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About Jamesrb90

  • Birthday 27/03/1990

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  1. Thanks buddy. I haven't asked no maybe I'll keep hold of it now hahahaah. I have permissions I can shoot but its more the setting up and where. Maybe I'll give it another go in the summer. Your to thank now the other half won't be happy it'll probably stay in the hallway for a year
  2. Thanks buddy. Its something I thought I'd try out but never stuck too. I think its partly I was trying on my own and as a beginner. Maybe would of been different if I got in with someone. #billynomates its doing nothing and rather it didn't sit there and perish Thanks mate
  3. Hi all having a clear out and not sure what this lot is worth. Any ideas? Only ever used once.
  4. I have done this but my gp raised concerns about the amount of information they were asking for from my gp they strongly advised that I shouldn't do. But then they won't do it themselves until it suites them. Its a complete joke.
  5. Hi all hope all is well. Iv had some serious issues with obtaining my medical proforma and my surgery being extremely unhelpful. My shotgun licence expires the 1st of March and I doubt I'll have my medical by then. I send my renewal off stating medical to follow but it was returned asking to resend when I have a medical. Its been going on for weeks and weeks Looks like I may have to surrender my guns until this is all sorted and I'm wondering if anyone has handed in their weapons to a local police station at all. Many thanks
  6. Thanks all. My licence expires 01/03/2021 so not long at all. Worst case I will leave my guns else where like someone mentioned on this thread. But I did see this on the gov web We are aware that some GP’s are still facing delays in providing reports due to COVID. Please continue to attempt obtain your completed proforma prior to submitting your renewal application regardless of your expiry date. We will not allow you to expire for this reason – if we have not received your application a week prior to your expiry date, we will extend your current certificate for a further eight weeks and will confirm that we have done this via e-mail to you
  7. Hello, does anyone know of its possible to get obtain an extension on a shotgun certificate nearing expiry? I'm nearing the end of mine and I don't think I can get the requested medical for my renewal application in time. So just wondering if anyone has come across this. Thanks
  8. Thank ypu very much guys all sorted and medcert is sorting it now
  9. Hello all, my shotgun licence is up for renewal for the first time and I believe I need to obtain a medical. The issue I have is my gp won't help me with this with the covid situation going on. Is there anyway to get this private? If so I would really appreciate a recommendation or point me in the right direction. Many thanks
  10. Thank you all, I purchased the gun second hand from the sale section. I think I'll take it out and put a box through it. Although I did shoot the gun prior to her. I imagine the gun ain't worth the fix at a smiths tbh. But I will contact them anyway And your right I really dont want to knock her confidence just now being so new to shooting, bless her I felt terrible when I heard and saw her face.
  11. Hi all, Would anyone shed some light please. I purchased a second hand Yildiz sp2 20" couple weeks ago and only just had the time to take it out today. Seems to be firing both barrels. It was meant to be for my partner but shes not too happy with 42g on her shoulder 😂 is this a easy fix? Many thanks James
  12. Thanks guys. I have a nikkostirling 3-9X50 AO mountmaster.ill do some research into what size it is and get a knock off one
  13. Jamesrb90

    Sun glare

    Hi all, Are the attachments for sun glare any good? Do they work. Having abit of trouble where I currently shooting targets and would love to find a solution James
  14. Hahaha I have indeed. I shoot after and my god i was well out! Just fitted a bipod to the rail and its more consistently accurate just some fine tuning. But what a difference...
  15. Iv seen this thank you Hatfield buddy
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