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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I think labour only get in if everyone forgets to go and vote, as you mention above where o where is the money coming from for all the free stuff there offering.


    Don't forget 30hrs free child care? Think we qualify for 15hrs from age 3 and the wife says that's plenty.


    Plus can anyone imagine any of the labour actually being able to do the job??


    Scary days, roll on Friday right result then the focus can be back on what needs doing.

  2. That's a very good point Archie I remember shielding a wpc years ago from getting knocked over during trouble outside a pub, probably have to have minimum of two officers together, then someone mentioned the police being armed even when off duty that would put police under even more pressure, chance of a stolen weapon would go up ten fold.


    The armed officers I normally see about seem huge with body armour and all there gear on.

  3. That's it though, folk think they can have whatever they want and now, my misses hasn't worked for nearly six years our choice so she's at home with the kids, I've worked away to earn more and now just work shifts, if you live within your means life is simple.

  4. Aren't all police in Paris armed?


    I would welcome the arming of all police but it would take a lot of training time and money.


    Roll out the army we could have armed posts around cities but how long could that be warrented?

  5. but what if and when the terrorist is armed with an ak47 ?

    Then police aren't go to engage, what I'm saying is all officers could be carrying tassers pretty quick, compared with fire arms training which takes how long?


    My other thought was more dogs but again time taken for training, tassers could be rolled out quick make it known you brandish a weapon in public, knife hammer anything you are going to be subject to maximum force available.

  6. My little girl 5, going on 6 shocked us last week. We had very deliberately kept her from seeing most of the news after the attack in Manchester, my opinion being she doesn't need to know she's 5, children should be able to be children.


    The week after she sees all the balloons in Manchester on the news, I explain that a nasty person did something bad and killed people, o yeah Mrs such and such said there had been a bomb, can I go outside now.


    Obviously young enough to not let it register properly yet but these things will most likely get worse before they get better.

  7. Watched this happening last night and cringed, the fact that these individuals were put down fast, no talking them down just bang bang done is a massive positive step.


    Arming all police wouldn't work as not all police want arming but tassers could be in place by next week, there or four police zapping some crazy with a knife should stop them if armed response aren't there,


    I would tag everyone of interest not nice but something has to be done, how long till were looking at vigilantes roaming the streets or riots as in 2011.


    I agree you can't simply deport all Muslims and why should you, but ban travel to countries that we have issue with, if you visit these countries your done, no coming back.


    Got to start somewhere.

  8. Go second hand get a rifle scope probably bottle as well for that money, make everyone has got there opinions, just have a read through whats being said on the other threads, I'm a .22 man .177 too fiddly for my liking.


    Someone said they were selling a bsa for around your money but you will find plenty



  9. The good thing about renting is you can try an area out, I don't see it as dead money you've got to live somewhere.


    And you can rent a house or live in an area that you probably couldn't afford to buy in, as you say plenty more out there.

  10. Next door had there's done, two years ago maybe same idea she was drooling , doesn't want the glass, I've said not a chance until everything upstairs has been done. Couldn't care less what catches the stairs on the way up now, if they looked like those id be terrified of clipping them.

  11. a reduced majority for May would be a disaster, as this was the whole point of calling an election.

    The world's gone mad your making sense.


    Probably just biased air time but I seem to see more of Corbyn than May, hope its just me??

  12. They do say that a healthy one should not have to many bugs on it just thinking why are you trapping then would not a big one like that have babies to look after unless it was a male one but who can tell what it is.

    Cage trap set for squirrels but the hedgehog had squeezed in for some food, released in the morning.

  13. Going off tangent slightly, yesterday morning I saw a thrush chasing, flying after a pigeon! Over several gardens around and down the river.


    Thought this was strange behaviour and tried telling myself it was a sparrow hawk which I knew it wasn't.


    Couple of hours later bit further away I see a black bird doing the same thing??


    Anyone got any suggestions as to why??

  14. You still might not shoot great groups with a 6mag but you should get grouping now everything is on right.


    Hunting wise you should be ok, the small chalk targets you can get are fun ten pence piece size ish, you hit they blow up, you miss they don't.


    It easy to think you have to have tiny groups but knowing your pellet is going where your aiming is the main thing

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