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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Very nice of you Bruno,


    I always liked using bisley superfield, there not a long range pellet that's for sure but I always valued being able to get close more than a long range shot, but they wouldn't load right in the rapid 7 mag.


    I did once buy a load of pellets possibly 50s ten maybe fifteen different types so you can see how they shoot and how they load in the mag.


    I would think Macs might open up a few tins for you you to try them for size, rws superdome were longer so might suit your mag better

  2. Great to watch if they are bees, we had some in a compost bin couple years ago, the fruit did great that year.


    Also had a swarm between gardens didn't hang around long but good to watch, from a distance

  3. How does that work, you pay for each property? I can understand if you have to pay to register with the agency so they know your genuine and not just saying I'll look at those 5,


    Otherwise I don't think so

  4. We'll strange as it is I enjoy the 6 nations internationals lions tours but have never been able to get into the domestic game, league now that is different, even playing a masters game tomorrow as half time entertainment in Blackpool, what's this football thing 😄

  5. The Waverly happy memories, was that the one opposite the saltire??


    Are you ex RM then very knowledgeable on the area?


    First place I ever saw red squirrels, went grouse beating near by not Arbroath, it was like Another World so quiet.

  6. I was up there on Wed. for work. Did a drop near Edinburgh and then drove right over to the west coast, Cambelltown, absolutely stunning scenery over that way.

    After redundancy I worked for an agency based in Perth driving, I saw more of Scotland in a month than I had living there in two years, beautiful place.


    arbers and lunan bay you must be ex Royal

    Ha ha no mate played rugby with the 45 lads though, engineer, weatherford. Used to get it all the time when out girls chatting you up, but it could be they wanted in ya pants or it could be there mates wanted to jump you??

  8. Take Down and Take Away,somewhere between £850 // £1250..

    Bet your Boots.


    These prices are aimed at Live Trees..

    If it is dead or dying,more,,these trees can Explode in all directions..

    They do not call these type of trees WIDOW MAKERS For nothing.

    They are Very Dangerous..

    Well the search function finally worked for me, couldn't find the thread but don't think I went back far enough.


    Cost of the job cut down and removal of the beech tree plus half a big conifer was....... £570 I kid you not they got 3 prices a grand £850 and the winner.


    What size are your boots 👢

  9. Sadly I eat more seafood now than I did back then? The smokies are nice, pub on the harbour used to do a Viking plater really nice and the weather on the east coast was probably better than here in the northwest.

  10. Ok by follow what you want I meant Christianity Hindi Muslim, different religious beliefs thought you would have understood that one.


    I don't know what religious beliefs my neighbours have, none of my concern, I have trained judo with probably 10 or 12 different nationalities probably lots of different religious beliefs but it never came up and why should it?

  11. Don`t you dare use christianity as an excuse for the way this country works, if you love your neighbour then why post this, if you don`t then you are not a christian, absolutely end of!


    If it is an attack on Kaffur it is a sham of Islam too!


    (Admins - If you want bin both posts I`m happy with that)

    Sorry I don't understand what you mean?


    Watched something once that said religion has killed more people than malaria, my personal belief is follow what you want just don't expect others to agree with you.

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