re pigeons seeing in the UV spectrum, I recall a thread on here a few years ago when a company was trying to flog UV paint for decoys. 

    I bought a UV torch which shone only Ultraviolet light, I turned the lights off and shone the torch on some pigeons in my garage to see if anything showed up that wasn't visible to the naked eye or if they looked much different to my decoys and the answer was . . . . no appreciable difference, at least to my eyes.

    You can't see UV light with human eyes.

    The torch you were using if you could see it, was not UV or contained both UV and non UV led chips so you could see it.

    You need a UV camera (un filtered) to "see" any UV light reflection translated into part of the spectrum we can see.

  19. Reject "smart" meters for 5 reasons

    1 They allow remote load shedding (i.e. switching you off and on as they please) should a market issue take place and which was feared may be needed last winter.

    2 They can remotely disconnect you without notice

    3 They can remotely change your tariff without your consent

    4 Smart meter and remote unit uses more energy than a dumb meter and costs you more

    5 They can monitor your energy use, although at present this data is not being used to a significant degree

  20. 2 hours ago, Old Boggy said:

    I`ve fairly recently gone over to No.7 shot in my 16 bores and find that they kill extremely well. Not tried 8s though..............yet.

    I think it was the late John Humphreys among others who advocated small shot with open chokes on decoyed pigeons as being the perfect combination and I cannot disagree with that philosophy.


    Archie Coates came to that conclusion long before John Humphreys.

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