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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. This was why I said that different pellets give different power.


    I hope enough people have said this for you now DC, when I use my chrono it asks me to put in the pellet weight because it matters, so if the guy in the shop uses a cheap light pellet and says there you go its running at 11.9 then you go home and start using bisley Mags you could easily go over.

  2. Very good point Vince, don't ban these sites that there looking at, have them bugged or what ever they do in cyber world as soon as they start looking go round turn there house upside down looking for anything suspicious.


    If there in social housing or on benefits and they access stuff on bombs or terrorism evict or stop there money, first time not the the sixth.


    And then tag them your being watched for twelve months Misbehave jail or deport if possible ie not british

  3. Just don't forget different weights give different energy. I know most already know this but if you set the power at say 11.8 with your pellet at say 14grn but then go to a lighter weight pellet it could easily push past the 12 limit.


    A chrono is well worth the money.


    Edit, hope that's the right way round and I don't mean a heavier pellet?

  4. Yeah your right scully Corbyn and co could probably drag the process out for years.


    Be good if they made some sort of emergency act, ie your a suspect related to terrorism, as soon as your a person of interest they suspend your human rights.

  5. I like the word outlaw, if you break the law your human rights should be suspended ie you can't then hide behind them.


    But yes I agree with Lloyd it needs to be done carefully wouldn't take much before were all saying its not fair how can they do this

  6. You have to love the different opinions the papers have,


    The sun a double page spread on how dangerous Corbyn Abbott and McDonnell are, can't argue if the facts are true


    The mirror a double page spread on tactical voting listing the areas where its close, the theme being if you live in Bath vote LD if your a labourite


    Bleeding sneaky

  7. I do enjoy it when a thread wanders off.


    Been trying to find out numbers employed by Amazon in UK, I could only find a figure of 6000 in 2014 so its probably treble that now.


    They might not be paying what they should in our eyes but if they did one an awful lot of people would be in dire straights.


    Think when Woolworths shut and Bhs?

    Not specialist industries but lots of folk affected

  8. I don't care where they were born. Syria is a lawless state. They don't care who arrives there. These scum want a Muslim state (caliphate) so let them have one. The alternative for them if they don't take up the 'offer' is a bullet in the back of the head. Job done.

    I don't see that putting them off, its the kind of thing I imagine Stalin did or hitler, it would possibly unite the middle east if there brothers were suddenly disappeared, you think family members wouldn't speak out.


    Can't see this thread lasting much longer now anyway.

  9. The other thing with arming all police is then all the criminals want guns.


    Yes there are already a lot about but look at the USA as an example, there are people getting shot day in day out, not by terrorists by each other.

  10. Pretty sure everyone wants something done avb but what your suggesting is never going to happen, how can you send someone back to syria if they were born here?


    Ban travel to these problem countries if your found to have gone anyway then you get a one way ticket in an animal crate.

  11. We didn't extend a house we were at because we would never have got back what we spent, so just moved instead of improved.


    I'm guessing a 7 bed is pretty big so your not looking to move as said above get an architect to give you an idea on price, how much are you willing to spend for a quiet bath is probably the main question

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