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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. My Mrs pays £4.80 a week at Broomfield hospital for staff parking.(works 3 days a week)

    Although they have just lost 55 staff places due to trees having protection orders placed on them.

    They have great park and ride incentives- half price for all NHS staff.

    How can you loose car parking spaces because of protection orders on trees? There all mad

  2. I have no issue being charged if I'm going to the hospital that's just how it is, but as Paul says above no one will have considered the staff in Manchester, I like to think the money goes to the up keep of the car parks or back to the hospital but does it?

  3. Another incident on the radio today two dogs attacked a little girl in Liverpool think they said dogs destroyed not sure? Just said not banned breads.


    Can't believe this dog was given to you having just bitten someone, so the owners knew there was something wrong with him, hence selling him then calling the rescue people, really do hope the rescue centre are incompetent and didn't do a proper job rather than knowingly housing a dangerous dog with you.

  4. Have you checked your fuse box? We had a party years ago oven going all the lights other stuff on it caused an overload pretty much melted a cable instead of just tripping out.


    Other thought have you got a tumble dryer? Been a lot of issues with those in the news lately causing fires.


    Might seem a fuss but take your oven out and check the terminals POWER off are they tight?


    Can you get under the cupboards remove the ?? Can't think of the name, but check you haven't got a dead mouse or something?


    Hope you get to the bottom of this soon

  5. Your welcome, chances are I could make what you needed the only problem being where I work we are generally set up for medium to large work so a favour becomes a big job


    I have read on here about people having scanners I bet you a quid if you offer a stalk on one of your muntjac someone gets it scanned for you 👍

  6. I would re post asking about scanners, they can scan pretty much anything it will just depend on how they are set up, big business or medical will have all sorts of materials available but guys on here probably just plastic. Have a look on YouTube interesting stuff.


    Just to make you laugh I'm sat watching a cnc mill, no work on the lathes tonight ☹

  7. The thing that always gets me is the wind turbines no running because its too windy??? See them off shore around barrow in Furness and they never seem be moving, up around Blackburn and Darwin on the hills there normally spinning away, at least the solar panels should always be working.

  8. Hi walker you might be better off trying find someone with a 3D printer, I work in cnc and I imagine most places wouldn't be able to help on something so small unless you knew them and could get it done as a foreigner, my place gets all materials bought in cut to size nowadays and guessing it would need turning and milling.


    The stuff they are doing with the 3D scanners these days is really good and even made out of plastic as a prototype it should show if it would work.


    Been a couple of posts on here about the scanners so a few folk have them.


    Good luck let me know how you get on


  9. The raw dog food book I've got says about a women giving her dogs great Danes I think a mix of oats and peanut butter mid afternoon to stop them loosing condition, I'll have to dig it out and take a look, could be something worth while during the day.

  10. Thanks browning, that's an interesting read .12% seems like a good amount of energy being provided. I am guessing that if they were to try and build that across the Severn it would be a massive massive amount of money nowadays so will never be done.

  11. Thanks for LS I'm not wanting everything to be a soup or stew but at the same time a burnt lump and dead slow cooker wouldn't be good either.


    I'll be keeping an eye out for a recipe book when I'm out as I can never be bothered looking on line when in the kitchen. Much more fun opening up a book then ignoring half the ingredients it says.

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