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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. When she asked "whats wrong", i said "i have a problem with my ****.She then said "you shouldn't of said that in a full waiting room".I said "but you did insist i tell you", she said "ok, but you could of said you have a problem with you ear or something"

    "Ok can we start again, i have a problem with my ear"

    she asked "whats wrong with your ear"


    I said !"i cant **** out of it"

    Brilliant just showed it the wife and she nearly wet herself

  2. I wouldn't think it would matter wether the tiger had killed or not, seems like a bad idea being in the run or cage with one. Given the numbers of them I wouldn't like to see it put down, beautiful animals, hopefully just a tragic accident

  3. How about the countries they keep going back to for training, if they have been to known trouble spots sight seeing then send them back one way ticket good bye!!


    Obviously a problem if they were born in the UK and have never left

  4. I haven't looked at the link yet but if you have a large garden they want to charge you for it is that the basic idea?


    Who has large gardens? Folk who work hard and choose a house with a large garden or have plenty of cash and so buy something with a bit of land, or folk in rentals and council accommodation??


    It's a tricky one can't think why there not shouting about it🤔

  5. [quote name="vampire"



    Definate way to solve it would be to box it up take it back and buy a AA 410 .177 classic :good: lots of shots being the classic, long range being .177 and the best pcp multi shot. :whistling:


    Your so mean!

    I'll bite, better than the Rapid 7

    Better than the Hw 110


    Couldn't resist 🤐

  6. Just had another look at your pic, obviously nothing touching the barrel, I would just fire off a tin of pellets in the garage with a suitable back stop then have a look in the mod, see if anything's in there

  7. Have a look at what vampire says, is the barrel touching somewhere? If you haven't got any feelers just use a piece of paper check that where you have put the bipod isn't catching at all.


    Given how much you were off with the mod back on I'm wondering is it on correct because that seems like a really big difference to me

  8. O yes proud to say we were dragged up but we enjoyed it.


    Worst brake I saw one of the lads snapped his arm compound fracture jumping off the normal swings seeing how far we could.


    Bike rides big swings fishing catapults camping canoeing long warm summers and rose tinted glasses 😎


    Do you understand even the basics of economics? When you have more buyers than sellers then the price will go up. Some estate agents might be shady but the house price explosion, which has been in most but not all areas, has got nothing to do with Estate Agents.

    I realise that estate agents aren't entirely to blame and things go up in price but like I said I bought a house for £43k it would probably go on the market at £110k now, I sold it at £54k after 6 years I think and was happy with that, nothing in the area had changed no major infrastructure changes no new roads etc, so where is the justification in such a huge increase in price?


    My point is the banks say sure have more money, the estate agents give much higher valuations and then people sell with the highest price because why wouldn't you.


    This way everyone is in debt much longer, I would have been earning about 18-21k back when I bought that first house with a partner earning similar so glad I'm not starting now doubt it would be a 3 bed semi in an area I wanted.

  10. Not familiar with the gun but, my webley tracker did this years ago had loads of trouble with a Niko sterling scope, set everything up all good then pop? Zero all over the place.


    It ended up back at Niko with them telling my dad, that's how long ago were talking that everything is fine its grouping well on a .243 using whatever size bullet, I tell them to stick it on a spring air rifle using rws superdome , phone call later were sending you out a new scope, which went back to the shop and I swapped for a tasco.


    Can you shoot the rifle with open sights to see if it groups?

    Could just be the spring knocking the stuffing out of the scope?

  11. As kids we always put up rope swings in the park and you have just jogged my memory and made me smile and shiver, I was the monkey sent up the tree and when I think back now I would have been very dead had I fallen, but it was high enough that we had a second rope attached which 6 or 7 mates could pull and really get you going, the joys/stupidity of youth.

  12. Similar thing happened at south lakes zoo few years back, think they were saying it was suicide by tiger at one point but I can't remember what the official verdict was, tiger was put down though and the girl died.

  13. Your right, first house I bought cost me£43k around the mid ninetys last time it sold was around £110-120 if memory serves, don't think wages have gone up that much so its obvious the banks lend more. Estate agents give a higher valuation which someone pays and things keep going up.


    So how are kids these days going to afford a mortgage???

  14. The worrying thing is in Blackpool at the weekend and plenty of vote labour placards out ???


    Bit behind on the weekends news been busy but how can Corbyn say he never met anyone from the ira when he quite clearly did.


    How can he give a speech like that right after the attack in Manchester, his own Manchester mayor disagrees with him straight away??

  15. They were quite low down in our garden just appeared, neighbour ran off to call council who said to call a bee keeper, we just watched from a distance only hung around for an hour or so probably the queen having a rest then off they went.

  16. Yeah something seems off pal, I was showing off last week to niece and nephew the bull had been destroyed so when I got my turn I was putting my shots in there holes, sat down shooting off windowsill, even if it was windy and new rifle I would expect better grouping than your pics.


    Check all the obvious scope straight, right distance for your eye, everything tight is there any fouling on the silencer.


    Are you a snatching your shots? Should be able to almost watch your pellets striking, can with .22 but .177 might be too quick

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