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  1. A black powder Damascus hammer gun for game shooting driven game pheasant .partridge. grouse shot for shot can kill has many birds has a modern hammer gun something I have proven many times Has for pest control I also have many 200 bird days with a muzzle loader. so has far has Damascus barrel is concerned I have a good idea after many decades to know what I am talking about. Feltwad
  2. Has you state you are not interested TYIPALLY A shooters worst enemy is his fellow shooter that is one of the main reasons why shooting is in the position today. SAD Feltwad
  3. With 77years of shooting and restoring Damascus barrel guns most likely before you were born and forgetting more about Damascus barrels than you will ever know to be personal by called ignorant because I do not agree is a bit below the belt Feltwad
  4. I am afraid there is no other alternative it is only lead has Bismuth is not proven in Damascus barrels with black powder Muzzle loading uses only black powder and it is the most expensive type of shooting and to use a costly component has Bismuth will not solve the situation but only encourage the down fall of Damascus's barrel guns Feltwad
  5. Explain yourself . Do you mean that the steel shot is in a plastic wad or such if so do you release that with Damascus barrel on most hammer gun and all muzzle loader only black powder is used which in turn will melt plastic on the walls of the bore which then causes barrel ripple and other problems . Always remember Damascus barrel is not a steel barrel it was not made for shooting steel. Feltwad
  6. Gun heritage is more important than shooting steel through a Damascus barrel that will not last for long we hold them in trust not too dispose has we please by shooting steel Fellwad
  7. Most are foreign stuff which was imported into the UK just after WW11 and downgraded Birmingham gun trade The proposed lead shot ban is mostly to blame but it is taken with it the Damascus barrel gun the hammer gun and the muzzle loader back to the time of the flintlock these are part of gun heritage and should be preserved by allowing lead shot to be used in these Damascus barrel guns. What is happening today is mostly the attitude of fellow shooter and the shooting organisations who should have been under one roof decades ago but is now becoming the end of a era SAD Feltwad
  8. Received a email today to inform me that from February 5th 2025 cost for the following Renewal Firearm Certificate £131 Renewal Shotgun Certificate £126 Coterminous Renewal Shotgun and Firearms Certificate £155 Feltwad
  9. yes I read the article and are not my views for the odd shot it may be Ok but to shoot big numbers regular will do damage to the bore A Damascus Twist barrel and black powder is totally different to modern steel for which a large majority of shooters do not understand Has for old guns going to furnace this is happen now especially old hammer guns and muzzle loaders which are not selling at the auctions although at rock bottom prices .If the lead shot ban goes through it will be worse and most will end up in the furnace if a gun cannot be used then that is its end If shooter can cast their minds back a few decades when guns had to be kept in a cabinet there were farmers guns that were kept behind the back door of which most were Damascus barrel hammer guns , The cost of the cabinet was more than the price of the gun so they were handed in for the furnace, although this has nothing to do with steel it can and will happen today if lead is banned and not a suitable type the same has lead is introduced Feltwad
  10. Because black powder and plastic wad do not mix it causes barrel ripple . Feltwad
  11. A few scratchers in the barrel ,that maybe correct if only the odd shot is fired to entertain a persons shooting friends but take days of shooting up to a 100shots and more on a regular bases which my black powder guns did do on a regular bases There are different material used in Damascus barrelled shotguns which are less hard than steel which cause damage to barrels so what will steel do, one of the main wear and tare are the the wooden ramrods to percussion sxs muzzle loaders you will find most are worn too paper thin at the muzzle which is caused by ramrods The Damascus twist barrel is made by material a lot softer than modern steel it easily bulges and also dents you can whittle it with a knife how can it withstand steel shot ; Feltwad
  12. People have their own opinions on steel in Damascus Twist shotgun barrels but for me it will not be used in my Damascus barrels guns hopefully an alternative will come along and save the Damascus barrel guns from the furnace Feltwad
  13. A Damascus twist barrel breech loaders are often nitro proofed but the barrel is very flexible, it is a material that can be whittle like a stick and to shoot steel or any other would ruin the bore . The trouble with nitro the barrels especially with plastic wads is the first thing to cause barrel ripple the same applies Damascus using black powder I have been shooting and restoration of Damascus twist barrel for the passed 77years . Feltwad
  14. Hortonium If ok for Damascus twist barrels such has muzzle loaders early breech loader and pinfires it will save them has most would have ended up going to the furnace also it will fetch the big fowlers out of retirement and used for what they were built for, another factor is the price of this shot . The Damascus twist barrel is part of the gun history once gone will never be replaced and which should be held in trust for future generations to use and enjoy Feltwad
  15. I have found through personal research that there are parts of well known books which are not correct which are parts of books published in the past. . For these reasons I did 20 years research into the traditional gunmakers of the north from the Scottish border down to York a total of 300 plus names for my personal use Feltwad
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